Monday, April 30, 2012
1204.6143 (S. B. Koller et al.)
Spin Drag in a Bose Gas [PDF]
S. B. Koller, A. Groot, P. C. Bons, R. A. Duine, H. T. C. Stoof, P. van der Straten1204.6183 (Romain Dubessy et al.)
Critical Rotation of an Annular Superfluid Bose Gas [PDF]
Romain Dubessy, Thomas Liennard, Paolo Pedri, Hélène PerrinFriday, April 27, 2012
1112.3718 (Kamalika Roy et al.)
Spectral fluctuation and $\frac{1}{f^α}$ noise in the energy
level statistics of interacting trapped bosons [PDF]
Kamalika Roy, Barnali Chakrabarti, Anindya Biswas, V. K. B. Kota, Sudip Kumar Haldar
1201.3344 (Zhihao Lan et al.)
Coexistence of spin-1/2 and spin-1 Dirac-Weyl fermions in the
edge-centered honeycomb lattice [PDF]
Zhihao Lan, Nathan Goldman, Patrik Ohberg
1204.5790 (D. Rubeni et al.)
Quantum phase transitions in Bose-Einstein condensates from a Bethe
ansatz perspective [PDF]
D. Rubeni, A. Foerster, E. Mattei, I. Roditi
1204.5889 (Pinja Haikka et al.)
Robust non-Markovianity in ultracold gases [PDF]
Pinja Haikka, Suzanne McEndoo, Gabriele De Chiara, Massimo Palma, Sabrina Maniscalco1204.5896 (Malte C. Tichy et al.)
Dynamical effects of exchange symmetry breaking in mixtures of
interacting bosons [PDF]
Malte C. Tichy, Jacob F. Sherson, Klaus Mølmer
1204.5949 (Yanting Zhang et al.)
Quantum Adsorption of an Electron to Porous Silicon [PDF]
Yanting Zhang, Dennis P. Clougherty1204.6021 (Michael S. Underwood et al.)
Bose-Hubbard model for universal quantum walk-based computation [PDF]
Michael S. Underwood, David L. FederThursday, April 26, 2012
1201.1176 (Jia Wang et al.)
Origin of the Three-body Parameter Universality in Efimov Physics [PDF]
Jia Wang, J. P. D'Incao, B. D. Esry, Chris H. GreeneWednesday, April 25, 2012
1109.4977 (Ryan M. Wilson et al.)
A Dielectric Superfluid of Polar Molecules [PDF]
Ryan M. Wilson, Seth T. Rittenhouse, John L. Bohn1201.0523 (Y. Khorramzadeh et al.)
Boson Core Compressibility [PDF]
Y. Khorramzadeh, Fei Lin, V. W. Scarola1204.5183 (Manuel Endres et al.)
The `Higgs' Amplitude Mode at the Two-Dimensional Superfluid-Mott
Insulator Transition [PDF]
Manuel Endres, Takeshi Fukuhara, David Pekker, Marc Cheneau, Peter Schauß, Christian Gross, Eugene Demler, Stefan Kuhr, Immanuel Bloch
1204.5184 (Matthew Killi et al.)
Probing equilibrium current patterns of ultracold atoms in an optical
lattice [PDF]
Matthew Killi, Arun Paramekanti
1204.5190 (L. Pollet et al.)
The Higgs mode in a two-dimensional superfluid [PDF]
L. Pollet, N. V. Prokof'ev1204.5329 (Philipp Hyllus et al.)
Entanglement and Extreme Spin Squeezing for a Fluctuating Number of
Indistinguishable Particles [PDF]
Philipp Hyllus, Luca Pezze, Augusto Smerzi, Geza Toth
1204.5423 (Tobias Graß et al.)
Non-Abelian spin singlet states of two-component Bose gases in
artificial gauge fields [PDF]
Tobias Graß, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Nuria Barberán, Maciej Lewenstein
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
1109.4364 (S. Langer et al.)
Expansion velocity of a one-dimensional, two-component Fermi gas during
the sudden expansion in the ballistic regime [PDF]
S. Langer, M. J. A. Schuetz, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schollwock, F. Heidrich-Meisner
1204.4791 (Philippe Corboz et al.)
Comment on "Topological quantum phase transitions of attractive spinless
fermions in a honeycomb lattice" by Poletti D. et al [PDF]
Philippe Corboz, Sylvain Capponi, Andreas M. Laeuchli, Bela Bauer, Roman Orus
Monday, April 23, 2012
1109.4310 (Dominic C. Wadkin-Snaith et al.)
Quantum gray solitons in confining potentials [PDF]
Dominic C. Wadkin-Snaith, Dimitri M. Gangardt1204.4682 (M. D. Lee et al.)
Bragg spectroscopic interferometer and quantum measurement-induced
correlations in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
M. D. Lee, S. Rist, J Ruostekoski
1204.4715 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)
Dynamical crossover between the infinite-volume and empty-lattice limits
of ultra-cold fermions in 1D optical lattices [PDF]
Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra
Friday, April 20, 2012
1111.2598 (Renat A. Sultanov et al.)
Ultracold collisions between two light indistinguishable diatomic
molecules: elastic and rotational energy transfer in HD+HD [PDF]
Renat A. Sultanov, Dennis Guster, S. K. Adhikari
1111.2599 (Renat A. Sultanov et al.)
A comparative study of the low energy HD+o-/p-H2 rotational
excitation/de-excitation collisions and elastic scattering [PDF]
Renat A. Sultanov, Dennis Guster, S. K. Adhikari
1204.4229 (Ye-Ryoung Lee et al.)
Compressibility of an Ultracold Fermi Gas with Repulsive Interactions [PDF]
Ye-Ryoung Lee, Myoung-Sun Heo, Jae-Hoon Choi, Tout T. Wang, Caleb A. Christensen, Timur M. Rvachov, Wolfgang Ketterle1204.4394 (Igor Boettcher et al.)
Ultracold atoms and the Functional Renormalization Group [PDF]
Igor Boettcher, Jan M. Pawlowski, Sebastian DiehlThursday, April 19, 2012
1204.3911 (P. Calabrese et al.)
Quantum Quench in the Transverse Field Ising chain I: Time evolution of
order parameter correlators [PDF]
P. Calabrese, F. H. L. Essler, M. Fagotti
1204.3960 (Jun Sato et al.)
Quantum dark solitons in the 1D Bose gas and the superfluid velocity [PDF]
Jun Sato, Rina Kanamoto, Eriko Kaminishi, Tetsuo Deguchi1204.3974 (Feng Mei et al.)
Creation, manipulation and detection of Majorana fermions with cold
atoms in optical lattice [PDF]
Feng Mei, Chuan-Jia Shan, Xun-Li Feng, Shi-Liang Zhu, Zhi-Ming Zhang, L. C. Kwek, D. Wilkowski, C. H. Oh
1204.4050 (Shang-Shun Zhang et al.)
Interaction and filling-induced quantum anomalous Hall effect in
Bose-Fermi mixture on hexagonal lattice [PDF]
Shang-Shun Zhang, Heng Fan, Wu-Ming Liu
1204.4081 (Tsubasa Ichikawa et al.)
Equation of State for One-Dimensional Attractive δ-Bose Gas in Weak
Coupling Regime [PDF]
Tsubasa Ichikawa, Izumi Tsutsui, Nobuhiro Yonezawa
1204.4095 (Magnus O. Borgh et al.)
Robustness and observability of rotating vortex-lattices in an
exciton-polariton condensate [PDF]
Magnus O. Borgh, Guido Franchetti, Jonathan Keeling, Natalia G. Berloff
1204.4102 (Bernd Lücke et al.)
Twin matter waves for interferometry beyond the classical limit [PDF]
Bernd Lücke, Manuel Scherer, Jens Kruse, Luca Pezzé, Frank Deuretzbacher, Phillip Hyllus, Oliver Topic, Jan Peise, Wolfgang Ertmer, Jan Arlt, Luis Santos, Augusto Smerzi, Carsten Klempt1204.4149 (Raul A. Santos et al.)
Quantum phase transition in a multicomponent anyonic Lieb-Liniger model [PDF]
Raul A. Santos, Francis N. C. Paraan, Vladimir E. Korepin1204.4171 (Daniel Cocks et al.)
Interaction effects in the spinful time-reversal invariant Hofstadter
problem [PDF]
Daniel Cocks, Peter P. Orth, Stephan Rachel, Michael Buchhold, Karyn Le Hur, Walter Hofstetter
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
1110.6120 (Li-Jun Lang et al.)
Edge states and topological phases in one-dimensional optical
superlattices [PDF]
Li-Jun Lang, Xiaoming Cai, Shu Chen
1204.2966 (Líney Halla Kristinsdóttir et al.)
Total Current Blockade in an Ultra-Cold Dipolar Quantum Wire [PDF]
Líney Halla Kristinsdóttir, Olov Karlström, Johannes Bjerlin, Jonas C. Cremon, Peter Schlagheck, Andreas Wacker, Stephanie M. ReimannTuesday, April 17, 2012
1204.3177 (Takuto Kawakami et al.)
Stable Skyrmions in SU(2) Gauged Bose-Einstein Condensates [PDF]
Takuto Kawakami, Takeshi Mizushima, Muneto Nitta, Kazushige Machida1204.3242 (Christine Khripkov et al.)
Temporal fluctuations in the bosonic Josephson junction as a probe for
phase space tomography [PDF]
Christine Khripkov, Doron Cohen, Amichay Vardi
1204.3451 (T. Karpiuk et al.)
Coherent multiple forward scattering peak unveiled by Anderson
localization [PDF]
T. Karpiuk, N. Cherroret, K. L. Lee, B. Grémaud, C. A. Müller, C. Miniatura
1204.3545 (Fawaz Hrahsheh et al.)
Anomalous elasticity in a disordered layered XY model [PDF]
Fawaz Hrahsheh, Thomas Vojta1204.3564 (R. Hivet et al.)
Half-solitons in a polariton quantum fluid behave like magnetic
monopoles [PDF]
R. Hivet, H. Flayac, D. D. Solnyshkov, D. Tanese, T. Boulier, D. Andreoli, E. Giacobino, J. Bloch, A. Bramati, G. Malpuech, A. Amo
Monday, April 16, 2012
1204.2948 (Shyamal Biswas et al.)
Thermodynamics of quantum gases for the entire range of temperature [PDF]
Shyamal Biswas, Debnarayan Jana1204.3009 (Lauri Toikka et al.)
Exact Soliton-like Solutions of the Radial Gross-Pitaevskii Equation [PDF]
Lauri Toikka, Jarmo Hietarinta, Kalle-Antti Suominen1204.3036 (S. Genway et al.)
Thermalisation of Local Observables in Small Hubbard Lattices [PDF]
S. Genway, A. F. Ho, D. K. K. LeeFriday, April 13, 2012
1108.3608 (M. J. Davis et al.)
Yang-Yang thermometry and momentum distribution of a trapped
one-dimensional Bose gas [PDF]
M. J. Davis, P. B. Blakie, A. H. van Amerongen, N. J. van Druten, K. V. Kheruntsyan
1109.2464 (Meera M. Parish et al.)
Density instabilities in a two-dimensional dipolar Fermi gas [PDF]
Meera M. Parish, Francesca M. Marchetti1204.2596 (J. Carlson et al.)
Superfluid Pairing in Neutrons and Cold Atoms [PDF]
J. Carlson, S. Gandolfi, A. Gezerlis1204.2704 (Stefan K. Baur et al.)
Radio frequency spectra of Feshbach molecules in quasi-two dimensional
geometries [PDF]
Stefan K. Baur, Bernd Fröhlich, Michael Feld, Enrico Vogt, Daniel Pertot, Marco Koschorreck, Michael Köhl
1204.2721 (O. Kyriienko et al.)
Spin-orbit coupled cold exciton condensates [PDF]
O. Kyriienko, E. B. Magnusson, I. A. Shelykh1204.2786 (Weibin Li et al.)
Probing the interaction between Rydberg-dressed atoms through
interference [PDF]
Weibin Li, Lama Hamadeh, Igor Lesanovsky
Thursday, April 12, 2012
1110.6415 (V. Ngampruetikorn et al.)
Repulsive polarons in two-dimensional Fermi gases [PDF]
V. Ngampruetikorn, J. Levinsen, Meera M. Parish1204.2271 (M. Aparicio Alcalde et al.)
Thermal phase transitions for Dicke-type models in the ultra-strong
coupling limit [PDF]
M. Aparicio Alcalde, M. Bucher, C. Emary, T. Brandes
1204.2487 (Jan Schole et al.)
Critical Dynamics of a Two-dimensional Superfluid near a Non-Thermal
Fixed Point [PDF]
Jan Schole, Boris Nowak, Thomas Gasenzer
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
1105.4627 (Tin-Lun Ho et al.)
Alternative Route to Strong Interaction: Narrow Feshbach Resonance [PDF]
Tin-Lun Ho, Xiaoling Cui, Weiran Li1107.2663 (Hendrik Weimer et al.)
In situ measurement of the dynamic structure factor in ultracold quantum
gases [PDF]
Hendrik Weimer, Hans Peter Büchler
1108.1779 (Aurel Bulgac et al.)
Quantum Shock Waves and Domain Walls in the Real-Time Dynamics of a
Superfluid Unitary Fermi Gas [PDF]
Aurel Bulgac, Yuan-Lung, Luo, Kenneth J. Roche
1110.1870 (A. Bermudez et al.)
Robust Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic Gates by Continuous Dynamical
Decoupling [PDF]
A. Bermudez, P. O. Schmidt, M. B. Plenio, A. Retzker
1204.2118 (Jun'ichi Ozaki et al.)
Collision of one-dimensional fermion clusters [PDF]
Jun'ichi Ozaki, Masaki Tezuka, Norio KawakamiTuesday, April 10, 2012
1204.1591 (M. Egorov et al.)
Precision measurements of s-wave scattering lengths in a two-component
Bose-Einstein condensate [PDF]
M. Egorov, B. Opanchuk, P. Drummond, B. V. Hall, P. Hannaford, A. I. Sidorov
1204.1697 (Yi-Fei Wang et al.)
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Flat Bands with Chern
Number Two [PDF]
Yi-Fei Wang, Hong Yao, Chang-De Gong, D. N. Sheng
1204.1725 (K. Aikawa et al.)
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Erbium [PDF]
K. Aikawa, A. Frisch, M. Mark, S. Baier, A. Rietzler, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino1204.1822 (J. K. Block et al.)
Density wave instabilities of tilted fermionic dipoles in a multilayer
geometry [PDF]
J. K. Block, N. T. Zinner, G. M. Bruun
1204.1887 (Pengjun Wang et al.)
Spin-Orbit Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases [PDF]
Pengjun Wang, Zeng-Qiang Yu, Zhengkun Fu, Jiao Miao, Lianghui Huang, Shijie Chai, Hui Zhai, Jing ZhangMonday, April 9, 2012
1204.1490 (Michael H. Kolodrubetz et al.)
FCI-QMC approach to the Fermi polaron [PDF]
Michael H. Kolodrubetz, Bryan K. Clark1204.1510 (Abraham J. Olson et al.)
Effects of magnetic dipole-dipole interactions in atomic Bose-Einstein
condensates with tunable s-wave interactions [PDF]
Abraham J. Olson, Daniel L. Whitenack, Yong P. Chen
1204.1519 (Angela White et al.)
Creation and characterization of vortex clusters in atomic Bose-Einstein
condensates [PDF]
Angela White, Carlo Barenghi, Nick Proukakis
Friday, April 6, 2012
1111.5761 (N. Henkel et al.)
Supersolid Vortex Crystals in Rydberg-dressed Bose-Einstein Condensates [PDF]
N. Henkel, F. Cinti, P. Jain, G. Pupillo, T. Pohl1204.1103 (Ashton S. Bradley et al.)
Energy spectra of vortex distributions in two-dimensional quantum
turbulence [PDF]
Ashton S. Bradley, Brian P. Anderson
1204.1102 (T. W. Neely et al.)
Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence in a Compressible
Superfluid [PDF]
T. W. Neely, A. S. Bradley, E. C. Samson, S. J. Rooney, E. M. Wright, K. J. H. Law, R. Carretero-González, P. G. Kevrekidis, M. J. Davis, B. P. Anderson
1204.1175 (Yuta Toga et al.)
Mott Transition and Spin Structures of Spin-1 Bosons in Two-Dimensional
Optical Lattice at Unit Filling [PDF]
Yuta Toga, Hiroki Tsuchiura, Makoto Yamashita, Kensuke Inaba, Hisatoshi Yokoyama
1204.1256 (L. Wen et al.)
Controlling phase separation of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
by confinement [PDF]
L. Wen, W. M. Liu, Yongyong Cai, J. M. Zhang, Jiangping Hu
1204.1313 (C. D'Errico et al.)
Noise-induced anomalous diffusion of interacting particles in a
disordered lattice [PDF]
C. D'Errico, M. Moratti, E. Lucioni, L. Tanzi, B. Deissler, M. Inguscio, G. Modugno, M. B. Plenio, F. Caruso
Thursday, April 5, 2012
1107.2613 (Jeroen P. A. Devreese et al.)
Controlling the pair momentum of the FFLO state in a 3D Fermi gas
through a 1D periodic potential [PDF]
Jeroen P. A. Devreese, Michiel Wouters, Jacques Tempere
1109.5703 (Arya Dhar et al.)
Bose Hubbard Model in a Strong Effective Magnetic Field: Emergence of a
Chiral Mott Insulator Ground State [PDF]
Arya Dhar, Maheswar Maji, Tapan Mishra, R. V. Pai, Subroto Mukerjee, Arun Paramekanti
1112.5768 (Naoyuki Sakumichi et al.)
Criteria of off-diagonal long-range order in Bose and Fermi systems
based on the Lee-Yang cluster expansion method [PDF]
Naoyuki Sakumichi, Norio Kawakami, Masahito Ueda
1204.0903 (Igor Lesanovsky et al.)
Interacting Fibonacci anyons in a Rydberg gas [PDF]
Igor Lesanovsky, Hosho Katsura1204.0981 (Kosmas Kepesidis et al.)
The Bose-Hubbard model with localized particle losses [PDF]
Kosmas Kepesidis, Michael J. HartmannWednesday, April 4, 2012
1112.5720 (A. K. Kolezhuk et al.)
Frustrated spin chains in strong magnetic field: dilute two-component
Bose gas regime [PDF]
A. K. Kolezhuk, F. Heidrich-Meisner, S. Greschner, T. Vekua
1204.0016 (Michael Buchhold et al.)
Effects of Smooth Boundaries on Topological Edge Modes in Optical
Lattices [PDF]
Michael Buchhold, Daniel Cocks, Walter Hofstetter
1204.0018 (Charles J. M. Mathy et al.)
Enlarging and cooling the Néel state in an optical lattice [PDF]
Charles J. M. Mathy, David A. Huse, Randall G. Hulet1204.0048 (T. E. Drake et al.)
Direct observation of the Fermi surface in an ultracold atomic gas [PDF]
T. E. Drake, Y. Sagi, R. Paudel, J. T. Stewart, J. P. Gaebler, D. S. Jin1204.0058 (K. V. Kherunstyan et al.)
Violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with matter waves [PDF]
K. V. Kherunstyan, J. -C. Jaskula, P. Deuar, M. Bonneau, G. B. Partridge, J. Ruaudel, R. Lopes, D. Boiron, C. I. Westbrook1204.0202 (Shingo Kobayashi et al.)
Topological classification of vortex-core structures of spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
Shingo Kobayashi, Yuki Kawaguchi, Muneto Nitta, Masahito Ueda
1204.0270 (Gabriel Wlazłowski et al.)
Shear Viscosity of a Unitary Fermi Gas [PDF]
Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski, Joaquín E. Drut1204.0413 (Achim Lauer et al.)
Transport induced melting of Rydberg crystals in a one dimensional
lattice [PDF]
Achim Lauer, Dominik Muth, Michael Fleischhauer
1204.0571 (Zhongbo Yan et al.)
Magnetic Impurities in Two-Dimensional Superfluid Fermi Gas with
Spin-Orbit Coupling [PDF]
Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Liang Sun, Shaolong Wan
1204.0619 (Kazuya Fujimoto et al.)
Spin Turbulence in a Trapped Spin-1 Spinor Bose--Einstein Condensate [PDF]
Kazuya Fujimoto, Makoto Tsubota1204.0720 (P. B. Walczak et al.)
Back-Reaction of Perturbation Wave Packets on Gray Solitons [PDF]
P. B. Walczak, J. R. Anglin1204.0727 (K. A. Commeford et al.)
Symmetry breaking and singularity structure in Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
K. A. Commeford, M. A. Garcia-March, A. Ferrando, Lincoln D. Carr1204.0780 (B. Rogers et al.)
Entanglement control in hybrid optomechanical systems [PDF]
B. Rogers, M. Paternostro, G. M. Palma, G. De ChiaraTuesday, April 3, 2012
1101.3852 (J. J. Cooper et al.)
Robust quantum enhanced phase estimation in a multimode interferometer [PDF]
J. J. Cooper, D. W. Hallwood, J. A. Dunningham, J. Brand1111.5503 (Olga Machtey et al.)
Universal Dimer in a Collisionally Opaque Medium: Experimental
Observables and Efimov Resonances [PDF]
Olga Machtey, David A. Kessler, Lev Khaykovich
1112.4244 (Jun Sato et al.)
Exact relaxation dynamics of a localized many-body state in the 1D bose
gas [PDF]
Jun Sato, Rina Kanamoto, Eriko Kaminishi, Tetsuo Deguchi
1201.0714 (Julian Grond et al.)
Excitation spectra of fragmented condensates by linear response: General
theory and application to a condensate in a double-well potential [PDF]
Julian Grond, Alexej I. Streltsov, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum
Monday, April 2, 2012
1110.6829 (Eric Braaten et al.)
Renormalization in the Three-body Problem with Resonant P-wave
Interactions [PDF]
Eric Braaten, P. Hagen, H. -W. Hammer, L. Platter
1203.6653 (Susanne Pielawa et al.)
Frustrated quantum Ising spins simulated by spinless bosons in a tilted
lattice: from a quantum liquid to antiferromagnetic order [PDF]
Susanne Pielawa, Erez Berg, Subir Sachdev
1203.6683 (Sung Jong Park et al.)
Dynamical control of matter wave splitting using time-dependent optical
lattices [PDF]
Sung Jong Park, Henrik Kjaer Andersen, Sune Mai, Jan Arlt, Jacob F. Sherson
1203.6684 (O. Fialko et al.)
Soliton Magnetization Dynamics in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein
Condensates [PDF]
O. Fialko, J. Brand, U. Zülicke
1203.6881 (Jesper Levinsen et al.)
The p-wave polaron [PDF]
Jesper Levinsen, Pietro Massignan, Frédéric Chevy, Carlos Lobo
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