Friday, April 19, 2013

1112.6141 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)

Thermodynamics of Dipolar Chain Systems    [PDF]

J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen

1112.6358 (N. T. Zinner)

Efimov Trimers near the Zero-crossing of a Feshbach Resonance    [PDF]

N. T. Zinner

1304.4939 (Ferdinand Brennecke et al.)

Real-time observation of fluctuations at the driven-dissipative Dicke
phase transition

Ferdinand Brennecke, Rafael Mottl, Kristian Baumann, Renate Landig, Tobias Donner, Tilman Esslinger

1304.4959 (Tony E. Lee et al.)

Unconventional magnetism via optical pumping of interacting spin systems    [PDF]

Tony E. Lee, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Mikhail D. Lukin

1304.4972 (U. Bissbort et al.)

Emulating solid-state physics with a hybrid system of ultracold ions and

U. Bissbort, D. Cocks, A. Negretti, Z. Idziaszek, T. Calarco, F. Schmidt-Kaler, W. Hofstetter, R. Gerritsma

1304.4980 (Marco Koschorreck et al.)

Universal spin dynamics in two-dimensional Fermi gases    [PDF]

Marco Koschorreck, Daniel Pertot, Enrico Vogt, Michael Köhl

1304.5041 (Nobuhiro Yonezawa et al.)

Quantum holonomy in Lieb-Liniger model    [PDF]

Nobuhiro Yonezawa, Atushi Tanaka, Taksu Cheon

1304.5079 (Astrid Niederle et al.)

Superfluid clusters, percolation and phase transitions in the
disordered, two dimensional Bose-Hubbard model

Astrid Niederle, Heiko Rieger

1304.5103 (Kira Riedl et al.)

Spontaneous ferromagnetism in the spinor Bose gas with Rashba spin-orbit

Kira Riedl, Casper Drukier, Peter Zalom, Peter Kopietz

1304.5118 (Edmundo R. Sanchez Guajardo et al.)

Higher-nodal collective modes in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas    [PDF]

Edmundo R. Sanchez Guajardo, Meng Khoon Tey, Leonid A. Sidorenkov, Rudolf Grimm

1304.5143 (Shinsuke Hayashi et al.)

Instability Crossover of Helical Shear-flow in Segregated Bose-Einstein

Shinsuke Hayashi, Makoto Tsubota, Hiromitsu Takeuchi

1304.5182 (S. Ji et al.)

Inhomogeneities and impurities in a dense one-dimensional Rydberg
lattice gas

S. Ji, V. Sanghai, C. Ates, I. Lesanovsky

1304.5196 (Michael Buchhold et al.)

Dicke Quantum Spin and Photon Glass in Optical Cavities: Non-equilibrium
theory and experimental signatures

Michael Buchhold, Philipp Strack, Subir Sachdev, Sebastian Diehl

1304.5200 (M. Di Dio et al.)

Spontaneous Peierls dimerization and emergent bond order in
one-dimensional dipolar gases

M. Di Dio, L. Barbiero, A. Recati, M. Dalmonte