Friday, May 24, 2013

1305.5280 (D. M. Jezek et al.)

Two-mode effective interaction in a double-well condensate    [PDF]

D. M. Jezek, P. Capuzzi, H. M. Cataldo

1305.5314 (Bogdan Opanchuk et al.)

Quantum simulations of the early universe    [PDF]

Bogdan Opanchuk, Rodney Polkinghorne, Oleksandr Fialko, Joachim Brand, Peter D. Drummond

1305.5370 (Víctor Fernández-Hurtado et al.)

Quantum chaos in open discrete systems: Lattice scars at the band center    [PDF]

Víctor Fernández-Hurtado, Jordi Mur-Petit, Juan José García-Ripoll, Rafael A. Molina

1305.5383 (Yangqian Yan et al.)

Harmonically trapped Fermi gas: Temperature dependence of the Tan

Yangqian Yan, D. Blume

1305.5456 (C. -H. Hsueh et al.)

Spin orders in the supersolid phases in binary Rydberg-dressed
Bose-Einstein condensates

C. -H. Hsueh, Y. -C. Tsai, K. -S. Wu, M. -S. Chang, W. C. Wu

1305.5487 (Colin V. Parker et al.)

In situ observation of strongly interacting ferromagnetic domains in a
shaken optical lattice

Colin V. Parker, Li-Chung Ha, Cheng Chin

1305.5496 (L. Vidmar et al.)

Sudden expansion of Mott insulators in one dimension    [PDF]

L. Vidmar, S. Langer, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schneider, U. Schollwoeck, F. Heidrich-Meisner

1305.5504 (Andrej Schwabe et al.)

Inverse indirect magnetic exchange    [PDF]

Andrej Schwabe, Irakli Titvinidze, Michael Potthoff