Monday, December 17, 2012

1201.4006 (Massimo Mannarelli et al.)

Shear viscosity in a superfluid cold Fermi gas at unitarity    [PDF]

Massimo Mannarelli, Cristina Manuel, Laura Tolos

1212.3077 (Raam Uzdin et al.)

A third-order exceptional point effect on the dynamics of a single
particle in a time-dependent harmonic trap

Raam Uzdin, Emanuele Dalla Torre, Ronnie Kosloff, Nimrod Moiseyev

1212.3344 (D. Flassig et al.)

Black Holes and Quantumness on Macroscopic Scales    [PDF]

D. Flassig, A. Pritzel, N. Wintergerst

1212.3398 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)

Three-particle scattering amplitudes from a finite volume formalism    [PDF]

Raul A. Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi

1212.3457 (A. Kievsky et al.)

Universality in low energy states: from few-atoms to few-nucleons    [PDF]

A. Kievsky, M. Gattobigio

1212.3535 (Stefan Maier et al.)

Dynamical response of ultracold interacting fermion-boson mixtures:
Fermion-hole vs polaron-hole excitations

Stefan Maier, Kai Ji, Andreas Komnik

1212.3552 (Nigel R. Cooper et al.)

Reaching Fractional Quantum Hall States with Optical Flux Lattices    [PDF]

Nigel R. Cooper, Jean Dalibard

1212.3565 (Daniel Maldonado-Mundo et al.)

Single-branch theory of ultracold Fermi gases with artificial Rashba
spin-orbit coupling

Daniel Maldonado-Mundo, Patrik Ohberg, Manuel Valiente

1212.3594 (B. Prasanna Venkatesh et al.)

Bloch Oscillations of Cold Atoms in a Cavity: Effects of Quantum Noise    [PDF]

B. Prasanna Venkatesh, D. H. J. O'Dell