Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1212.6389 (Cecilia Rorai et al.)

Propagating and annihilating vortex dipoles in the Gross-Pitaevskii

Cecilia Rorai, K. R. Sreenivasan, Michael E. Fisher

1212.6691 (Guojun Zhu)

BEC-BCS Crossover with Feshbach Resonance for Three-Hyperfine-Species

Guojun Zhu

1212.6821 (Ted Jacobson)

Black holes and Hawking radiation in spacetime and its analogues    [PDF]

Ted Jacobson

1212.6826 (Zhen Zheng et al.)

Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Phases in Two-dimensional Spin-Orbit
Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases

Zhen Zheng, Ming Gong, Yichao Zhang, Xubo Zou, Chuanwei Zhang, Guangcan Guo

1212.6832 (Wei Zheng et al.)

Properties of Bose Gases with Raman-Induced Spin-Orbit Coupling    [PDF]

Wei Zheng, Zeng-Qiang Yu, Xiaoling Cui, Hui Zhai

1212.6884 (Ning-Ju Hui et al.)

Quantum phase transition in an atom-molecule conversion system with
atomic hopping

Ning-Ju Hui, Li-Hua Lu, Xiao-Qiang Xu, You-Quan Li

1212.6934 (Tommaso Macri et al.)

Elementary excitations of ultracold soft-core bosons across the
superfluid-supersolid phase transition

Tommaso Macri, Fabian Maucher, Fabio Cinti, Thomas Pohl

1212.6959 (Tongcang Li et al.)

Reply to Comment on "Space-Time Crystals of Trapped Ions"    [PDF]

Tongcang Li, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Zhang-Qi Yin, H. T. Quan, Xiaobo Yin, Peng Zhang, L. -M. Duan, Xiang Zhang