Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1105.4627 (Tin-Lun Ho et al.)

Alternative Route to Strong Interaction: Narrow Feshbach Resonance    [PDF]

Tin-Lun Ho, Xiaoling Cui, Weiran Li

1107.2663 (Hendrik Weimer et al.)

In situ measurement of the dynamic structure factor in ultracold quantum

Hendrik Weimer, Hans Peter Büchler

1108.1779 (Aurel Bulgac et al.)

Quantum Shock Waves and Domain Walls in the Real-Time Dynamics of a
Superfluid Unitary Fermi Gas

Aurel Bulgac, Yuan-Lung, Luo, Kenneth J. Roche

1110.1870 (A. Bermudez et al.)

Robust Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic Gates by Continuous Dynamical

A. Bermudez, P. O. Schmidt, M. B. Plenio, A. Retzker

1204.1980 (Tilman Enss)

Quantum critical transport in the unitary Fermi gas    [PDF]

Tilman Enss

1204.2008 (C. Yuce)

Fast Frictionless Expansion of an Optical Lattice    [PDF]

C. Yuce

1204.2118 (Jun'ichi Ozaki et al.)

Collision of one-dimensional fermion clusters    [PDF]

Jun'ichi Ozaki, Masaki Tezuka, Norio Kawakami

1204.2149 (Maksim Tomchenko)

On the strong influence of boundaries on the bulk microstructure of a
Bose gas

Maksim Tomchenko

1204.2155 (Ettore Vicari)

Entanglement and particle correlations of Fermi gases in harmonic traps    [PDF]

Ettore Vicari

1204.2161 (Manuel Kreibich et al.)

Relation between the eigenfrequencies of Bogoliubov excitations of BECs
and the eigenvalues of the Jacobian in a time-dependent variational approach

Manuel Kreibich, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner