Friday, July 20, 2012

1201.5015 (V. Guarrera et al.)

Spatio-temporal Fermionization of Strongly Interacting 1D Bosons    [PDF]

V. Guarrera, D. Muth, R. Labouvie, A. Vogler, G. Barontini, M. Fleischhauer, H. Ott

1207.4479 (Norman Y. Yao et al.)

Topological Flat Bands from Dipolar Spin Systems    [PDF]

Norman Y. Yao, Chris R. Laumann, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Steven D. Bennett, Eugene Demler, Peter Zoller, Mikhail D. Lukin

1207.4509 (Stefan S. Natu et al.)

Dynamics of correlations in a dilute Bose gas following an interaction

Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller

1207.4621 (V. I. Yukalov)

Difference in Bose-Einstein condensation of conserved and unconserved

V. I. Yukalov

1207.4627 (I. Bouchoule et al.)

Two-body momentum correlations in a weakly interacting one-dimensional
Bose gas

I. Bouchoule, M. Arzamasovs, K. V. Kheruntsyan, D. M. Gangardt

1207.4668 (M. P. Mink et al.)

Spin transport in a unitary Fermi gas close to the BCS transition    [PDF]

M. P. Mink, V. P. J. Jacobs, Marco Polini, G. Vignale, H. T. C. Stoof, R. A. Duine

1207.4699 (Carlos A. Parra-Murillo et al.)

Many-body resonant tunneling in the Wannier-Stark system    [PDF]

Carlos A. Parra-Murillo, Javier Madroñero, Sandro Wimberger

1207.4713 (Manuele Landini et al.)

Direct evaporative cooling of 39K atoms to Bose-Einstein condensation    [PDF]

Manuele Landini, Sanjukta Roy, Giacomo Roati, Andrea Simoni, Massimo Inguscio, Giovanni Modugno, Marco Fattori

1207.4741 (Michael Foss-Feig et al.)

Steady-state many-body entanglement of hot reactive fermions    [PDF]

Michael Foss-Feig, Andrew J. Daley, James K. Thompson, Ana Maria Rey