Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1009.2125 (Analabha Roy)

Dynamics of quantum quenching for BCS-BEC systems in the shallow BEC

Analabha Roy

1103.2339 (T. Morgan et al.)

Coherent adiabatic transport of atoms in radio-frequency traps    [PDF]

T. Morgan, B. O'Sullivan, Th. Busch

1106.0324 (Asaad R. Sakhel)

Global and local condensate and superfluid fraction of a few hard core
bosons in a cubic optical lattice plus external harmonic confinement

Asaad R. Sakhel

1203.1120 (Satoshi Ejima et al.)

Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the
one-dimensional Bose--Hubbard model

Satoshi Ejima, Holger Fehske, Florian Gebhard, Kevin zu Münster, Michael Knap, Enrico Arrigoni, Wolfgang von der Linden

1203.1159 (Zhenhua Yu)

Short-range correlations in dilute atomic Fermi gases with spin-orbit

Zhenhua Yu

1203.1220 (Giovanni Luca Gattobigio et al.)

Optically guided beam splitter for propagating matter waves    [PDF]

Giovanni Luca Gattobigio, Antoine Couvert, Gael Reinaudi, Bertrand Georgeot, David Guery-Odelin

1203.1236 (Anna Kauch et al.)

Strong-coupling solution of the bosonic dynamical mean-field theory    [PDF]

Anna Kauch, Krzysztof Byczuk, Dieter Vollhardt

1203.1246 (Nathan Goldman et al.)

Detecting Chiral Edge States in the Hofstadter Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Nathan Goldman, Jerome Beugnon, Fabrice Gerbier

1203.1259 (Ennio Arimondo et al.)

Kilohertz-driven Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices    [PDF]

Ennio Arimondo, Donatella Ciampini, André Eckardt, Martin Holthaus, Oliver Morsch

1203.1261 (M. Viteau et al.)

Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

M. Viteau, M. Bason, J. Radogostowicz, N. Malossi, O. Morsch, D. Ciampini, E. Arimondo

1203.1262 (R. de Gail et al.)

Manipulation of Dirac points in graphene-like crystals    [PDF]

R. de Gail, J. -N. Fuchs, M. -O. Goerbig, F. Piechon, G. Montambaux

1203.1270 (V. B. Bobrov et al.)

Theory of degenerate Bose gas without anomalous averages    [PDF]

V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Trigger

1203.1305 (Jorn Mossel et al.)

Generalized TBA and generalized Gibbs    [PDF]

Jorn Mossel, Jean-Sébastien Caux