Monday, September 3, 2012

1111.0999 (Christian Langmack et al.)

Clock shift in a strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi gas    [PDF]

Christian Langmack, Marcus Barth, Wilhelm Zwerger, Eric Braaten

1112.5603 (Timo Hartmann et al.)

Weak localization with nonlinear bosonic matter waves    [PDF]

Timo Hartmann, Josef Michl, Cyril Petitjean, Thomas Wellens, Juan-Diego Urbina, Klaus Richter, Peter Schlagheck

1208.6293 (M. Gullans et al.)

Nanoplasmonic Lattices for Ultracold atoms    [PDF]

M. Gullans, T. Tiecke, D. E. Chang, J. Feist, J. D. Thompson, J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller, M. D. Lukin

1208.6300 (Hoi-Yin Hui et al.)

Loop Structure Stability of a Double-Well-Lattice BEC    [PDF]

Hoi-Yin Hui, Ryan Barnett, J. V. Porto, S. Das Sarma

1208.6317 (N. D. Drummond et al.)

Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the quasiparticle effective
mass of the two-dimensional homogeneous electron gas

N. D. Drummond, R. J. Needs

1208.6506 (Wanzhou Zhang et al.)

Pair supersolid of the extended Bose-Hubbard model with atom-pair
hopping on the triangular Lattice

Wanzhou Zhang, Yancheng Wang, Wenan Guo

1208.6540 (Stefan K. Baur et al.)

Ferromagnetism and Nematicity of Fermions in an Optical Flux Lattice    [PDF]

Stefan K. Baur, Nigel R. Cooper

1208.6580 (Hyungwon Kim et al.)

Heat and spin transport in a cold atomic Fermi gas    [PDF]

Hyungwon Kim, David A. Huse