Tuesday, June 11, 2013

1306.1852 (Valentin V. Volchkov et al.)

Sisyphus cooling in a continuously loaded trap    [PDF]

Valentin V. Volchkov, Jahn Rührig, Tilman Pfau, Axel Griesmaier

1306.1933 (David Edward Bruschi et al.)

Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in
space-based experiments

David Edward Bruschi, Carlos Sabín, Angela White, Valentina Baccetti, Daniel K. L. Oi, Ivette Fuentes

1306.1964 (Doga Murat Kurkcuoglu et al.)

Formation of Feshbach molecules in the presence of artificial spin-orbit
coupling and Zeeman fields

Doga Murat Kurkcuoglu, C. A. R. Sa de Melo

1306.1965 (R. A. Williams et al.)

A Raman-induced Feshbach resonance in an effectively single-component
Fermi gas

R. A. Williams, M. C. Beeler, L. J. LeBlanc, K. Jimenez-Garcia, I. B. Spielman

1306.1988 (Hamid Al-Jibbouri et al.)

Breakdown of Kohn Theorem Near Feshbach Resonance    [PDF]

Hamid Al-Jibbouri, Axel Pelster

1306.2078 (Mitsuru Tohyama)

Magnetization and collective excitations of a magnetic dipole fermion

Mitsuru Tohyama

1306.2147 (Y. Kuno et al.)

Two-species repulsive bosons in an optical lattice: Phase diagram, the
Nambu-Goldstone bosons, the Higgs mode and vortex lattice

Y. Kuno, K. Suzuki, I. Ichinose

1306.2162 (Philipp Hauke et al.)

Quantum simulation of a lattice Schwinger model in a chain of trapped

Philipp Hauke, David Marcos, Marcello Dalmonte, Peter Zoller

1306.2179 (Dimitris G. Angelakis et al.)

Quantum simulation of the Jackiw-Rebbi model with photons    [PDF]

Dimitris G. Angelakis, Changsuk Noh