Friday, April 13, 2012

1108.3608 (M. J. Davis et al.)

Yang-Yang thermometry and momentum distribution of a trapped
one-dimensional Bose gas

M. J. Davis, P. B. Blakie, A. H. van Amerongen, N. J. van Druten, K. V. Kheruntsyan

1109.2464 (Meera M. Parish et al.)

Density instabilities in a two-dimensional dipolar Fermi gas    [PDF]

Meera M. Parish, Francesca M. Marchetti

1201.1947 (Kouki Nakata)

Quantum spin pumping mediated by magnon    [PDF]

Kouki Nakata

1204.2596 (J. Carlson et al.)

Superfluid Pairing in Neutrons and Cold Atoms    [PDF]

J. Carlson, S. Gandolfi, A. Gezerlis

1204.2704 (Stefan K. Baur et al.)

Radio frequency spectra of Feshbach molecules in quasi-two dimensional

Stefan K. Baur, Bernd Fröhlich, Michael Feld, Enrico Vogt, Daniel Pertot, Marco Koschorreck, Michael Köhl

1204.2721 (O. Kyriienko et al.)

Spin-orbit coupled cold exciton condensates    [PDF]

O. Kyriienko, E. B. Magnusson, I. A. Shelykh

1204.2786 (Weibin Li et al.)

Probing the interaction between Rydberg-dressed atoms through

Weibin Li, Lama Hamadeh, Igor Lesanovsky

1204.2819 (Dmitry A. Abanin et al.)

Measuring entanglement entropy of a generic many-body system with a
quantum switch

Dmitry A. Abanin, Eugene Demler