Wednesday, June 13, 2012

0906.2202 (Predrag Nikolic et al.)

Finite Momentum Pairing Instability of Band-Insulators With Multiple

Predrag Nikolic, A. A. Burkov, Arun Paramekanti

1201.4974 (Pekko Kuopanportti et al.)

Exotic vortex lattices in two-species Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

Pekko Kuopanportti, Jukka A. M. Huhtamäki, Mikko Möttönen

1206.2368 (Pawel Jakubczyk)

Quantum interface unbinding transitions    [PDF]

Pawel Jakubczyk

1206.2407 (Yogeshwar Prasad et al.)

Fermionic Superfluid from a Bilayer Band Insulator in an Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Yogeshwar Prasad, Amal Medhi, Vijay B. Shenoy

1206.2410 (Deepak Iyer et al.)

Quench dynamics of the interacting Bose gas in one dimension    [PDF]

Deepak Iyer, Natan Andrei

1206.2566 (Valéry Rousseau et al.)

The Boson-Hubbard Model on a Kagome Lattice with Sextic Ring-Exchange

Valéry Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno

1206.2630 (N. Kitanine et al.)

Form factor approach to dynamical correlation functions in critical

N. Kitanine, K. K. Kozlowski, J. M. Maillet, N. A. Slavnov, V. Terras