Thursday, December 27, 2012

1212.5833 (Alexander L. Gaunt et al.)

A superheated Bose-condensed gas    [PDF]

Alexander L. Gaunt, Richard J. Fletcher, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

1212.5894 (H. Flayac et al.)

Landau versus Spin Superfluidity in Two Component Bose-Einstein

H. Flayac, H. Tercas, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech

1212.6033 (Katsuhiro Nakamura et al.)

Bernoulli's formula and Poisson's equations for a confined quantum gas:
Effects due to a moving piston

Katsuhiro Nakamura, Zarifboy A. Sobirov, Davron U. Matrasulov, Sanat K. Avazbaev

1212.6035 (Hosho Katsura et al.)

Ground States of the Spin-1 Bose-Hubbard Model    [PDF]

Hosho Katsura, Hal Tasaki

1212.6082 (A-Hai Chen et al.)

The demixing of the two-component fermions in optical lattices under a
spin-dependent external potential

A-Hai Chen, Gao Xianlong

1212.6161 (Iacopo Carusotto)

Circumnavigating an ocean of incompressible light    [PDF]

Iacopo Carusotto

1212.6189 (Charles Grenier et al.)

Quantum oscillations in ultracold Fermi gases : realizations with
rotating gases or artificial gauge fields

Charles Grenier, Corinna Kollath, Antoine Georges

1212.6212 (Felipe Herrera et al.)

Investigating polaron phase transitions with polar molecules    [PDF]

Felipe Herrera, Kirk W. Madison, Roman V. Krems, Mona Berciu

1212.6217 (D. Rakshit et al.)

Hyperspherical explicitly correlated Gaussian approach for few-body
systems with finite angular momentum

D. Rakshit, D. Blume