Friday, May 11, 2012

1112.1029 (P. Massignan)

Polarons and dressed molecules near narrow Feshbach resonances    [PDF]

P. Massignan

1112.6013 (Andrew M. Essin et al.)

Antiferromagnetic topological insulators in cold atomic gases    [PDF]

Andrew M. Essin, Victor Gurarie

1201.1607 (Yi Li et al.)

Spin-orbit coupled Fermi liquid theory of ultra-cold magnetic dipolar

Yi Li, Congjun Wu

1201.4071 (Dario Ballarini et al.)

All-optical polariton transistor    [PDF]

Dario Ballarini, Milena De Giorgi, Emiliano Cancellieri, Romuald Houdré, Elisabeth Giacobino, Roberto Cingolani, Alberto Bramati, Giuseppe Gigli, Daniele Sanvitto

1205.2105 (Zoran Ristivojevic et al.)

Phase transition of interacting disordered bosons in one dimension    [PDF]

Zoran Ristivojevic, Aleksandra Petković, Pierre Le Doussal, Thierry Giamarchi

1205.2110 (Juraj Radic et al.)

Exotic quantum spin models in spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulators    [PDF]

Juraj Radic, Andrea Di Ciolo, Kai Sun, Victor Galitski

1205.2121 (C. S. Gerving et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics of an unstable quantum pendulum    [PDF]

C. S. Gerving, T. M. Hoang, B. J. Land, M. Anquez, C. D. Hamley, M. S. Chapman

1205.2126 (Masaya Kunimi et al.)

Mean-field and stability analysis of two-dimensional flowing soft-core

Masaya Kunimi, Yusuke Kato

1205.2162 (Yi Li et al.)

Topological quaternionic condensation and Hopf invariants from the 3D
synthetic spin-orbit coupling

Yi Li, Xiangfa Zhou, Congjun Wu

1205.2169 (Shunsuke Furukawa et al.)

Quantum Hall States in Rapidly Rotating Two-Component Bose Gases    [PDF]

Shunsuke Furukawa, Masahito Ueda

1205.2231 (Ole Søe Sørensen et al.)

Born-Oppenheimer description of two atoms in a combined oscillator and
lattice trap

Ole Søe Sørensen, Klaus Mølmer

1205.2319 (William S. Cole et al.)

Bose Hubbard Models with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling: Mott Insulators,
Spin Textures and Superfluidity

William S. Cole, Shizhong Zhang, Arun Paramekanti, Nandini Trivedi

1205.2328 (Hiromitsu Takeuchi et al.)

Vortex Formations from Domain Wall Annihilations in Two-component
Bose-Einstein Condensates

Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Muneto Nitta, Makoto Tsubota

1205.2330 (Hiromitsu Takeuchi et al.)

Tachyon Condensation in Bose--Einstein Condensates    [PDF]

Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Makoto Tsubota, Muneto Nitta

1205.2363 (T. Karpiuk et al.)

Spontaneous solitons in the thermal equilibrium of a
quasi-one-dimensional Bose gas

T. Karpiuk, P. Deuar, P. Bienias, E. Witkowska, K. Pawlowski, M. Gajda, K. Rzazewski, M. Brewczyk