Friday, October 5, 2012

1210.1302 (Bogdan Opanchuk et al.)

Functional Wigner representation of BEC quantum dynamics    [PDF]

Bogdan Opanchuk, Peter D. Drummond

1210.1310 (Diogo Rio Fernandes et al.)

Sub-Doppler laser cooling of fermionic 40K atoms in three-dimensional
gray optical molasses

Diogo Rio Fernandes, Franz Sievers, Norman Kretzschmar, Saijun Wu, C. Salomon, Frédéric Chevy

1210.1370 (Takeshi Ozaki et al.)

Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice: First-order
superfluid-insulator transition and elementary excitations

Takeshi Ozaki, Ippei Danshita, Tetsuro Nikuni

1210.1400 (Jens Honer et al.)

Fractional Excitations in Cold Atomic Gases    [PDF]

Jens Honer, Jad C. Halimeh, Ian McCulloch, Ulrich Schollwöck, Hans Peter Büchler

1210.1424 (I. V. Stasyuk et al.)

The two-state Bose-Hubbard model in the hard-core boson limit:
Non-ergodicity and the Bose-Einstein condensation

I. V. Stasyuk, O. V. Velychko

1210.1426 (David Stadler et al.)

Observing the Drop of Resistance in the Flow of a Superfluid Fermi Gas    [PDF]

David Stadler, Sebastian Krinner, Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger

1210.1466 (David Dasenbrook et al.)

Semiclassical polaron dynamics of impurities in ultracold gases    [PDF]

David Dasenbrook, Andreas Komnik