Tuesday, May 28, 2013

1305.5908 (Xiaolong Deng et al.)

Topological transitions of interacting bosons in one-dimensional
bi-chromatic optical lattices

Xiaolong Deng, Luis Santos

1305.5935 (Benjamin Pasquiou et al.)

Quantum degenerate mixtures of strontium and rubidium atoms    [PDF]

Benjamin Pasquiou, Alex Bayerle, Slava Tzanova, Simon Stellmer, Jacek Szczepkowski, Mark Parigger, Rudolf Grimm, Florian Schreck

1305.6007 (Michele Ruggeri)

Path Integral Monte Carlo study of ultra cold atoms with dipolar moment
in a harmonic trap

Michele Ruggeri

1305.6072 (S. S. Kondov et al.)

Interplay of disorder and interactions in an optical lattice Hubbard

S. S. Kondov, W. R. McGehee, B. DeMarco

1305.6140 (Máté Vigh et al.)

Diverging dc conductivity due to a flat band in disordered pseudospin-1
Dirac-Weyl fermions

Máté Vigh, László Oroszlány, Szabolcs Vajna, Pablo San-Jose, Gyula Dávid, József Cserti, Balázs Dóra

1305.6234 (Norbert Kaiser)

Single-particle potential from resummed ladder diagrams    [PDF]

Norbert Kaiser