Sunday, May 19, 2013

1305.3412 (Eriko Kaminishi et al.)

Recurrence time in the quantum dynamics of the 1D Bose gas    [PDF]

Eriko Kaminishi, Jun Sato, Tetsuo Deguchi

1305.3494 (Shih-Da Jheng et al.)

Roton Instabilities and Wigner Crystallization of Rotating Dipolar
Fermions in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime

Shih-Da Jheng, T. F. Jiang, Szu-Cheng Cheng

1305.3641 (Jan Dereziński et al.)

Excitation spectrum of interacting bosons in the mean-field
infinite-volume limit

Jan Dereziński, Marcin Napiórkowski

1305.3708 (Tim Langen et al.)

Local emergence of thermal correlations in an isolated quantum many-body

Tim Langen, Remi Geiger, Maximilian Kuhnert, Bernhard Rauer, Joerg Schmiedmayer

1305.3717 (P. O. Bugnion et al.)

Inhomogeneous state of few-fermion superfluids    [PDF]

P. O. Bugnion, J. A. Lofthouse, G. J. Conduit

1305.3802 (R. Bourgain et al.)

Evaporative cooling of a small number of atoms in a single-beam
microscopic dipole trap

R. Bourgain, J. Pellegrino, A. Fuhrmanek, Y. R. P. Sortais, A. Browaeys

1305.3867 (David Edward Bruschi et al.)

On the robustness of entanglement in analogue gravity systems    [PDF]

David Edward Bruschi, Nicolai Friis, Ivette Fuentes, Silke Weinfurtner

1305.3872 (Alexandre Dauphin et al.)

Extracting the Chern number from the dynamics of a Fermi gas:
Implementing a quantum Hall bar for cold atoms

Alexandre Dauphin, Nathan Goldman

1305.3878 (J. C. Cremon et al.)

Vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates - finite-size effects and the
thermodynamic limit

J. C. Cremon, G. M. Kavoulakis, B. R. Mottelson, S. M. Reimann

1305.3901 (K. Van Houcke et al.)

Bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the resonant Fermi gas    [PDF]

K. Van Houcke, F. Werner, N. Prokof'ev, B. Svistunov