Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1111.2210 (Selma Koghee et al.)

Merging and alignment of Dirac points in a shaken honeycomb optical

Selma Koghee, Lih-King Lim, M. O. Goerbig, C. Morais Smith

1112.4754 (S. Knoop et al.)

Non-exponential one-body loss in a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

S. Knoop, J. S. Borbely, R. van Rooij, W. Vassen

1201.6363 (Manas Kulkarni et al.)

From GPE to KPZ: finite temperature dynamical structure factor of the 1D
Bose gas

Manas Kulkarni, Austen Lamacraft

1201.6400 (E. Demler et al.)

Universal dynamical phase diagram of lattice spin models and strongly
correlated ultracold atoms in optical lattices

E. Demler, A. Maltsev, A. Prokofiev

1201.6451 (Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany et al.)

The Inhomogeneous Extended Bose-Hubbard Model: A Mean-Field Theory    [PDF]

Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany, Ramesh V. Pai, Rahul Pandit

1201.6456 (C. C. N. Kuhn et al.)

Universality class of quantum criticality for strongly repulsive spin-1
bosons with antiferromagnetic spin-exchange interaction

C. C. N. Kuhn, X. W. Guan, A. Foerster, M. T. Batchelor

1201.6553 (P. A. Andreev)

Collective excitations of graphene excitons being in the Bose-Einstein
condensate state

P. A. Andreev

1201.6586 (T. Frederico et al.)

Universality in Four-Boson Systems    [PDF]

T. Frederico, A. Delfino, M. R. Hadizadeh, L. Tomio, M. T. Yamashita

1201.6627 (A. del Campo et al.)

Shortcuts to adiabaticity in a time-dependent box    [PDF]

A. del Campo, M. G. Boshier

1201.6630 (K. Jiménez-García et al.)

The Peierls substitution in an engineered lattice potential    [PDF]

K. Jiménez-García, L. J. LeBlanc, R. A. Williams, M. C. Beeler, A. R. Perry, I. B. Spielman

1201.6671 (A. Bermudez et al.)

Spin-Peierls Quantum Phase Transitions in Coulomb Crystals    [PDF]

A. Bermudez, M. B. Plenio

1201.6672 (A. Camacho et al.)

Ultra--cold gases and the detection of the Earth's rotation: Bogoliubov
space and gravitomagnetism

A. Camacho, E. Castellanos

1201.6674 (Stefan S. Natu et al.)

Dynamics of correlations in shallow optical lattices    [PDF]

Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller