Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1302.0028 (G. Schwiete et al.)

Kinetics of the disordered Bose gas with collisions    [PDF]

G. Schwiete, A. M. Finkel'stein

1302.0088 (Hui Hu et al.)

Universal impurity-induced bound state in topological superfluids    [PDF]

Hui Hu, Lei Jiang, Han Pu, Yan Chen, Xia-Ji Liu

1302.0198 (Matthew Edmonds et al.)

On the Josephson effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate subject to a
density dependent gauge potential

Matthew Edmonds, Manuel Valiente, Patrik Ohberg

1302.0211 (Zhihao Lan et al.)

Novel Fermi liquid behaviour of atomic mixtures    [PDF]

Zhihao Lan, Georg M. Bruun, Carlos Lobo

1302.0279 (Liren Lin et al.)

Bifurcation between 2-component and 3-component ground states of spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensates in uniform magnetic fields

Liren Lin, I-Liang Chern

1302.0281 (P. Dyke et al.)

Finite range corrections near a Feshbach resonance and their role in the
Efimov effect

P. Dyke, S. E. Pollack, R. G. Hulet

1302.0297 (Krzysztof Jachymski et al.)

Feshbach resonances in a nonseparable trap    [PDF]

Krzysztof Jachymski, Zbigniew Idziaszek, Tommaso Calarco

1302.0339 (Sonam Mahajan et al.)

Achieving the Quantum Ground State of a Mechanical Oscillator using a
Bose-Einstein Condensate with Back-Action and Cold Damping feedback schemes

Sonam Mahajan, Neha Aggarwal, Aranya B Bhattacherjee, ManMohan

1302.0403 (Yaroslav V. Kartashov et al.)

Two-dimensional dispersive shock waves in dissipative optical media    [PDF]

Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Anatoly M. Kamchatnov

1302.0445 (Wei-Ting Wang et al.)

Exact solutions to the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation with
modulated radial nonlinearity

Wei-Ting Wang, Ying-Ying Li, Shi-Jie Yang

1302.0470 (Christopher James Foster)

Physics of Low-Dimensional Ultracold Bose Gases    [PDF]

Christopher James Foster

1302.0496 (Wei Xie et al.)

Supersolid of cold atoms in a bilayer hexagonal optical lattice    [PDF]

Wei Xie, Qi-Hui Chen, Qiong-Hua Wang, Wu-Ming Liu

1302.0528 (X. Deng et al.)

Bosonization and entanglement spectrum for one-dimensional polar bosons
on disordered lattices

X. Deng, R. Citro, E. Orignac, A. Minguzzi, L. Santos

1302.0553 (Xia-Ji Liu et al.)

Inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell superfluidity in spin-orbit coupled atomic
Fermi gases

Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu

1302.0559 (Hui Hu et al.)

Many-body \textit{T}-matrix theory of a strongly interacting spin-orbit
coupled Fermi gas: Momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy and
fermionic pairing

Hui Hu, Han Pu, Jing Zhang, Xia-Ji Liu

1302.0693 (Steffen Patrick Rath et al.)

Non-local order in Mott insulators, Duality and Wilson Loops    [PDF]

Steffen Patrick Rath, Wolfgang Simeth, Manuel Endres, Wilhelm Zwerger

1302.0701 (Christina V. Kraus et al.)

Majorana edge states in two atomic wires coupled by pair-hopping    [PDF]

Christina V. Kraus, Marcello Dalmonte, Mikhail A. Baranov, Andreas M. Laeuchli, P. Zoller

1302.0757 (B. Juliá-Díaz et al.)

Nanoplasmonic planar traps - a tool for engineering p-wave interactions    [PDF]

B. Juliá-Díaz, T. Graß, O. Dutta, D. E. Chang, M. Lewenstein

1302.0781 (V. M. Bastidas et al.)

Floquet Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in the transverse
Wen-Plaquette Model

V. M. Bastidas, C. Emary, G. Schaller, A. Gómez-León, G. Platero, T. Brandes