Monday, September 10, 2012

1103.2951 (Vivian V. França et al.)

Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov critical polarization in
one-dimensional fermionic optical lattices

Vivian V. França, Dominik Hördlein, Andreas Buchleitner

1104.1402 (E. Tiesinga et al.)

Collapse and revival dynamics of superfluids of ultracold atoms in
optical lattices

E. Tiesinga, P. R. Johnson

1209.1398 (N. L. Harshman)

Symmetries of Three Harmonically-Trapped Particles in One Dimension    [PDF]

N. L. Harshman

1209.1452 (Qiang Du et al.)

Degenerate ground state and quantum tunneling in rotating condensates    [PDF]

Qiang Du, Martine Le Berre, Yves Pomeau

1209.1453 (Adrian Macia et al.)

Excitations and Stripe Phase Formation in a 2D Dipolar Bose Gas with
Tilted Polarization

Adrian Macia, Diana Hufnagl, Ferran Mazzanti, Jordi Boronat, Robert E. Zillich

1209.1477 (T. Plisson et al.)

Momentum isotropisation in random potentials    [PDF]

T. Plisson, T. Bourdel, C. A. Müller

1209.1545 (Patrizia Vignolo et al.)

Universal contact for a Tonks-Girardeau gas at finite temperature    [PDF]

Patrizia Vignolo, Anna Minguzzi

1209.1571 (Dong-Hee Kim et al.)

Topological transitions of gapless paired states in mixed-geometry

Dong-Hee Kim, Joel S. J. Lehikoinen, Päivi Törmä

1209.1600 (G. J. Conduit)

Line of Dirac monopoles embedded in a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

G. J. Conduit

1209.1604 (Paul Romatschke et al.)

Comment on "Hydrodynamic fluctuations and the minimum shear viscosity of
the dilute Fermi gas at unitarity"

Paul Romatschke, Ryan Edward Young