Friday, July 6, 2012

1207.1131 (Tom Bienaime et al.)

Fast compression of a cold atomic cloud using a blue detuned crossed
dipole trap

Tom Bienaime, Giovanni Barontini, Laure Mercier de Lepinay, Louis Bellando, Julien Chabe, Robin Kaiser

1207.1146 (P. E. S. Tavares et al.)

Mechanism of vortices generation for a trapped superfluid under
oscillatory excitation

P. E. S. Tavares, G. D. Telles, R. F. Shiozaki, C. Castelo Branco, K. M. Farias, V. S. Bagnato

1207.1163 (Ryota Watanabe et al.)

Two-dimensional pseudogap effects of an ultracold Fermi gas in the
BCS-BEC crossover region

Ryota Watanabe, Shunji Tsuchiya, Yoji Ohashi

1207.1192 (Saeed H. Abedinpour et al.)

Theory of correlations in strongly interacting fluids of two-dimensional
dipolar bosons

Saeed H. Abedinpour, Reza Asgari, Marco Polini

1207.1216 (Stuart P. Cockburn et al.)

The Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Methodology    [PDF]

Stuart P. Cockburn, Nick P. Proukakis

1207.1278 (T. M. Wright et al.)

Two-body anticorrelation in a harmonically trapped ideal Bose gas    [PDF]

T. M. Wright, A. Perrin, A. Bray, J. Schmiedmayer, K. V. Kheruntsyan

1207.1320 (Laura Messio et al.)

Entropy dependence of correlations in one-dimensional SU(N)

Laura Messio, Frédéric Mila

1207.1338 (Jean-Christophe Jaskula et al.)

An acoustic analog to the dynamical Casimir effect in a Bose-Einstein

Jean-Christophe Jaskula, Guthrie B. Partridge, Marie Bonneau, Raphaël Lopes, Josselin Ruaudel, Denis Boiron, Christoph I Westbrook