Wednesday, April 24, 2013

1304.6169 (M. Kolár et al.)

Boosting the Rotational Sensitivity of Matter-wave Interferometry with

M. Kolár, T. Opatrný, Kunal K. Das

1304.6201 (Michiel Wouters)

The study of random vorticity in quantum fluids through interference

Michiel Wouters

1304.6254 (Bao Yuan Sun et al.)

Dineutron correlations and BCS-BEC crossover in nuclear matter with the
Gogny pairing force

Bao Yuan Sun, Wei Pan

1304.6278 (Sophie Pelisson et al.)

Lifetimes of atoms trapped in an optical lattice in proximity of a

Sophie Pelisson, Riccardo Messina, Marie-Christine Angonin, Peter Wolf

1304.6299 (Tomasz Sowiński et al.)

Dynamical restoration of symmetry breaking in realistic optical lattices    [PDF]

Tomasz Sowiński, Mateusz Łacki, Omjyoti Dutta, Joanna Pietraszewicz, Piotr Sierant, Mariusz Gajda, Jakub Zakrzewski, Maciej Lewenstein

1304.6303 (E. Malatsetxebarria et al.)

Phase Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures in Mixed Dimensions    [PDF]

E. Malatsetxebarria, F. M. Marchetti, M. A. Cazalilla