Friday, February 3, 2012

1101.5469 (Barnali Chakrabarti et al.)

Spectral statistics of interacting trapped many-boson systems in 3D    [PDF]

Barnali Chakrabarti, Anindya Biswas, V. K. B. Kota, Kamalika Roy, Sudip Kumar Haldar

1108.1821 (Antonin Coutant et al.)

Black hole radiation with short distance dispersion, an analytical
S-matrix approach

Antonin Coutant, Renaud Parentani, Stefano Finazzi

1110.0743 (Stephan Rachel et al.)

Detecting Quantum Critical Points using Bipartite Fluctuations    [PDF]

Stephan Rachel, Nicolas Laflorencie, H. Francis Song, Karyn Le Hur

1202.0006 (Marc Montull et al.)

Magnetic Response in the Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Transition    [PDF]

Marc Montull, Oriol Pujolàs, Alberto Salvio, Pedro J. Silva

1202.0060 (Brian Dellabetta et al.)

Imaging topologically protected transport with quantum degenerate gases    [PDF]

Brian Dellabetta, Taylor L. Hughes, Matthew J. Gilbert, Benjamin L. Lev

1202.0094 (Yuki Kawaguchi et al.)

Finite temperature phase diagram of a spin-1 Bose gas    [PDF]

Yuki Kawaguchi, Nguyen Thanh Phuc, P. Blair Blakie

1202.0099 (T. F. Xu et al.)

Gap solitons of a super-Tonks-Girardeau gas in a one-dimensional
periodic potential

T. F. Xu, X. L. Jing, H. G. Luo, C. S. Liu

1202.0145 (Aleksandra Maluckov et al.)

Stable periodic density waves in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
trapped in optical lattices

Aleksandra Maluckov, Goran Gligoric, Ljupco Hadzievski, Boris A. Malomed, Tilman Pfau

1202.0167 (A. Deltuva)

Properties of universal bosonic tetramers    [PDF]

A. Deltuva