Friday, October 19, 2012

1210.5030 (Yi-Cai Zhang et al.)

Zitterbewegung effect in spin-1 ultracold atoms    [PDF]

Yi-Cai Zhang, Song-Wei Song, Chao-Fei Liu, W. M. Liu
The Zitterbewegung-like effect in spin-1 cold atoms is investigated in the presence of the Zeeman field and external parabolic trap. It is shown that the Zeeman field and parabolic trap have significant effect on the Zitterbewegung oscillatory behaviors. Multi-frequency Zitterbewegung oscillation can be induced by the applied Zeeman field in comparison to that in two components atoms. In addition, a much slowly damping Zitterbewegung oscillation can be achieved by adjusting the linear and quadratic zeeman parameters properly, which is favorable to the observation of Zitterbewegung oscillation in the experiments. In the presence of the harmonic trap, the subpackets corresponding to different eigenenergies would always keep coherent, resulting in persistent Zitterbewegung oscillations. If the initial condition of Gaussian packet is prepared, the Zitterbewegung oscillation would display very complicated and irregular oscillation characteristics due to coexistence of different frequencies of the Zitterbewegung oscillation.
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