Friday, March 30, 2012

1108.2119 (Alice Bezett et al.)

Temporal correlations of elongated Bose gases at finite temperature    [PDF]

Alice Bezett, Emil Lundh

1110.2788 (Michael Schecter et al.)

Critical velocity of a mobile impurity in one-dimensional quantum

Michael Schecter, Alex Kamenev, Dimitri Gangardt, Austen Lamacraft

1111.6778 (M. J. Bhaseen et al.)

Discrete Symmetry Breaking Transitions Between Paired Superfluids    [PDF]

M. J. Bhaseen, S. Ejima, F. H. L. Essler, H. Fehske, M. Hohenadler, B. D. Simons

1201.1055 (Hyungwon Kim et al.)

Superdiffusive nonequilibrium motion of an impurity in a Fermi sea    [PDF]

Hyungwon Kim, David A. Huse

1203.6359 (Peter Anders et al.)

The Cooper problem and beyond in Bose-Fermi mixtures    [PDF]

Peter Anders, Philipp Werner, Matthias Troyer, Manfred Sigrist, Lode Pollet

1203.6363 (M. Dolfi et al.)

Multigrid Algorithms for Tensor Network States    [PDF]

M. Dolfi, B. Bauer, M. Troyer, Z. Ristivojevic

1203.6367 (Tomoki Ozawa et al.)

Stability of ultracold atomic Bose condensates with Rashba spin-orbit
coupling against quantum and thermal fluctuations

Tomoki Ozawa, Gordon Baym

1203.6573 (J. J. R. M. van Heugten et al.)

Fermi-liquid theory of imbalanced quark matter    [PDF]

J. J. R. M. van Heugten, Shaoyu Yin, H. T. C. Stoof

1203.6595 (M. Müller et al.)

Engineered Open Systems and Quantum Simulations with Atoms and Ions    [PDF]

M. Müller, S. Diehl, G. Pupillo, P. Zoller

1203.6598 (A. L. Marchant et al.)

Bose-Einstein condensation of 85Rb by direct evaporation in an optical
dipole trap

A. L. Marchant, S. Händel, S. A. Hopkins, T. P. Wiles, S. L. Cornish

Thursday, March 29, 2012

1201.2238 (Ming Gong et al.)

Searching for Majorana Fermions in 2D Spin-orbit Coupled Fermi
Superfluids at Finite Temperature

Ming Gong, Gang Chen, Suotang Jia, Chuanwei Zhang

1203.6065 (M. Kanasz-Nagy et al.)

Global superfluid phase diagram of three component fermions with
magnetic ordering

M. Kanasz-Nagy, G. Zarand

1203.6211 (Hongmei Wang et al.)

Density-functional theory for 1D harmonically trapped Bose-Fermi mixture    [PDF]

Hongmei Wang, Yajiang Hao, Yunbo Zhang

1203.6291 (A. Deltuva)

Universal bosonic tetramers of dimer-atom-atom structure    [PDF]

A. Deltuva

1203.6292 (C. Schenke et al.)

Probing superfluidity of a mesoscopic Tonks-Girardeau gas    [PDF]

C. Schenke, A. Minguzzi, F. W. J. Hekking

1203.6348 (Kelly R. Patton et al.)

Induced superfluidity of imbalanced Fermi gases near unitarity    [PDF]

Kelly R. Patton, Daniel E. Sheehy

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1110.1646 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

Bosonic and fermionic transport phenomena of ultra-cold atoms in 1D
optical lattices

Chih-Chun Chien, Michael Zwolak, Massimiliano Di Ventra

1111.4633 (Fernanda Pinheiro et al.)

Confined p-band Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

Fernanda Pinheiro, Jani-Petri Martikainen, Jonas Larson

1203.5907 (Hironobu Fujishima et al.)

Interference Pattern Formation between Bounded-Solitons and Radiation in
Momentum Space: Possible Detection of Radiation from Bounded-Solitons with
Bose-Einstein Condensate of Neutral Atoms

Hironobu Fujishima, Masahiko Okumura, Makoto Mine, Tetsu Yajima

1203.5949 (Dan-Wei Zhang et al.)

Relativistic quantum effects of Dirac particles simulated by ultracold

Dan-Wei Zhang, Zi-Dan Wang, Shi-Liang Zhu

1203.5999 (M. Dalmonte et al.)

Dimer, trimer and FFLO liquids in mass- and spin-imbalanced trapped
binary mixtures in one dimension

M. Dalmonte, K. Dieckmann, T. Roscilde, C. Hartl, A. E. Feiguin, U. Schollwöck, F. Heidrich-Meisner

1203.6006 (David I. H. Holdaway et al.)

Quantum theory of bright matter wave solitons in harmonic confinement    [PDF]

David I. H. Holdaway, Christoph Weiss, Simon A. Gardiner

1203.6054 (Ville Pietilä)

Pairing and radio-frequency spectroscopy in two-dimensional Fermi gases    [PDF]

Ville Pietilä

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1108.3013 (D. -S. Lühmann et al.)

Multi-orbital and density-induced tunneling of bosons in optical

D. -S. Lühmann, O. Jürgensen, K. Sengstock

1108.5429 (Michele Correggi et al.)

Critical Rotational Speeds for Superfluids in Homogeneous Traps    [PDF]

Michele Correggi, Florian Pinsker, Nicolas Rougerie, Jakob Yngvason

1110.2821 (Xi-Wen Guan et al.)

One-dimensional multicomponent fermions with delta function interaction
in strong and weak coupling limits: Two-component Fermi gas

Xi-Wen Guan, Zhong-Qi Ma

1110.3143 (J. E. Baarsma et al.)

Polarons in Extremely Polarized Fermi Gases: The Strongly Interacting
6Li-40K Mixture

J. E. Baarsma, J. Armaitis, R. A. Duine, H. T. C. Stoof

1201.4629 (Xi-Wen Guan et al.)

1D multicomponent Fermions with delta function interaction in strong and
weak coupling limits: $κ$-component Fermi gas

Xi-Wen Guan, Zhong-Qi Ma, Brendan Wilson

1203.5357 (Robert Bücker et al.)

Dynamics of parametric matter wave amplification    [PDF]

Robert Bücker, Ulrich Hohenester, Tarik Berrada, Sandrine van Frank, Aurélien Perrin, Stephanie Manz, Thomas Betz, Julian Grond, Thorsten Schumm, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1203.5359 (Christian Gross)

Spin squeezing, entanglement and quantum metrology with Bose-Einstein

Christian Gross

1203.5629 (Chia-Min Chung et al.)

Quantum and Thermal Transitions Out of the Pair-Supersolid Phase of
Two-Species Bosons in Lattice

Chia-Min Chung, Siang Fang, Pochung Chen

1203.5705 (B. M. Rodríguez-Lara et al.)

Classical dynamics of a two-species Bose-Einstein condensate in the
presence of nonlinear maser processes

B. M. Rodríguez-Lara, R. -K. Lee

Friday, March 23, 2012

1110.4980 (Yi-Fei Wang et al.)

Non-Abelian Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Flat Bands    [PDF]

Yi-Fei Wang, Hong Yao, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Chang-De Gong, D. N. Sheng

1111.0778 (Jonathan Ruhman et al.)

Non-local Order in Elongated Dipolar Gases    [PDF]

Jonathan Ruhman, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Sebastian D. Huber, Ehud Altman

1111.1316 (M. C. Beeler et al.)

Disorder-Driven Loss of Phase Coherence in a Quasi-2D Cold Atom System    [PDF]

M. C. Beeler, M. E. W. Reed, T. Hong, S. L. Rolston

1203.4819 (Charles J. M. Mathy et al.)

Quantum flutter of supersonic particles in one-dimensional quantum

Charles J. M. Mathy, Mikhail B. Zvonarev, Eugene Demler

1203.4878 (Bryan J. Dalton et al.)

Grassmann Variables and the Jaynes-Cummings Model    [PDF]

Bryan J. Dalton, Barry M. Garraway, John Jeffers, Stephen M. Barnett

1203.4890 (Takuya Saito et al.)

Detecting the superfluid critical momentum of Bose gases in optical
lattices through dipole oscillations

Takuya Saito, Ippei Danshita, Takeshi Ozaki, Tetsuro Nikuni

1203.4896 (Muneto Nitta et al.)

Creating vortons and three-dimensional skyrmions from domain wall
annihilation with stretched vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates

Muneto Nitta, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Makoto Tsubota, Hiromitsu Takeuchi

1203.4973 (Christian Bartsch et al.)

Boltzmann-type approach to transport in weakly interacting
one-dimensional fermionic systems

Christian Bartsch, Jochen Gemmer

1203.5094 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

Interaction-induced conducting-nonconducting transition of ultra-cold
atoms in 1D optical lattices

Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Michael Zwolak

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1012.4167 (Moritz Hiller et al.)

Robust states of ultra-cold bosons in tilted optical lattices    [PDF]

Moritz Hiller, Hannah Venzl, Tobias Zech, Bartlomiej Oleś, Florian Mintert, Andreas Buchleitner

1106.3837 (Chen Ji et al.)

The three-boson system at next-to-leading order in an effective field
theory for systems with a large scattering length

Chen Ji, Daniel R. Phillips, Lucas Platter

1109.0568 (Y. Q. Li et al.)

Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures in an
optical lattice

Y. Q. Li, M. Reza Bakhtiari, L. He, W. Hofstetter

1112.0334 (Stuart Moulder et al.)

Quantised superflow glitches in an annular Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Stuart Moulder, Scott Beattie, Robert P. Smith, Naaman Tammuz, Zoran Hadzibabic

1112.1100 (Bela Bauer et al.)

Three-sublattice order in the SU(3) Heisenberg model on the square and
triangular lattice

Bela Bauer, Philippe Corboz, Andreas M. Läuchli, Laura Messio, Karlo Penc, Matthias Troyer, Frédéric Mila

1201.0468 (M. Hyrkäs et al.)

Boson and fermion dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional flat band lattices    [PDF]

M. Hyrkäs, V. Apaja, M. Manninen

1203.4586 (K. M. Daily et al.)

Occupation numbers of the harmonically trapped few-boson system    [PDF]

K. M. Daily, X. Y. Yin, D. Blume

1203.4657 (S. Hoinka et al.)

Dynamic spin response of a strongly interacting Fermi gas    [PDF]

S. Hoinka, M. Lingham, M. Delehaye, C. J. Vale

1203.4658 (Andrii Sotnikov et al.)

Advantages of mass-imbalanced ultracold fermionic mixtures for
approaching quantum magnetism in optical lattices

Andrii Sotnikov, Daniel Cocks, Walter Hofstetter

1203.4762 (J. Stockhofe et al.)

Existence, stability and nonlinear dynamics of vortices and vortex
clusters in anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates

J. Stockhofe, P. G. Kevrekidis, P. Schmelcher

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1008.3933 (Aurel Bulgac et al.)

The Unitary Fermi Gas: From Monte Carlo to Density Functionals    [PDF]

Aurel Bulgac, Michael McNeil Forbes, Piotr Magierski

1108.0541 (Thomas Gasenzer et al.)

Charge separation in Reheating after Cosmological Inflation    [PDF]

Thomas Gasenzer, Boris Nowak, Denes Sexty

1112.2845 (Michele Modugno et al.)

Maximally localized Wannier functions for ultracold atoms in
one-dimensional double-well periodic potentials

Michele Modugno, Giulio Pettini

1201.1479 (Lih-King Lim et al.)

Bloch-Zener oscillations across a merging transition of Dirac points    [PDF]

Lih-King Lim, Jean-Noël Fuchs, Gilles Montambaux

1203.4262 (Yongqiang Li et al.)

Anisotropic pair-superfluidity of trapped two-component Bose gases    [PDF]

Yongqiang Li, Liang He, Walter Hofstetter

1203.4341 (David Breyel et al.)

Rydberg crystallization detection by statistical means    [PDF]

David Breyel, Thomas L. Schmidt, Andreas Komnik

1203.4402 (Jani-Petri Martikainen et al.)

Multi-orbital bosons in bipartite optical lattices    [PDF]

Jani-Petri Martikainen, Jonas Larson

1203.4420 (W. Casteels et al.)

Polaronic properties of an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate in
reduced dimensions

W. Casteels, J. Tempere, J. T. Devreese

1203.4432 (Boyang Liu et al.)

One-loop renormalization group study of boson-fermion mixtures    [PDF]

Boyang Liu, Jiangping Hu

1203.4458 (Yvan Castin et al.)

Spatial and temporal coherence of a Bose-condensed gas    [PDF]

Yvan Castin, Alice Sinatra

1203.4540 (Dario Poletti et al.)

Interaction-induced impeding of decoherence and anomalous diffusion    [PDF]

Dario Poletti, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Antoine Georges, Corinna Kollath

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1008.4143 (V. A. Golovko)

Bose-Einstein condensation in perfect crystals    [PDF]

V. A. Golovko

1110.3747 (K. Van Houcke et al.)

Feynman diagrams versus Fermi-gas Feynman emulator    [PDF]

K. Van Houcke, F. Werner, E. Kozik, N. Prokofev, B. Svistunov, M. J. H. Ku, A. T. Sommer, L. W. Cheuk, A. Schirotzek, M. W. Zwierlein

1112.3650 (A. Rakonjac et al.)

A laser based accelerator for ultracold atoms    [PDF]

A. Rakonjac, A. B. Deb, S. Hoinka, D. Hudson, B. J. Sawyer, N. Kjaergaard

1112.5516 (Ikuo Ichinose et al.)

Crystal, Superfluids, Supersolid and Hetero-Structure in System of
Two-Component Strongly-Correlated Bosons in a Cubic Optical Lattice

Ikuo Ichinose, Takumi Ishima, Naohiro Kobayashi, Yoshihito Kuno

1203.3807 (G. R. Boyd et al.)

Detecting D-Wave Pairing and Collective Modes in Fermionic Condensates
with Bragg Scattering

G. R. Boyd, V. Galitski, V. M. Yakovenko

1203.4050 (Shimpei Endo et al.)

Crossover trimers connecting continuous and discrete scaling regimes    [PDF]

Shimpei Endo, Pascal Naidon, Masahito Ueda

1203.4136 (C. Sabín et al.)

Encoding relativistic potential dynamics into free evolution    [PDF]

C. Sabín, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, L. Lamata, E. Solano, J. León

1203.4162 (S. Iubini et al.)

Negative Temperature States in the Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger

S. Iubini, R. Franzosi, R. Livi, G. -L. Oppo, A. Politi

Monday, March 19, 2012

1103.4831 (Elena Kammann et al.)

Crossover from exciton-polariton to photon Bose-Einstein condensation    [PDF]

Elena Kammann, Hamid Ohadi, Maria Maragkou, Alexey V. Kavokin, Pavlos G. Lagoudakis

1108.1251 (B. J. Dalton)

Phase space theory of Bose-Einstein condensates and time-dependent modes    [PDF]

B. J. Dalton

1110.2109 (Takahiro Ohgoe et al.)

Quantum Phases of Bosons with Anisotropic Dipolar Interactions on 2D

Takahiro Ohgoe, Takafumi Suzuki, Naoki Kawashima

1112.5013 (Mario Collura et al.)

The quantum Galileo ramp: entangling many-body bound states with
propagative modes

Mario Collura, Helge Aufderheide, Guillaume Roux, Dragi Karevski

1203.3651 (Maximilian Schmidt et al.)

Nonthermal fixed points and solitons in a one-dimensional Bose gas    [PDF]

Maximilian Schmidt, Sebastian Erne, Boris Nowak, Dénes Sexty, Thomas Gasenzer

1203.3657 (D. Witthaut et al.)

Beyond mean-field dynamics in open Bose-Hubbard chains    [PDF]

D. Witthaut, F. Trimborn, H. Hennig, G. Kordas, T. Geisel, S. Wimberger

1203.3728 (Michiel Wouters)

Wave function Monte Carlo method for polariton condensates    [PDF]

Michiel Wouters

1203.3745 (C. H. Wong et al.)

Spin-Seebeck effect in a strongly interacting Fermi gas    [PDF]

C. H. Wong, H. T. C. Stoof, R. A. Duine

Friday, March 16, 2012

1112.6006 (A. I. Yakimenko et al.)

Stable bright solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

A. I. Yakimenko, K. O. Shchebetovska, S. I. Vilchinskii, M. Weyrauch

1203.2984 (Tiberiu Harko et al.)

Cosmological evolution of finite temperature Bose-Einstein Condensate
dark matter

Tiberiu Harko, Gabriela Mocanu

1203.3206 (M. A. Garcia-March et al.)

Vortex macroscopic superpositions in ultracold bosons in a double-well

M. A. Garcia-March, Lincoln D. Carr

1203.3254 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

A unified description of pairing effects, BKT physics, and superfluidity
of 2D interacting Bose gases

Chih-Chun Chien, Jianhuang She, Fred Cooper

1203.3308 (Stavros Komineas et al.)

Vortex lattices for ultracold bosonic atoms in a non-Abelian gauge

Stavros Komineas, Nigel R. Cooper

1203.3325 (A. A. Shanenko et al.)

Atypical BCS-BEC crossover induced by quantum-size effects    [PDF]

A. A. Shanenko, M. D. Croitoru, A. V. Vagov, V. M. Axt, A. Perali, F. M. Peeters

Thursday, March 15, 2012

1009.2606 (M. Colomé-Tatché et al.)

Adiabatic spin cooling using high-spin Fermi gases    [PDF]

M. Colomé-Tatché, C. Klempt, L. Santos, T. Vekua

1103.4950 (Philipp-Immanuel Schneider et al.)

Quantum computation with ultracold atoms in a driven optical lattice    [PDF]

Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Alejandro Saenz

1108.0928 (Marcos Rigol et al.)

Alternatives to Eigenstate Thermalization    [PDF]

Marcos Rigol, Mark Srednicki

1108.2017 (Christian Sanner et al.)

Correlations and Pair Formation in a Repulsively Interacting Fermi Gas    [PDF]

Christian Sanner, Edward J. Su, Wujie Huang, Aviv Keshet, Jonathon Gillen, Wolfgang Ketterle

1112.0972 (Krzysztof Sacha et al.)

Frustration and time reversal symmetry breaking for Fermi and Bose-Fermi

Krzysztof Sacha, Katarzyna Targonska, Jakub Zakrzewski

1112.5046 (M. Heimsoth et al.)

Orbital Josephson effect and interactions in driven atom condensates    [PDF]

M. Heimsoth, C. E. Creffield, L. D. Carr, F. Sols

1201.3958 (Xiao-Qiang Xu et al.)

Emergence of Chiral Magnetism in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate with
Rashba Coupling

Xiao-Qiang Xu, Jung Hoon Han

1203.2792 (Gentaro Watanabe et al.)

Floquet analysis of modulated two-mode Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

Gentaro Watanabe, Harri Mäkelä

1203.2850 (D. S. Petrov et al.)

Controlling integrability in a quasi-1D atom-dimer mixture    [PDF]

D. S. Petrov, V. Lebedev, J. T. M. Walraven

1203.2989 (Yosuke Takasu et al.)

Controlled Production of Sub-Radiant States of a Diatomic Molecule in an
Optical Lattice

Yosuke Takasu, Yutaka Saito, Yoshiro Takahashi, Mateusz Borkowski, Roman Ciuryło, Paul S. Julienne

1203.3080 (John L. Helm et al.)

Bright matter-wave soliton collisions at narrow barriers    [PDF]

John L. Helm, Thomas P. Billam, Simon A. Gardiner

1203.3130 (E. Hiyama et al.)

Perfect linear correlations between 4He trimer and tetramer energies
calculated with various realistic 4He potentials

E. Hiyama, M. Kamimura

1203.3169 (Michael G. Endres et al.)

Lattice Monte Carlo calculations for unitary fermions in a finite box    [PDF]

Michael G. Endres, David B. Kaplan, Jong-Wan Lee, Amy N. Nicholson

1203.3177 (Bryce Gadway et al.)

Quantum dynamics of matter waves in a pulsed disordered lattice    [PDF]

Bryce Gadway, Jeremy Reeves, Ludwig Krinner, Dominik Schneble

1203.3183 (Alexander L. Fetter et al.)

Bose gas: Theory and Experiment    [PDF]

Alexander L. Fetter, Christopher J. Foot

Monday, March 12, 2012

1011.0599 (Jerome C. Sanders et al.)

Bound states of two bosons in an optical lattice near an association

Jerome C. Sanders, Otim Odong, Juha Javanainen, Matt Mackie

1109.3384 (Emma Wikberg et al.)

Fractional domain walls from on-site softening in dipolar bosons    [PDF]

Emma Wikberg, Jonas Larson, Emil J. Bergholtz, Anders Karlhede

1201.0687 (J. Berges et al.)

Bose condensation far from equilibrium    [PDF]

J. Berges, D. Sexty

1201.0956 (F. Kh. Abdullaev et al.)

Quasi 1D Bose-Einstein condensate flow past a nonlinear barrier    [PDF]

F. Kh. Abdullaev, R. M. Galimzyanov, Kh. N. Ismatullaev

1203.1927 (Jean-Philippe Brantut et al.)

Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel    [PDF]

Jean-Philippe Brantut, Jakob Meineke, David Stadler, Sebastian Krinner, Tilman Esslinger

1203.1972 (Maxim Olshanii et al.)

An Exactly Solvable Model for the Integrability-Chaos Transition in
Rough Quantum Billiards

Maxim Olshanii, Kurt Jacobs, Marcos Rigol, Vanja Dunjko, Harry Kennard, Vladimir A. Yurovsky

1203.1994 (Golam Ali Sekh et al.)

Displaced dynamics of binary mixtures in linear and nonlinear optical

Golam Ali Sekh, Mario Salerno, Aparna Saha, Benoy Talukdar

1203.2005 (Z. F. Xu et al.)

Symmetry classification of spin-orbit coupled spinor Bose-Einstein

Z. F. Xu, Y. Kawaguchi, L. You, M. Ueda

1203.2020 (J. Smyrnakis et al.)

Excitation spectrum of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a
ring potential

J. Smyrnakis, M. Magiropoulos, A. D. Jackson, G. M. Kavoulakis

1203.2030 (Giacomo Ceccarelli et al.)

Scaling behaviour of trapped bosonic particles in two dimensions at
finite temperature

Giacomo Ceccarelli, Christian Torrero

1203.2063 (Robert P. Smith et al.)

Effects of interactions on Bose-Einstein condensation of an atomic gas    [PDF]

Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

1203.2164 (Friedemann Queisser et al.)

Correlations in the Bose & Fermi Hubbard Model    [PDF]

Friedemann Queisser, Konstantin Krutitsky, Patrick Navez, Ralf Schützhold

Friday, March 9, 2012

1112.6136 (Stewart D. Jenkins et al.)

Controlled manipulation of light by cooperative response of atoms in an
optical lattice

Stewart D. Jenkins, Janne Ruostekoski

1203.1624 (David Peter et al.)

Anomalous Behavior of Spin Systems with Dipolar Interactions    [PDF]

David Peter, Steffen Müller, Stefan Wessel, Hans Peter Büchler

1203.1698 (Bakhodir Abdullaev et al.)

Bose-Einstein Condensate in Weak 3d Isotropic Speckle Disorder    [PDF]

Bakhodir Abdullaev, Axel Pelster

1203.1722 (Tobias Geiger et al.)

Thermalization of interacting bosons in random potentials    [PDF]

Tobias Geiger, Thomas Wellens, Andreas Buchleitner

1203.1788 (A. Rancon et al.)

Universal thermodynamics of a two-dimensional Bose gas    [PDF]

A. Rancon, N. Dupuis

1203.1811 (Przemysław Bienias et al.)

Quasicondensation reexamined    [PDF]

Przemysław Bienias, Krzysztof Pawłowski, Mariusz Gajda, Kazimierz Rz\k\a{c}żewski

1203.1824 (P. Niemann et al.)

Pauli blocking effects and Cooper triples in three-component Fermi gases    [PDF]

P. Niemann, H. -W. Hammer

1203.1885 (Holger Cartarius et al.)

Model of a PT symmetric Bose-Einstein condensate in a delta-functions
double well

Holger Cartarius, Günter Wunner

1203.1906 (A. Braggio et al.)

Environmental induced renormalization effects in quantum Hall edge

A. Braggio, D. Ferraro, M. Carrega, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti

Thursday, March 8, 2012

0911.5587 (Maxim Olshanii et al.)

Memory of the Initial Conditions in an Incompletely-Chaotic Quantum
System: Universal Predictions and an Application to Cold Atoms

Maxim Olshanii, Vladimir Yurovsky

1108.6188 (Luca Dell'Anna)

An analytical approach to the two-site Bose-Hubbard model: from Fock
states to Schrödinger cats and the entanglement entropy

Luca Dell'Anna

1111.7242 (Thomas Schaefer)

Shear viscosity and damping of collective modes in a two-dimensional
Fermi gas

Thomas Schaefer

1112.0985 (Baptiste Allard et al.)

Effect of disorder close to the superfluid transition in a
two-dimensional Bose gas

Baptiste Allard, Thomas Plisson, Markus Holzmann, Guillaume Salomon, Alain Aspect, Philippe Bouyer, Thomas Bourdel

1201.1438 (Tetsu Takekoshi et al.)

Towards the production of ultracold ground-state RbCs molecules:
Feshbach resonances, weakly bound states, and coupled-channel model

Tetsu Takekoshi, Markus Debatin, Raffael Rameshan, Francesca Ferlaino, Rudolf Grimm, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, C. Ruth Le Sueur, Jeremy M. Hutson, Paul S. Julienne, Svetlana Kotochigova, Eberhard Tiemann

1203.1322 (R. Mottl et al.)

Observation of roton-type mode softening in a quantum gas with
cavity-mediated long-range interactions

R. Mottl, F. Brennecke, K. Baumann, R. Landig, T. Donner, T. Esslinger

1203.1345 (Derek D. Scott et al.)

PT-symmetry breaking and universal chirality in a PT-symmetric ring    [PDF]

Derek D. Scott, Yogesh N. Joglekar

1203.1385 (Arya Dhar et al.)

Mean field analysis of quantum phase transitions in a periodic optical

Arya Dhar, Manpreet Singh, Ramesh V. Pai, B. P. Das

1203.1412 (Manpreet Singh et al.)

Three body on-site interactions in ultracold bosonic atoms in optical
lattices and superlattices

Manpreet Singh, Arya Dhar, Tapan Mishra, R. V. Pai, B. P. Das

1203.1460 (A. Frisch et al.)

Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for erbium: Simple approach for a
complex atom

A. Frisch, K. Aikawa, M. Mark, A. Rietzler, J. Schindler, E. Zupanic, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1009.2125 (Analabha Roy)

Dynamics of quantum quenching for BCS-BEC systems in the shallow BEC

Analabha Roy

1103.2339 (T. Morgan et al.)

Coherent adiabatic transport of atoms in radio-frequency traps    [PDF]

T. Morgan, B. O'Sullivan, Th. Busch

1106.0324 (Asaad R. Sakhel)

Global and local condensate and superfluid fraction of a few hard core
bosons in a cubic optical lattice plus external harmonic confinement

Asaad R. Sakhel

1203.1120 (Satoshi Ejima et al.)

Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the
one-dimensional Bose--Hubbard model

Satoshi Ejima, Holger Fehske, Florian Gebhard, Kevin zu Münster, Michael Knap, Enrico Arrigoni, Wolfgang von der Linden

1203.1159 (Zhenhua Yu)

Short-range correlations in dilute atomic Fermi gases with spin-orbit

Zhenhua Yu

1203.1220 (Giovanni Luca Gattobigio et al.)

Optically guided beam splitter for propagating matter waves    [PDF]

Giovanni Luca Gattobigio, Antoine Couvert, Gael Reinaudi, Bertrand Georgeot, David Guery-Odelin

1203.1236 (Anna Kauch et al.)

Strong-coupling solution of the bosonic dynamical mean-field theory    [PDF]

Anna Kauch, Krzysztof Byczuk, Dieter Vollhardt

1203.1246 (Nathan Goldman et al.)

Detecting Chiral Edge States in the Hofstadter Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Nathan Goldman, Jerome Beugnon, Fabrice Gerbier

1203.1259 (Ennio Arimondo et al.)

Kilohertz-driven Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices    [PDF]

Ennio Arimondo, Donatella Ciampini, André Eckardt, Martin Holthaus, Oliver Morsch

1203.1261 (M. Viteau et al.)

Rydberg excitation of a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

M. Viteau, M. Bason, J. Radogostowicz, N. Malossi, O. Morsch, D. Ciampini, E. Arimondo

1203.1262 (R. de Gail et al.)

Manipulation of Dirac points in graphene-like crystals    [PDF]

R. de Gail, J. -N. Fuchs, M. -O. Goerbig, F. Piechon, G. Montambaux

1203.1270 (V. B. Bobrov et al.)

Theory of degenerate Bose gas without anomalous averages    [PDF]

V. B. Bobrov, S. A. Trigger

1203.1305 (Jorn Mossel et al.)

Generalized TBA and generalized Gibbs    [PDF]

Jorn Mossel, Jean-Sébastien Caux

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1109.6457 (Philipp Hauke et al.)

Can One Trust Quantum Simulators?    [PDF]

Philipp Hauke, Fernando M. Cucchietti, Luca Tagliacozzo, Ivan Deutsch, Maciej Lewenstein

1111.5134 (A. M. Kamchatnov et al.)

Generation of dispersive shock waves by the flow of a Bose-Einstein
condensate past a narrow obstacle

A. M. Kamchatnov, N. Pavloff

1112.5943 (Jian-Hua Jiang)

Tunable topological Weyl semimetal from simple cubic lattices with
staggered fluxes

Jian-Hua Jiang

1203.0623 (Peng Zhang et al.)

Interatomic collisions in the two-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional
confinements with Rashba spin-orbital coupling

Peng Zhang, Wei Zhang

1203.0837 (Michael Stern et al.)

Dark Exciton Condensate in GaAs Coupled Quantum Wells    [PDF]

Michael Stern, Vladimir Umansky, Israel Bar-Joseph

1203.0885 (H. Flayac et al.)

Separation and acceleration of analogues of magnetic monopoles in
semiconductor microcavities

H. Flayac, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech

1203.0894 (T. Wasak et al.)

Raman scattering of atoms from a quasi-condensate in a perturbative

T. Wasak, J. Chwedenczuk, P. Zin, M. Trippenbach

1203.0901 (Jean-Sebastien Caux et al.)

Numerical renormalization based on integrable theories: quantum quenches
and their corresponding generalized Gibbs ensemble

Jean-Sebastien Caux, Robert M. Konik

1203.0914 (Balázs Dóra et al.)

How much work is done on a Luttinger liquid during a quantum quench?    [PDF]

Balázs Dóra, Ádám Bácsi

1203.0925 (K. G. L. Pedersen et al.)

Inducing spin-dependent tunneling to probe magnetic correlations in
optical lattices

K. G. L. Pedersen, B. M. Andersen, O. F. Syljuasen, G. M. Bruun, A. S. Sorensen

1203.0948 (Jasper Simon Krauser et al.)

Coherent multi-flavour spin dynamics in a fermionic quantum gas    [PDF]

Jasper Simon Krauser, Jannes Heinze, Nick Fläschner, Sören Götze, Christoph Becker, Klaus Sengstock

1203.1009 (Marco Koschorreck et al.)

Attractive and repulsive Fermi polarons in two dimensions    [PDF]

Marco Koschorreck, Daniel Pertot, Enrico Vogt, Bernd Fröhlich, Michael Feld, Michael Köhl

Monday, March 5, 2012

1010.2092 (Stefan Hunn et al.)

Inelastic chaotic scattering on a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Stefan Hunn, Moritz Hiller, Andreas Buchleitner, Doron Cohen, Tsampikos Kottos

1109.3373 (Muhammad Ayub et al.)

Delicate and robust dynamical recurrences of matter waves in driven
optical crystals

Muhammad Ayub, Farhan Saif

1111.1694 (C. D. Hamley et al.)

Spin-Nematic Squeezed Vacuum in a Quantum Gas    [PDF]

C. D. Hamley, C. S. Gerving, T. M. Hoang, E. M. Bookjans, M. S. Chapman

1111.1952 (Zhongbo Yan et al.)

Topological Superfluid in one-dimensional Ultracold Atomic System with
Spin-Orbit Coupling

Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan

1203.0010 (Mikhail Lemeshko et al.)

Non-adiabatic preparation of spin crystals with ultracold polar

Mikhail Lemeshko, Roman V. Krems, Hendrik Weimer

1203.0049 (Julian Struck et al.)

Tunable gauge potential for neutral and spinless particles in driven

Julian Struck, Christoph Ölschläger, Malte Weinberg, Philipp Hauke, Juliette Simonet, André Eckardt, Maciej Lewenstein, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger

1203.0121 (Ming-Chiang Chung et al.)

Thermalization in Systems with Bipartite Eigenmode Entanglement    [PDF]

Ming-Chiang Chung, Anibal Iucci, Miguel. A. Cazalilla

1203.0182 (T. F. Xu et al.)

Interplay between periodicity and nonlinearity of indirect excitons in
coupled quantum wells

T. F. Xu, X. L. Jing, H. G. Luo, W. C. Wu, C. S. Liu

1203.0351 (Anatoly Kuklov et al.)

Quantum phase transitions to superfluid state of chains in a polarized
gas of dipolar molecules

Anatoly Kuklov, Alexei Tsvelik

1203.0390 (Stefan Hunn et al.)

Matter-wave scattering on a BEC in a double-well potential    [PDF]

Stefan Hunn, Moritz Hiller, Tsampikos Kottos, Doron Cohen, Andreas Buchleitner

1203.0499 (D. Reitz et al.)

Nanofiber-Based Double-Helix Dipole Trap for Cold Neutral Atoms    [PDF]

D. Reitz, A. Rauschenbeutel

1203.0505 (Xiaolong Deng et al.)

Polar bosons in one-dimensional disordered optical lattices    [PDF]

Xiaolong Deng, Roberta Citro, Edmond Orignac, Anna Minguzzi, Luis Santos

1203.0552 (Igor B. Mekhov et al.)

REVIEW. Quantum optics with ultracold quantum gases: towards the full
quantum regime of the light-matter interaction

Igor B. Mekhov, Helmut Ritsch

Thursday, March 1, 2012

1107.4349 (V. L. Campo et al.)

Thermal versus Quantum Fluctuations of Optical Lattice Fermions    [PDF]

V. L. Campo, K. Capelle, C. Hooley, J. Quintanilla, V. W. Scarola

1202.6446 (Kensuke Inaba et al.)

Control of Wannier orbitals for generating entanglement of ultracold
atoms in an optical lattice

Kensuke Inaba, Yuuki Tokunaga, Kiyoshi Tamaki, Kazuhiro Igeta, Makoto Yamashita

1202.6449 (Lyndon Koens et al.)

Perturbative behaviour of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Lyndon Koens, Andrew M. Martin

1202.6453 (Keye Zhang et al.)

Role reversal in a Bose-condensed optomechanical system    [PDF]

Keye Zhang, Pierre Meystre, Weiping Zhang

1202.6532 (Naoyuki Sakumichi et al.)

Perron-Frobenius theorem on the superfluid transition of an ultracold
Fermi gas

Naoyuki Sakumichi, Norio Kawakami, Masahito Ueda

1202.6541 (P. Lecheminant et al.)

Exotic Quantum Criticality in One-Dimensional Coupled Dipolar Bosons

P. Lecheminant, H. Nonne

1202.6564 (Jesper Levinsen et al.)

Ground state of an impurity in a quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gas    [PDF]

Jesper Levinsen, Stefan K. Baur

1202.6631 (Xiao Li et al.)

3D Projection Sideband Cooling    [PDF]

Xiao Li, Theodore A. Corcovilos, Yang Wang, David S. Weiss