Thursday, December 27, 2012

1212.5833 (Alexander L. Gaunt et al.)

A superheated Bose-condensed gas    [PDF]

Alexander L. Gaunt, Richard J. Fletcher, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

1212.5894 (H. Flayac et al.)

Landau versus Spin Superfluidity in Two Component Bose-Einstein

H. Flayac, H. Tercas, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech

1212.6033 (Katsuhiro Nakamura et al.)

Bernoulli's formula and Poisson's equations for a confined quantum gas:
Effects due to a moving piston

Katsuhiro Nakamura, Zarifboy A. Sobirov, Davron U. Matrasulov, Sanat K. Avazbaev

1212.6035 (Hosho Katsura et al.)

Ground States of the Spin-1 Bose-Hubbard Model    [PDF]

Hosho Katsura, Hal Tasaki

1212.6082 (A-Hai Chen et al.)

The demixing of the two-component fermions in optical lattices under a
spin-dependent external potential

A-Hai Chen, Gao Xianlong

1212.6161 (Iacopo Carusotto)

Circumnavigating an ocean of incompressible light    [PDF]

Iacopo Carusotto

1212.6189 (Charles Grenier et al.)

Quantum oscillations in ultracold Fermi gases : realizations with
rotating gases or artificial gauge fields

Charles Grenier, Corinna Kollath, Antoine Georges

1212.6212 (Felipe Herrera et al.)

Investigating polaron phase transitions with polar molecules    [PDF]

Felipe Herrera, Kirk W. Madison, Roman V. Krems, Mona Berciu

1212.6217 (D. Rakshit et al.)

Hyperspherical explicitly correlated Gaussian approach for few-body
systems with finite angular momentum

D. Rakshit, D. Blume

Monday, December 24, 2012

1212.5274 (B. S. Rem et al.)

Lifetime of the Bose Gas with Resonant Interactions    [PDF]

B. S. Rem, A. T. Grier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, U. Eismann, T. Langen, N. Navon, L. Khaykovich, F. Werner, D. S. Petrov, F. Chevy, C. Salomon

1212.5341 (Weizhu Bao et al.)

Mathematical theory and numerical methods for Bose-Einstein condensation    [PDF]

Weizhu Bao, Yongyong Cai

1212.5379 (K. Rapedius)

Closed system approach to open systems: Tunneling decay of interacting
cold bosons in an optical lattice

K. Rapedius

1212.5392 (A. Fabbri)

Observing Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates via correlation

A. Fabbri

1212.5450 (J. E. Baarsma et al.)

Inhomogeneous Superfluid Phases in the Unitary Li-6-K-40 Mixture    [PDF]

J. E. Baarsma, H. T. C. Stoof

1212.5467 (M. Abbarchi et al.)

Macroscopic quantum self-trapping and Josephson oscillations of

M. Abbarchi, A. Amo, V. G. Sala, D. D. Solnyshkov, H. Flayac, L. Ferrier, I. Sagnes, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre, G. Malpuech, J. Bloch

1212.5469 (A. de Paz et al.)

Resonant demagnetization of a dipolar BEC in a 3D optical lattice    [PDF]

A. de Paz, A. Chotia, E. Marechal, P. Pedri, L. Vernac, O. Gorceix, B. Laburthe-Tolra

1212.5512 (Yvan Castin et al.)

Third virial coefficient of the unitary Bose gas    [PDF]

Yvan Castin, Félix Werner

1212.5568 (Yongyao Li et al.)

Symmetry breaking in dipolar matter-wave solitons in dual-core couplers    [PDF]

Yongyao Li, Jingfeng Liu, Wei Pang, Boris A. Malomed

1212.5584 (Martin Berninger et al.)

Feshbach resonances, weakly bound states and coupled-channel potentials
for cesium molecules at high magnetic field

Martin Berninger, Alessandro Zenesini, Bo Huang, Walter Harm, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, Francesca Ferlaino, Rudolf Grimm, Paul S. Julienne, Jeremy M. Hutson

Friday, December 21, 2012

1212.4839 (Norman Y. Yao et al.)

Realizing Fractional Chern Insulators with Dipolar Spins    [PDF]

Norman Y. Yao, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Chris R. Laumann, Andreas M. Läuchli, Jun Ye, Mikhail D. Lukin

1212.5004 (Luis E. Young-S. et al.)

A dipolar droplet bound in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Luis E. Young-S., S. K. Adhikari

1212.5093 (N. Goldman et al.)

Direct imaging of topological edges states with cold atoms    [PDF]

N. Goldman, J. Dalibard, A. Dauphin, F. Gerbier, M. Lewenstein, P. Zoller, I. B. Spielman

1212.5134 (Yanko Todorov et al.)

Polaritonic spectroscopy of intersubband transitions    [PDF]

Yanko Todorov, Lorenzo Tosetto, Aymeric Delteil, Angela Vasanelli, Aaron Maxwel Andrews, Gottfired Strasser, Carlo Sirtori

1212.5140 (Yanko Todorov et al.)

Intersubband Polaritons in the Electrical Dipole Gauge    [PDF]

Yanko Todorov, Carlo Sirtori

1212.5152 (Massimo Mannarelli et al.)

Phonon contribution to the shear viscosity of a superfluid Fermi gas in
the unitarity limit

Massimo Mannarelli, Cristina Manuel, Laura Tolos

1212.5191 (Vipin Kerala Varma et al.)

Spin wave theory for interacting hardcore bosons on cubic lattices: a
comparative study

Vipin Kerala Varma, Hartmut Monien

1212.5219 (Kelly R. Patton et al.)

Transfer and storage of qubits in the presence of decoherence    [PDF]

Kelly R. Patton, Uwe R. Fischer

Thursday, December 20, 2012

1212.4517 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

Quench Dynamics and Emergence of Phase Separation in Two-Component
Atomic Bose Gases at Zero and High Temperatures

Chih-Chun Chien, Fred Cooper

1212.4570 (Krzysztof Gawryluk et al.)

Mott-insulator phases at half-integer fillings in the imbalanced
honeycomb lattice

Krzysztof Gawryluk, Christian Miniatura, Benoît Grémaud

1212.4635 (G. D. McDonald et al.)

Optically guided linear Mach Zehnder atom interferometer    [PDF]

G. D. McDonald, H. Keal, P. A. Altin, J. E. Debs, S. Bennetts, C. C. N. Kuhn, K. S. Hardman, M. T. Johnsson, J. D. Close, N. P. Robins

1212.4637 (Dario Poletti et al.)

Emergence of glass-like dynamics for dissipative and strongly
interacting bosons

Dario Poletti, Peter Barmettler, Antoine Georges, Corinna Kollath

1212.4645 (David Adu Smith et al.)

Prethermalization Revealed by the Relaxation Dynamics of Full
Distribution Functions

David Adu Smith, Michael Gring, Tim Langen, Maximilian Kuhnert, Bernhard Rauer, Remi Geiger, Takuya Kitagawa, Igor Mazets, Eugene Demler, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1212.4655 (Sthitadhi Roy et al.)

Fidelity, Dynamics, Decoherence and Entropy in one dimensional hard-core
bosonic systems

Sthitadhi Roy, Tanay Nag, Amit Dutta

1212.4705 (David Snoke et al.)

Bose-Einstein Condensation of Excitons in Cu$_2$O: Progress Over Thirty

David Snoke, G. M. Kavoulakis

1212.4721 (Budhaditya Chatterjee et al.)

Ultracold dipolar few-boson ensembles in a triple well trap    [PDF]

Budhaditya Chatterjee, Ioannis Brouzos, Lushuai Cao, Peter Schmelcher

1212.4802 (Yariv Yanay et al.)

Saving the Coherent State Path Integral    [PDF]

Yariv Yanay, Erich J. Mueller

1212.4807 (Branko Nikolic et al.)

Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates in Weak Anisotropic Disorder    [PDF]

Branko Nikolic, Antun Balaz, Axel Pelster

1212.4824 (G. Barontini et al.)

Controlling the dynamics of an open many-body quantum system with
localized dissipation

G. Barontini, R. Labouvie, F. Stubenrauch, A. Vogler, V. Guarrera, H. Ott

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

0908.3033 (A. Schilling)

Intrinsic instability at the Bose-Einstein condensation of bosonic
quasiparticles in magnetic insulators

A. Schilling

1212.4173 (Robert Bücker et al.)

Vibrational state inversion of a Bose-Einstein condensate: optimal
control and state tomography

Robert Bücker, Tarik Berrada, Sandrine van Frank, Jean-François Schaff, Thorsten Schumm, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Georg Jäger, Julian Grond, Ulrich Hohenester

1212.4224 (Xiao-Qiang Xu et al.)

Skyrmion dynamics and disintegration in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein

Xiao-Qiang Xu, Jung Hoon Han

1212.4254 (Dario Poletti et al.)

Dissipative quantum systems: from two to many atoms    [PDF]

Dario Poletti, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Antoine Georges, Corinna Kollath

1212.4263 (Honghua Zhong et al.)

Coherence and dynamics of a two-component condensate coupling with a

Honghua Zhong, Qiongtao Xie, Jun Xu, Wenhua Hai, Chaohong Lee

1212.4286 (Yuriy O. Tyshetskiy et al.)

Comment on "Novel Attractive Force between Ions in Quantum Plasmas"
[Shukla, Eliasson, PRL 108, 165007 (2012), arXiv:1112.5556]

Yuriy O. Tyshetskiy, Sergey V. Vladimirov

1212.4384 (C. E. Creffield et al.)

Comment on "Creating artificial magnetic fields for cold atoms by
photon-assisted tunneling" by Kolovsky A.R

C. E. Creffield, F. Sols

1212.4453 (Alexander L. Gaunt et al.)

Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms in a uniform potential    [PDF]

Alexander L. Gaunt, Tobias F. Schmidutz, Igor Gotlibovych, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

1212.4478 (Kalani Hettiarachchilage et al.)

Complex phases in the doped two-species bosonic Hubbard Model    [PDF]

Kalani Hettiarachchilage, Valéry G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno

1212.4485 (N. Blümer et al.)

Mott transitions in the half-filled SU(2M) symmetric Hubbard model    [PDF]

N. Blümer, E. Gorelik

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1111.0900 (Aristeu R. P. Lima et al.)

Beyond Mean-Field Low-Lying Excitations of Dipolar Bose Gases    [PDF]

Aristeu R. P. Lima, Axel Pelster

1212.3680 (M. Correggi et al.)

Vortex Phases of Rotating Superfluids    [PDF]

M. Correggi, F. Pinsker, N. Rougerie, J. Yngvason

1212.3734 (M. Dalmonte et al.)

Magnetic properties of commensurate Bose-Bose mixtures in
one-dimensional optical lattices

M. Dalmonte, E. Ercolessi, M. Mattioli, F. Ortolani, D. Vodola

1212.3759 (Snir Gazit et al.)

Fate of the Higgs mode near quantum criticality    [PDF]

Snir Gazit, Daniel Podolsky, Assa Auerbach

1212.3762 (Beibing Huang et al.)

Excitation Spectrum and Momentum Distribution of Bose-Hubbard Model with
On-site Two- and Three-body Interaction

Beibing Huang, Shaolong Wan

1212.3763 (S. Krämer et al.)

Spatially Resolved Magnetization in Bose-Einstein Condensed BaCuSi2O6:
Evidence for Imperfect Frustration

S. Krämer, N. Laflorencie, R. Stern, M. Horvatić, C. Berthier, H. Nakamura, T. Kimura, F. Mila

1212.3794 (A. Blumkin et al.)

Observing bunching in reciprocal space    [PDF]

A. Blumkin, S. Rinott, R. Schley, A. Berkovitz, I. Shammass, J. Steinhauer

1212.3831 (Y. Zhou et al.)

Comment on "Magnetotransport through graphene spin valves" and its
following works

Y. Zhou, M. W. Wu

1212.3927 (Ludovic Pricoupenko)

Many bosons in a narrow resonance: the $R^\star$-phase issue    [PDF]

Ludovic Pricoupenko

1212.4006 (Manuel Kreibich et al.)

A variational approach to Bogoliubov excitations and dynamics of dipolar
Bose-Einstein condensates

Manuel Kreibich, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner

1212.4051 (O. V. Marchukov et al.)

Spectral Gaps of Spin-orbit Coupled Particles in Deformed Traps    [PDF]

O. V. Marchukov, A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1212.4108 (Igor Gotlibovych et al.)

A compact single-chamber apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensation of

Igor Gotlibovych, Tobias F. Schmidutz, Stuart Moulder, Robert L. D. Campbell, Naaman Tammuz, Richard J. Fletcher, Alexander L. Gaunt, Scott Beattie, Robert P. Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic

Monday, December 17, 2012

1201.4006 (Massimo Mannarelli et al.)

Shear viscosity in a superfluid cold Fermi gas at unitarity    [PDF]

Massimo Mannarelli, Cristina Manuel, Laura Tolos

1212.3077 (Raam Uzdin et al.)

A third-order exceptional point effect on the dynamics of a single
particle in a time-dependent harmonic trap

Raam Uzdin, Emanuele Dalla Torre, Ronnie Kosloff, Nimrod Moiseyev

1212.3344 (D. Flassig et al.)

Black Holes and Quantumness on Macroscopic Scales    [PDF]

D. Flassig, A. Pritzel, N. Wintergerst

1212.3398 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)

Three-particle scattering amplitudes from a finite volume formalism    [PDF]

Raul A. Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi

1212.3457 (A. Kievsky et al.)

Universality in low energy states: from few-atoms to few-nucleons    [PDF]

A. Kievsky, M. Gattobigio

1212.3535 (Stefan Maier et al.)

Dynamical response of ultracold interacting fermion-boson mixtures:
Fermion-hole vs polaron-hole excitations

Stefan Maier, Kai Ji, Andreas Komnik

1212.3552 (Nigel R. Cooper et al.)

Reaching Fractional Quantum Hall States with Optical Flux Lattices    [PDF]

Nigel R. Cooper, Jean Dalibard

1212.3565 (Daniel Maldonado-Mundo et al.)

Single-branch theory of ultracold Fermi gases with artificial Rashba
spin-orbit coupling

Daniel Maldonado-Mundo, Patrik Ohberg, Manuel Valiente

1212.3594 (B. Prasanna Venkatesh et al.)

Bloch Oscillations of Cold Atoms in a Cavity: Effects of Quantum Noise    [PDF]

B. Prasanna Venkatesh, D. H. J. O'Dell

Friday, December 14, 2012

1212.3002 (M. L. Wall et al.)

The Fermi resonance Hamiltonian: Strongly interacting fermions in an
optical lattice

M. L. Wall, L. D. Carr

1212.3027 (E. Kozik et al.)

Néel temperature and thermodynamics of the half-filled 3D Hubbard
model by Diagrammatic Determinant Monte Carlo

E. Kozik, E. Burovski, V. W. Scarola, M. Troyer

1212.3039 (Yuriy O. Tyshetskiy et al.)

Peculiarities of Surface Plasmons in Quantum Plasmas    [PDF]

Yuriy O. Tyshetskiy, Sergey V. Vladimirov, Roman Kompaneets

1212.3040 (Yuriy Tyshetskiy et al.)

Surface plasmon polaritons in a semi-bounded degenerate plasma: role of
spatial dispersion and collisions

Yuriy Tyshetskiy, Sergey V. Vladimirov, Roman Kompaneets

1212.3042 (M. L. Wall et al.)

The Molecular Hubbard Hamiltonian: Field Regimes and Molecular Species    [PDF]

M. L. Wall, Erman Bekaroglu, Lincoln D. Carr

1212.3073 (R. Ramakumar et al.)

Lattice bosons in a disordered environment    [PDF]

R. Ramakumar, A. N. Das

1212.3243 (G. Mazzarella et al.)

Two-mode dipolar bosonic junctions    [PDF]

G. Mazzarella, L. Dell'Anna

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1104.0820 (Juha Javanainen et al.)

Emergent classicality in continuous quantum measurements    [PDF]

Juha Javanainen, Janne Ruostekoski

1212.2634 (Daniel Greif et al.)

Quantum magnetism of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice    [PDF]

Daniel Greif, Thomas Uehlinger, Gregor Jotzu, Leticia Tarruell, Tilman Esslinger

1212.2700 (E. Castellanos)

Planck Scale Physics and Bogoliubov Spaces in a Bose--Einstein

E. Castellanos

1212.2748 (S. V. Andreev)

Thermodynamic model of the macroscopically ordered exciton state    [PDF]

S. V. Andreev

1212.2830 (Nodar L. Tsintsadze et al.)

Relativistic Thermodynamics of Magnetized Fermi Electron Gas    [PDF]

Nodar L. Tsintsadze, Levan N. Tsintsadze

1212.2858 (Vijay B. Shenoy)

Feshbach Resonance in a Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge Field    [PDF]

Vijay B. Shenoy

1212.2907 (N. A. Sinitsyn)

Landau-Zener Transitions in Chains    [PDF]

N. A. Sinitsyn

1212.2909 (Anna Posazhennikova et al.)

Entanglement generation in a system of two atomic quantum dots coupled
to a pool of interacting bosons

Anna Posazhennikova, Reinhard Birmuske, Martin Bruderer, Wolfgang Belzig

1212.2911 (Monika Aidelsburger et al.)

Experimental realization of strong effective magnetic fields in optical
superlattice potentials

Monika Aidelsburger, Marcos Atala, Sylvain Nascimbène, Stefan Trotzky, Yu-Ao Chen, Immanuel Bloch

1212.2947 (Bo Xiong et al.)

Interaction-induced coherence among polar bosons stored in triple-well

Bo Xiong, Uwe R. Fischer

1212.2951 (Todd Kapitula et al.)

The Krein Matrix: General Theory and Concrete Applications in Atomic
Bose-Einstein Condensates

Todd Kapitula, Panayotis Kevrekidis, Dong Yan

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1012.2225 (Tomasz Karpiuk et al.)

The superfluid fountain effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Tomasz Karpiuk, Benoit Gremaud, Christian Miniatura, Mariusz Gajda

1212.2219 (Juan Carrasquilla et al.)

Scaling of the gap, fidelity susceptibility, and Bloch oscillations
across the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in the one-dimensional
Bose-Hubbard model

Juan Carrasquilla, Salvatore R. Manmana, Marcos Rigol

1212.2233 (A. Vinit et al.)

Antiferromagnetic Spatial Ordering in a Quenched One-dimensional Spinor

A. Vinit, E. M. Bookjans, C. A. R. Sa de Melo, C. Raman

1212.2299 (Daisuke Yamamoto et al.)

Flow-Induced Charge Modulations in Superfluid Atomic Fermions Loaded
into an Optical Kagome Lattice

Daisuke Yamamoto, Chika Sato, Tetsuro Nikuni, Shunji Tsuchiya

1212.2322 (Andrea Pelissetto et al.)

Renormalization-group flow and asymptotic behaviors at the
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions

Andrea Pelissetto, Ettore Vicari

1212.2387 (Shao-Liang Zhang et al.)

Superfluidity and Stabilities of a Bose-Einstein condensate with
periodically modulated interatomic interaction

Shao-Liang Zhang, Zheng-Wei Zhou, Biao Wu

1212.2394 (Joseph Saliba et al.)

Superfluid-insulator transition in weakly interacting disordered Bose
gases: a kernel polynomial approach

Joseph Saliba, Pierre Lugan, Vincenzo Savona

1212.2418 (P. Schindler et al.)

Quantum simulation of open-system dynamical maps with trapped ions    [PDF]

P. Schindler, M. Müller, D. Nigg, J. T. Barreiro, E. A. Martinez, M. Hennrich, T. Monz, S. Diehl, P. Zoller, R. Blatt

1212.2423 (David Petrosyan et al.)

Spatial correlations of Rydberg excitations in optically driven atomic

David Petrosyan, Michael Hoening, Michael Fleischhauer

1212.2528 (P. Szankowski et al.)

Memory in an $N$--qubit System as a Resource of the Decoherence
Slow-Down with Application to Quantum Interferometry

P. Szankowski, J. Chwedenczuk, M. Trippenbach

1212.2539 (Simon Stellmer et al.)

Production of quantum degenerate strontium gases: Larger, better,
faster, colder

Simon Stellmer, Rudolf Grimm, Florian Schreck

1212.2273 (Nodar L. Tsintsadze et al.)

Magnetization Cooling of an Electron Gas    [PDF]

Nodar L. Tsintsadze, Levan N. Tsintsadze

Friday, December 7, 2012

1110.0123 (Abdelâali Boudjemâa)

Behavior of the anomalous correlation function in uniform 2D Bose gas    [PDF]

Abdelâali Boudjemâa

1112.1852 (Fadi Sun et al.)

Topological Quantum Phase Transition in a Synthetic Non-Abelian Gauge

Fadi Sun, Xiao-Lu Yu, Jinwu Ye, Heng Fan, Wu-Ming Liu

1212.1161 (Matthias Punk et al.)

Mobile impurity near the superfluid-Mott insulator quantum critical
point in two dimensions

Matthias Punk, Subir Sachdev

1212.1193 (Eite Tiesinga et al.)

Quadrature interferometry for nonequilibrium ultracold bosons in optical

Eite Tiesinga, Philip R. Johnson

1212.1214 (Don S. Lemons)

Average energy approximation of the ideal Bose-Einstein gas and

Don S. Lemons

1212.1232 (H. Jing et al.)

Quantum optomechanics with a mixture of ultracold atoms    [PDF]

H. Jing, X. Zhao, L. F. Buchmann

1212.1287 (Yaroslav V. Kartashov et al.)

Quasi-compactons and bistability in exciton-polariton condensates    [PDF]

Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Vladimir V. Konotop, Lluis Torner

1212.1316 (Kai Marquardt et al.)

Macroscopic quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates with
long-range interaction

Kai Marquardt, Pascal Wieland, Rolf Häfner, Holger Cartarius, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner

1212.1398 (P. K. Sørensen et al.)

Finite Range Effects in Energies and Recombination Rates of Three
Identical Bosons

P. K. Sørensen, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1212.1403 (E. A. Winograd et al.)

Phase diagram of the asymmetric Hubbard model and an entropic
chromatographic method for cooling cold fermions in optical lattices

E. A. Winograd, R. Chitra, M. J. Rozenberg

1212.1405 (Elena Díaz et al.)

Super Bloch oscillations with modulated interaction    [PDF]

Elena Díaz, Alberto García Mena, Kunihiko Asakura, Christopher Gaul

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1212.0046 (Brandon P. van Zyl et al.)

Thomas-Fermi von Weizsäcker theory for a harmonically trapped,
two-dimensional, spin-polarized dipolar Fermi gas

Brandon P. van Zyl, E. Zaremba, P. Pisarski

1212.0099 (Pavel A. Andreev)

Quantum kinetics derivation as generalization of the quantum
hydrodynamics method

Pavel A. Andreev

1212.0198 (Katsuhiro Nakamura et al.)

Dynamics of inertial vortices in multi-component Bose-Einstein

Katsuhiro Nakamura, Doniyor Babajanov, Davron Matrasulov, Michikazu Kobayashi

1212.0281 (Allan Adams et al.)

Holographic Vortex Liquids and Superfluid Turbulence    [PDF]

Allan Adams, Paul M. Chesler, Hong Liu

1212.0420 (Xiao-Lu Yu et al.)

Normal state properties of spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases in the upper
branch of energy spectrum

Xiao-Lu Yu, Shang-Shun Zhang, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu

1212.0424 (Shang-Shun Zhang et al.)

Collective modes in spin-orbit coupled Fermi gases in the upper branch
of energy spectrum

Shang-Shun Zhang, Xiao-Lu Yu, Jinwu Ye, Wu-Ming Liu

1212.0445 (Matthew Edmonds et al.)

Simulating an interacting gauge theory with ultracold Bose gases    [PDF]

Matthew Edmonds, Manuel Valiente, Gediminas Juzeliunas, Luis Santos, Patrik Ohberg

1212.0477 (N. T. Zinner)

Efimov States of Heavy Impurities in a Bose-Einstein Condensate    [PDF]

N. T. Zinner

1212.0482 (Akiyuki Tokuno et al.)

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and characterization of magnetic phases
for spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

Akiyuki Tokuno, Shun Uchino

1212.0547 (Sarang Gopalakrishnan)

BEC-BCS crossover and the mobility edge: superfluid-insulator
transitions and reentrant superfluidity in disordered Fermi gases

Sarang Gopalakrishnan

1212.0562 (Dmitry A. Abanin et al.)

Interferometric approach to measuring band topology in 2D optical

Dmitry A. Abanin, Takuya Kitagawa, Immanuel Bloch, Eugene Demler

1212.0572 (Marcos Atala et al.)

Direct Measurement of the Zak phase in Topological Bloch Bands    [PDF]

Marcos Atala, Monika Aidelsburger, Julio T. Barreiro, Dmitry Abanin, Takuya Kitagawa, Eugene Demler, Immanuel Bloch

1212.0805 (Michal Matuszewski et al.)

Critical scalings in nonequilibrium condensation of exciton-polaritons    [PDF]

Michal Matuszewski, Emilia Witkowska

Monday, December 3, 2012

1211.7085 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)

Controlling Transport of Ultra-Cold Atoms in 1D Optical Lattices with
Artificial Gauge Fields

Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra

1211.7240 (Christoph Vo et al.)

Coherent Logic Gate for Light Pulses based on Storage in a Bose-Einstein

Christoph Vo, Stefan Riedl, Simon Baur, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Dürr

1211.7241 (Y. X. Zhao et al.)

Topological Classification of Fermi Surfaces    [PDF]

Y. X. Zhao, Z. D. Wang

1211.7265 (Christoph S. Hofmann et al.)

Sub-Poissonian statistics of Rydberg-interacting dark-state polaritons    [PDF]

Christoph S. Hofmann, Georg Günter, Hanna Schempp, Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, Martin Gärttner, Jörg Evers, Shannon Whitlock, Matthias Weidemüller

1211.7272 (Sebastian Krinner et al.)

Superfluidity with disorder in a quantum gas thin film    [PDF]

Sebastian Krinner, David Stadler, Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger

1211.7357 (J. P. D'Incao et al.)

The universality of the Efimov three-body parameter    [PDF]

J. P. D'Incao, J. Wang, B. D. Esry, C. H. Greene

Thursday, November 29, 2012

1211.6562 (Andrea Perali et al.)

High Temperature Superfluidity in Double Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Andrea Perali, David Neilson, Alex R. Hamilton

1211.6606 (Kean Loon Lee et al.)

Analytical and numerical study of uncorrelated disorder on a honeycomb

Kean Loon Lee, Benoît Grémaud, Christian Miniatura, Dominique Delande

1211.6609 (T. W. A. Montgomery et al.)

Spin Josephson vortices in two tunnel coupled spinor Bose gases    [PDF]

T. W. A. Montgomery, W. Li, T. M. Fromhold

1211.6613 (Alexander Pikovski)

Averaged collision and reaction rates in a two-species gas of ultracold

Alexander Pikovski

1211.6679 (F. Alzetto et al.)

Dimer-dimer scattering length for fermions with different masses:
analytical study for large mass ratio

F. Alzetto, R. Combescot, X. Leyronas

1211.6720 (Benjamin M. Fregoso et al.)

Wigner Crystallization in Electron-Hole Double Layers: Evolution from
Long- to Short-Range Forces

Benjamin M. Fregoso, C. A. R. Sá de Melo

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1211.5616 (F. Kh. Abdullaev et al.)

Faraday waves in quasi-one-dimensional superfluid Fermi-Bose mixtures    [PDF]

F. Kh. Abdullaev, M. Ogren, M. P. Soerensen

1211.5649 (Jae-yoon Choi et al.)

Direct observation of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid in an
atomic gas

Jae-yoon Choi, Sang Won Seo, Yong-il Shin

1211.5664 (Vipin Kerala Varma et al.)

Renormalization of two-body interactions due to higher-body interactions
of lattice bosons

Vipin Kerala Varma, Hartmut Monien

1211.5780 (Fan Wu et al.)

Unconventional superfluid in a two-dimensional Fermi gas with
anisotropic spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman fields

Fan Wu, Guang-Can Guo, Wei Zhang, Wei Yi

1211.5848 (Yong Xu et al.)

Stability of p-orbital Bose-Einstein condensates in optical checkerboard
and square lattices

Yong Xu, Zhu Chen, Hongwei Xiong, W. Vincent Liu, Biao Wu

1211.5869 (Hiroki Saito et al.)

Modulation of a quantized vortex street with a vibrating obstacle    [PDF]

Hiroki Saito, Kenta Tazaki, Tomohiko Aioi

1211.6011 (G. Bertaina et al.)

Quantum Monte Carlo study of a resonant Bose-Fermi mixture    [PDF]

G. Bertaina, E. Fratini, S. Giorgini, P. Pieri

1211.6012 (Pedro Ribeiro et al.)

Strongly interacting bosons in multi-chromatic potentials supporting
mobility edges: localization, quasi-condensation and expansion dynamics

Pedro Ribeiro, Masudul Haque, Achilleas Lazarides

1211.6084 (Sara Rajaram et al.)

Photon Counting as a Probe of Superfluidity in a Two-Band Bose Hubbard
System Coupled to a Cavity Field

Sara Rajaram, Nandini Trivedi

Monday, November 26, 2012

1106.1605 (I. Zapata et al.)

Triplet pair correlations in {\it s-}wave superfluids as a signature of
the FFLO state

I. Zapata, F. Sols, E. Demler

1211.5145 (Emanuele G. Dalla Torre et al.)

Universal "rephasing" dynamics    [PDF]

Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Eugene Demler, Anatoli Polkovnikov

1211.5162 (Kuei Sun et al.)

Pair tunneling, phase separation and dimensional crossover in imbalanced
fermionic superfluids in a coupled array of tubes

Kuei Sun, C. J. Bolech

1211.5202 (Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany et al.)

Phases, transitions, and boundary conditions in a model of interacting

Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany, Ramesh V. Pai, Subroto Mukerjee, Rahul Pandit

1211.5323 (Maximilian Kuhnert et al.)

Multimode dynamics and emergence of a characteristic length-scale in a
one-dimensional quantum system

Maximilian Kuhnert, Remi Geiger, Tim Langen, Michael Gring, Bernhard Rauer, Takuya Kitagawa, Eugene Demler, David Adu Smith, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1211.5438 (Melike Çıbık Aydın et al.)

A Parabolic Model for the Dimple Potentials    [PDF]

Melike Çıbık Aydın, Haydar Uncu, Coşkun Deniz

1211.5515 (C. B. Gomes et al.)

Mott Insulator to Superfluid Phase Transition in Bravais Lattices via
the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model

C. B. Gomes, A. M. C. Souza, F. A. G. Almeida

1211.5557 (O. I. Kartavtsev et al.)

Recent advances in description of few two-component fermions    [PDF]

O. I. Kartavtsev, A. V. Malykh

1211.5565 (Stephen D. Gensemer et al.)

Direct Observation of Resonant Scattering Phase Shifts and their Energy

Stephen D. Gensemer, Ross B. Martin-Wells, Aaron W. Bennett, Kurt Gibble

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1211.4200 (Ovidiu I. Patu et al.)

Correlation lengths of the repulsive one-dimensional Bose gas    [PDF]

Ovidiu I. Patu, Andreas Klumper

1211.4717 (Søren Gammelmark et al.)

Quantum crystal growing: Adiabatic preparation of a bosonic
antiferromagnet in the presence of a parabolic inhomogeneity

Søren Gammelmark, André Eckardt

1211.4772 (David C. McKay et al.)

Slow Thermalization Between a Lattice and Free Bose Gas    [PDF]

David C. McKay, Brian DeMarco

1211.4792 (Patrick Bruno)

Comment on "Space-Time Crystals of Trapped Ions": And Yet it Moves Not !    [PDF]

Patrick Bruno

1211.4793 (Martin Weitz et al.)

Optomechanical Generation of a Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate    [PDF]

Martin Weitz, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger

1211.4863 (Sayan Choudhury et al.)

Absence of the Twisted Superfluid Phase in a mean field model of bosons
on a Honeycomb Lattice

Sayan Choudhury, Erich J Mueller

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1211.4035 (Mikhail Lemeshko et al.)

Dissipative binding of atoms by non-conservative forces    [PDF]

Mikhail Lemeshko, Hendrik Weimer

1211.4087 (Jean-Sebastien Bernier et al.)

Emergence of long distance pair coherence through incoherent local
environmental coupling

Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Corinna Kollath

1211.4110 (Austen Lamacraft)

Diffractive scattering of three particles in one dimension: a simple
result for weak violations of the Yang--Baxter equation

Austen Lamacraft

1211.4119 (A. A. Kozhevnikov)

Bose gas in power-like spherically symmetric potential in arbitrary
spatial dimensionality

A. A. Kozhevnikov

1211.4121 (Y. Azizi)

Lower bound for ground state energy of BEC in a rotating optical lattice    [PDF]

Y. Azizi

1211.4126 (Yuzhi Liu et al.)

Local gauge symmetry on optical lattices?    [PDF]

Yuzhi Liu, Yannick Meurice, Shan-Wen Tsai

1211.4302 (A. A. Gangat et al.)

Multipartite entangled microwave and micromechanical squeezed
Schrödinger cats: a phase transition-based protocol

A. A. Gangat, I. P. McCulloch, G. J. Milburn

1211.4350 (Akos Rapp)

Mean-field dynamics to negative absolute temperatures in the
Bose-Hubbard model

Akos Rapp

1211.4537 (B. Olmos et al.)

Long-range interacting many-body systems with alkaline-earth-metal atoms    [PDF]

B. Olmos, D. Yu, Y. Singh, F. Schreck, K. Bongs, I. Lesanovsky

1211.4556 (Haibin Wu et al.)

Optical Control of the Scattering Length and Effective Range for
Magnetically Tunable Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Gases

Haibin Wu, J. E. Thomas

Monday, November 19, 2012

1211.3772 (Serena Cenatiempo)

Low dimensional interacting bosons    [PDF]

Serena Cenatiempo

1211.3779 (Michael McNeil Forbes)

The Unitary Fermi Gas in a Harmonic Trap and its Static Response    [PDF]

Michael McNeil Forbes

1211.3866 (Miłosz Panfil et al.)

Metastable criticality and the super Tonks-Girardeau gas    [PDF]

Miłosz Panfil, Jacopo De Nardis, Jean-Sébastien Caux

1211.3923 (A. G. Volosniev et al.)

Occurrence conditions for two-dimensional Borromean systems    [PDF]

A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1211.3952 (Hiromitsu Takeuchi et al.)

Tachyon Condensation and Brane Annihilation in Bose-Einstein
Condensates: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Restricted Lower-dimensional

Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Makoto Tsubota, Muneto Nitta

1211.3953 (J. S. Pedernales et al.)

Quantum Simulations of Relativistic Quantum Physics in Circuit QED    [PDF]

J. S. Pedernales, R. Di Candia, D. Ballester, E. Solano

1211.4020 (M. Iskin et al.)

Topological superfluid phases of an atomic Fermi gas with equal
Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling and in- and out-of-plane Zeeman fields

M. Iskin, A. L. Subasi

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1208.0719 (Koji Harada et al.)

Wilsonian renormalization group analysis of nonrelativistic three-body
systems without introducing dimerons

Koji Harada, Hirofumi Kubo, Issei Yoshimoto

1211.2842 (C. -C. Joseph Wang et al.)

Phonon mediated quantum spin simulator employing a planar ionic crystal
in a Penning trap

C. -C. Joseph Wang, Adam C. Keith, J. K. Freericks

1211.2870 (S. K. Steinke et al.)

Quantum back-action in spinor condensate magnetometry    [PDF]

S. K. Steinke, S. Singh, P. Meystre, K. C. Schwab, M. Vengalattore

1211.2888 (Shih-Kuang Tung et al.)

Ultracold mixtures of atomic Li-6 and Cs-133 with tunable interactions    [PDF]

Shih-Kuang Tung, Colin Parker, Jacob Johansen, Cheng Chin, Yujun Wang, Paul S. Julienne

1211.2901 (Zhongbo Yan et al.)

Supersolid in Bose-Bose-Fermi Mixtures subjected to a Square Lattice    [PDF]

Zhongbo Yan, Xiaosen Yang, Shaolong Wan

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1211.2241 (Erez Zohar et al.)

A cold-atom quantum simulator for SU(2) Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory    [PDF]

Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, Benni Reznik

1211.2242 (D. Banerjee et al.)

Atomic Quantum Simulation of U(N) and SU(N) Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge

D. Banerjee, M. Bögli, M. Dalmonte, E. Rico, P. Stebler, U. -J. Wiese, P. Zoller

1211.2267 (Anders H. Hansen et al.)

Production of quantum degenerate mixtures of ytterbium and lithium with
controllable inter-species overlap

Anders H. Hansen, Alexander Y. Khramov, William H. Dowd, Alan O. Jamison, Benjamin Plotkin-Swing, Richard J. Roy, Subhadeep Gupta

1211.2270 (M. R. Hadizadeh et al.)

Effective range from tetramer dissociation data    [PDF]

M. R. Hadizadeh, M. T. Yamashita, Lauro Tomio, A. Delfino, T. Frederico

1211.2276 (Soheil Baharian et al.)

Bose condensates in toroidal traps: instabilities, swallow-tail loops,
and self-trapping

Soheil Baharian, Gordon Baym

1211.2470 (Gaoqing Cao et al.)

BCS-BEC quantum phase transition and collective excitations in
two-dimensional Fermi gases with p- and d-wave pairings

Gaoqing Cao, Lianyi He, Pengfei Zhuang

1211.2509 (Keita Kobayashi et al.)

Nontrivial Haldane phase of an atomic two-component Fermi gas trapped in
a 1d optical lattice

Keita Kobayashi, Masahiko Okumura, Yukihiro Ota, Susumu Yamada, Masahiko Machida

1211.2572 (Bruno Sciolla et al.)

Quantum quenches, dynamical transitions and off-equilibrium quantum

Bruno Sciolla, Giulio Biroli

1211.2595 (Boyang Liu et al.)

Quantum non-triviality in two dimensional $p$-orbital Bose-Einstein

Boyang Liu, Xiao-Lu Yu, Wu-Ming Liu

1211.2659 (Meng Khoon Tey et al.)

Collective Modes in a Unitary Fermi Gas across the Superfluid Phase

Meng Khoon Tey, Leonid A. Sidorenkov, Edmundo R. Sánchez Guajardo, Rudolf Grimm, Mark J. H. Ku, Martin W. Zwierlein, Yan-Hua Hou, Lev Pitaevskii, Sandro Stringari

1211.2680 (Philipp Bader et al.)

Stability of spherically trapped three-dimensional Bose-Einstein
condensates against macroscopic fragmentation

Philipp Bader, Uwe R. Fischer

1211.2683 (G. Engelhardt et al.)

AC-driven Quantum Phase Transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model    [PDF]

G. Engelhardt, V. M. Bastidas, C. Emary, T. Brandes

1211.2704 (L. Tagliacozzo et al.)

Simulations of non-Abelian gauge theories with optical lattices    [PDF]

L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, P. Orland, M. Lewenstein

1211.2775 (A. Dalafi et al.)

Nonlinear effects of atomic collisions on the optomechanical properties
of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity

A. Dalafi, M. H. Naderi, M. Soltanolkotabi, Sh. Barzanjeh

Friday, November 9, 2012

1211.1700 (Lin Dong et al.)

Finite-Momentum Dimer Bound State in Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas    [PDF]

Lin Dong, Lei Jiang, Hui Hu, Han Pu

1211.1723 (Maksim Tomchenko)

Influence of boundaries on the bulk microstructure of an interacting
Bose gas. The Gross--Pitaevskii approach

Maksim Tomchenko

1211.1761 (J. R. M. de Nova et al.)

Violation of Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities by spontaneous Hawking
radiation in resonant boson structures

J. R. M. de Nova, F. Sols, I. Zapata

1211.1806 (M. Ogren et al.)

On the Dynamics of the Fermi-Bose Model    [PDF]

M. Ogren, M. Carlsson

1211.1822 (Paolo Facchi et al.)

Unearthing wave-function renormalization effects in the time evolution
of a Bose-Einstein condensate

Paolo Facchi, Saverio Pascazio, Francesco V. Pepe, Ennio Arimondo, Donatella Ciampini, Oliver Morsch

1211.1831 (Vijay B. Shenoy)

Flow enhanced pairing and other novel effects in Fermi gases in
synthetic gauge fields

Vijay B. Shenoy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

1110.1956 (Doron Cohen et al.)

Temporal quantum fluctuations in the fringe-visibility of atom
interferometers with interacting Bose-Einstein condensate

Doron Cohen, Amichay Vardi

1211.1463 (Emiko Arahat et al.)

Propagation of First and Second Sound in a Highly-Elongated Trapped Bose
Condensed Gas at Finite temperatures

Emiko Arahat, Tetsuro Nikuni

1211.1512 (G. Zürn et al.)

Precise characterization of ^6Li Feshbach resonances using trap-sideband
resolved RF spectroscopy of weakly bound molecules

G. Zürn, T. Lompe, A. N. Wenz, S. Jochim, P. S. Julienne, J. M. Hutson

1211.1586 (N. Malossi et al.)

Quantum driving protocols for a two level system: from generalized
Landau-Zener sweeps to superadiabatic control

N. Malossi, M. G. Bason, M. Viteau, E. Arimondo, R. Mannella, O. Morsch, D. Ciampini

1211.1587 (Julien Chabe et al.)

Superradiant Forward Scattering in Multiple Scattering    [PDF]

Julien Chabe, Louis Bellando, Tom Bienaime, Romain Bachelard, Nicola Piovella, Robin Kaiser

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1210.7827 (Sadhan K. Adhikari)

Study of a degenerate dipolar Fermi gas of 161Dy atoms    [PDF]

Sadhan K. Adhikari

1210.7910 (Y. Kuno et al.)

Effective field theories for two-component repulsive bosons on lattice
and their phase diagrams

Y. Kuno, K. Kataoka, I. Ichinose

1210.7945 (I. Beslic et al.)

Quantum Monte Carlo study of spin-polarized deuterium    [PDF]

I. Beslic, L. Vranjes Markic, J. Casulleras, J. Boronat

1210.7957 (Mateusz Lacki et al.)

Fast dynamics for atoms in optical lattices    [PDF]

Mateusz Lacki, Jakub Zakrzewski

1210.7984 (Shahpoor Saeidian et al.)

Shifts and widths of Feshbach resonances in atomic waveguides    [PDF]

Shahpoor Saeidian, Vladimir S. Melezhik, Peter Schmelcher

1210.7993 (A. J. Allen et al.)

Observable Vortex Properties in Finite Temperature Bose Gases    [PDF]

A. J. Allen, E. Zaremba, C. F. Barenghi, N. P. Proukakis

1210.8008 (Ming-Xia Huo et al.)

Interference Signatures of Abelian and Non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm effect
on Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices

Ming-Xia Huo, Nie Wei, David A. W. Hutchinson, Leong Chuan Kwek

1210.8035 (T. Grass et al.)

Fractional quantum Hall states of a Bose gas with spin-orbit coupling    [PDF]

T. Grass, B. Juliá-Díaz, M. Lewenstein

1210.8063 (Lushuai Cao et al.)

The Multi-Layer Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree Method for

Lushuai Cao, Sven Krönke, Oriol Vendrell, Peter Schmelcher

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1108.0628 (Yen Lee Loh)

Cooling by corralling: a route to ultra-low entropies in optical

Yen Lee Loh

1210.5518 (Salvatore R. Manmana et al.)

Topological phases in polar-molecule quantum magnets    [PDF]

Salvatore R. Manmana, E. M. Stoudenmire, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Ana Maria Rey, Alexey V. Gorshkov

1210.5657 (R. K. Shrestha et al.)

The Off-Resonant Ratchet: A Study of the Crossover Between Classical and
Quantum Dynamics

R. K. Shrestha, W. K. Lam, J. Ni, G. S. Summy

1210.5745 (Kalani Hettiarachchilage et al.)

Phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model on a ring-shaped lattice with
tunable weak links

Kalani Hettiarachchilage, Valéry G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno

1210.5794 (M. D. Fraser et al.)

Vortex-antivortex pair dynamics in an exciton-polariton condensate    [PDF]

M. D. Fraser, G. Roumpos, Y. Yamamoto

1210.5853 (Qi Zhou et al.)

The Fate of Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Spin-Orbit

Qi Zhou, Xiaoling Cui

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1107.3108 (B. Öztop et al.)

Excitations of optically driven atomic condensate in a cavity: theory of
photodetection measurements

B. Öztop, M. Bordyuh, Ö. E. Müstecapl\ioğlu, H. E. Türeci

1210.4128 (Patrick Bruno)

Comment on "Quantum Time Crystals": a new paradigm or just another
proposal of perpetuum mobile?

Patrick Bruno

1210.4183 (Julius Bonart et al.)

Effective potential renormalization and polaronic mass shift in a
trapped dynamical impurity-luttinger liquid system

Julius Bonart, Leticia F. Cugliandolo

1210.4270 (Francesco Massel et al.)

Dynamics of an impurity in a one-dimensional lattice    [PDF]

Francesco Massel, Adrian Kantian, Andrew J. Daley, Thierry Giamarchi, Päivi Törmä

1210.4273 (H. -W. Hammer et al.)

Three-body forces: From cold atoms to nuclei    [PDF]

H. -W. Hammer, A. Nogga, A. Schwenk

1210.4338 (Olivier Tieleman et al.)

Spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking for spinless fermions on a
triangular lattice

Olivier Tieleman, Omjyoti Dutta, Maciej Lewenstein, André Eckardt

1210.4466 (S. Choi et al.)

Squeezing and robustness of frictionless cooling strategies    [PDF]

S. Choi, R. Onofrio, B. Sundaram

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

1210.3623 (Emanuele G. Dalla Torre et al.)

Keldysh approach for non-equilibrium phase transitions in quantum
optics: Dicke model in optical cavities

Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Sebastian Diehl, Mikhail Lukin, Philipp Strack

1210.3703 (J. -N. Fuchs et al.)

Inter-band tunneling near the merging transition of Dirac cones    [PDF]

J. -N. Fuchs, L. -K. Lim, G. Montambaux

1210.3933 (Ahmed M. Abdelrahman et al.)

Dynamic Control of Magnetically Trapped Indirect Excitons by Using
External Magnetic Bias

Ahmed M. Abdelrahman, Byoung S. Ham

1210.3969 (A. Macia et al.)

Ground state properties and excitation spectrum of a two dimensional gas
of bosonic dipoles

A. Macia, F. Mazzanti, J. Boronat

1210.3994 (Lauri Toikka et al.)

The Snake Instability of Ring Dark Solitons in Toroidally Trapped
Bose-Einstein Condensates

Lauri Toikka, Kalle-Antti Suominen

1210.4040 (Qian-Yong Chen et al.)

Quenched dynamics of two-dimensional solitons and vortices in the
Gross-Pitaevskii equation

Qian-Yong Chen, P. G. Kevrekidis, Boris A. Malomed

1210.4131 (C. N. Gilbreth et al.)

Pair condensation in a Finite Trapped Fermi Gas    [PDF]

C. N. Gilbreth, Y. Alhassid

1210.4151 (Philipp Treutlein et al.)

Hybrid Mechanical Systems    [PDF]

Philipp Treutlein, Claudiu Genes, Klemens Hammerer, Martino Poggio, Peter Rabl

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1207.2664 (A. Mezzacapo et al.)

Digital Quantum Simulation of the Holstein Model in Trapped Ions    [PDF]

A. Mezzacapo, J. Casanova, L. Lamata, E. Solano

1210.1859 (Xiaopeng Li et al.)

Orbital phases of fermions in an asymmetric optical ladder    [PDF]

Xiaopeng Li, W. Vincent Liu

1210.1949 (Gergely Szirmai)

Critical velocity of antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates
at finite temperature

Gergely Szirmai

1210.1997 (S. V. Syzranov et al.)

Fermionic and bosonic ac conductivities at strong disorder    [PDF]

S. V. Syzranov, O. M. Yevtushenko, K. B. Efetov

1210.2006 (S. E. Gharashi et al.)

Three s-wave interacting fermions under anisotropic harmonic
confinement: Dimensional crossover of energetics and virial coefficients

S. E. Gharashi, K. M. Daily, D. Blume

1210.2072 (H. Nonne et al.)

Symmetry-protected topological phases of alkaline-earth cold fermionic
atoms in one dimension

H. Nonne, M. Moliner, S. Capponi, P. Lecheminant, K. Totsuka

1210.2114 (L. H. Haddad et al.)

The nonlinear Dirac equation: Relativistic vortices and experimental
realization in Bose-Einstein condensates

L. H. Haddad, K. M. O'Hara, Lincoln D. Carr

1210.2158 (Shi-Guo Peng et al.)

Two-channel model description of confinement-induced Feshbach molecules    [PDF]

Shi-Guo Peng, Hui Hu, Xia-Ji Liu, Kaijun Jiang

1210.2160 (Shi-Guo Peng et al.)

Momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled
atomic Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance in harmonic traps

Shi-Guo Peng, Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu, Kaijun Jiang

1210.2176 (Xia-Ji Liu)

Virial expansion for a strongly correlated Fermi system and its
application to ultracold atomic Fermi gases

Xia-Ji Liu

1210.2205 (Arghya Dutta et al.)

Proposed evidence for superconductors with a Lifshitz tri-critical point
and a spatially modulated Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov-type order

Arghya Dutta, Jayanata K. Bhattacharjee

1210.2317 (L. Austen et al.)

Many-body dynamics of p-wave Feshbach molecule production: a mean-field

L. Austen, L. Cook, M. D. Lee, J. Mur-Petit

1210.2322 (Takashi Kimura)

Strong-coupling expansion for the spin-1 Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

Takashi Kimura

Friday, October 5, 2012

1210.1302 (Bogdan Opanchuk et al.)

Functional Wigner representation of BEC quantum dynamics    [PDF]

Bogdan Opanchuk, Peter D. Drummond

1210.1310 (Diogo Rio Fernandes et al.)

Sub-Doppler laser cooling of fermionic 40K atoms in three-dimensional
gray optical molasses

Diogo Rio Fernandes, Franz Sievers, Norman Kretzschmar, Saijun Wu, C. Salomon, Frédéric Chevy

1210.1370 (Takeshi Ozaki et al.)

Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice: First-order
superfluid-insulator transition and elementary excitations

Takeshi Ozaki, Ippei Danshita, Tetsuro Nikuni

1210.1400 (Jens Honer et al.)

Fractional Excitations in Cold Atomic Gases    [PDF]

Jens Honer, Jad C. Halimeh, Ian McCulloch, Ulrich Schollwöck, Hans Peter Büchler

1210.1424 (I. V. Stasyuk et al.)

The two-state Bose-Hubbard model in the hard-core boson limit:
Non-ergodicity and the Bose-Einstein condensation

I. V. Stasyuk, O. V. Velychko

1210.1426 (David Stadler et al.)

Observing the Drop of Resistance in the Flow of a Superfluid Fermi Gas    [PDF]

David Stadler, Sebastian Krinner, Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger

1210.1466 (David Dasenbrook et al.)

Semiclassical polaron dynamics of impurities in ultracold gases    [PDF]

David Dasenbrook, Andreas Komnik

Thursday, October 4, 2012

1111.5787 (Uwe R. Fischer et al.)

Identifying strongly correlated supersolid states on the optical lattice
by quench-induced π-states

Uwe R. Fischer, Bo Xiong

1210.0904 (Thomas Uehlinger et al.)

Double transfer through Dirac points in a tunable honeycomb optical

Thomas Uehlinger, Daniel Greif, Gregor Jotzu, Leticia Tarruell, Tilman Esslinger, Lei Wang, Matthias Troyer

1210.0952 (S. J. Rooney et al.)

The stochastic projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation    [PDF]

S. J. Rooney, P. B. Blakie, A. S. Bradley

1210.1079 (E. Wertz et al.)

Propagation and amplification dynamics of 1D polariton condensates    [PDF]

E. Wertz, A. Amo, D. D. Solnyshkov, L. Ferrier, T. C. H. Liew, D. Sanvitto, P. Senellart, I. Sagnes, A. Lemaître, A. V. Kavokin, G. Malpuech, J. Bloch

1210.1096 (Thomas Bourdel)

Phase diagrams of 2D and 3D disordered Bose gases in the local density

Thomas Bourdel

1210.1187 (Guido Franchetti et al.)

Exploiting quantum coherence of polaritons for ultra sensitive detectors    [PDF]

Guido Franchetti, Natalia G. Berloff, Jeremy J. Baumberg

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1210.0013 (Helmut Ritsch et al.)

Cold atoms in cavity-generated dynamical optical potentials    [PDF]

Helmut Ritsch, Peter Domokos, Ferdinand Brennecke, Tilman Esslinger

1210.0030 (Ivana Vidanovic et al.)

Spin modulation instabilities and phase separation dynamics in trapped
two-component Bose condensates

Ivana Vidanovic, N. J. van Druten, Masudul Haque

1210.0033 (G. Edward Marti et al.)

A Collective Excitation Interferometer for Rotation Sensing with a
Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

G. Edward Marti, Ryan Olf, Dan M. Stamper-Kurn

1210.0110 (Saeed H. Abedinpour et al.)

Ground-state and dynamical properties of two-dimensional dipolar Fermi

Saeed H. Abedinpour, Reza Asgari, B. Tanatar, Marco Polini

1210.0344 (C. Strunk)

Thermodynamics and the Quantum Transport of Particles and Entropy    [PDF]

C. Strunk

1210.0381 (Arko Roy et al.)

Mode bifurcation in the Rayleigh-Taylor instability of binary

Arko Roy, S. Gautam, D. Angom

1210.0657 (Ardavan Alamir et al.)

Localization of an inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving
random potential

Ardavan Alamir, Pablo Capuzzi, Patrizia Vignolo

1210.0687 (Sylvain Nascimbène)

Realizing one-dimensional topological superfluids with ultracold atomic

Sylvain Nascimbène

1210.0799 (Fei Lin et al.)

Enhancing the thermal stability of entanglement between Majorana
fermions with dipoles in optical lattices

Fei Lin, V. W. Scarola

Thursday, September 27, 2012

1012.5260 (Aurélien Perrin et al.)

Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations across the Bose-Einstein
condensation threshold

Aurélien Perrin, Robert Bücker, Stephanie manz, Thomas Betz, Christian Koller, Thomas Plisson, Thorsten Schumm, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1112.0013 (Michael Gring et al.)

Relaxation and Pre-thermalization in an Isolated Quantum System    [PDF]

Michael Gring, Maximilian Kuhnert, Tim Langen, Takuya Kitagawa, Bernhard Rauer, Matthias Schreitl, Igor Mazets, David A. Smith, Eugene Demler, Jörg Schmiedmayer

1209.5795 (Michael Foss-Feig et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics of Ising models with decoherence: an exact

Michael Foss-Feig, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey

1209.5824 (Matthew T. Reeves et al.)

Inverse Energy Cascade in Forced 2D Quantum Turbulence    [PDF]

Matthew T. Reeves, Thomas P. Billam, Brian P. Anderson, Ashton S. Bradley

1209.5852 (Zhi-Hai Zhang et al.)

Exact solutions to the spin-2 Gross-Pitaevskii equations    [PDF]

Zhi-Hai Zhang, Yong-Kai Liu, Shi-Jie Yang

1209.5935 (Ren Zhang et al.)

Topological superfluid in a quasi-two-dimensional polarized Fermi gas:
When and how the third dimension matters?

Ren Zhang, Fan Wu, Jun-Rong Tang, Guang-Can Guo, Wei Yi, Wei Zhang

1209.5952 (Frank Kirtschig et al.)

Quantum collapses and revivals of a matter wave in the dynamics of
symmetry breaking

Frank Kirtschig, Jorrit Rijnbeek, Jeroen van den Brink, Carmine Ortix

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1209.5446 (Christopher Gaul et al.)

Bogoliubov theory on the disordered lattice    [PDF]

Christopher Gaul, Cord A. Müller

1209.5463 (Ya-Jie Wu et al.)

Topological superfluid in a fermionic bilayer optical lattice    [PDF]

Ya-Jie Wu, Jing He, Chun-Li Zang, Su-Peng Kou

1209.5509 (Emi Yukawa et al.)

Hydrodynamic Description of Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates    [PDF]

Emi Yukawa, Masahito Ueda

1209.5534 (Wladimir Tschischik et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics in Bose-Hubbard ladders    [PDF]

Wladimir Tschischik, Masudul Haque, Roderich Moessner

1209.5638 (Alessandro Roggero et al.)

Dynamical Structure Factors in Quantum Many-Body Systems from Quantum
Monte Carlo Calculations

Alessandro Roggero, Francesco Pederiva, Giuseppina Orlandini

1209.5641 (Igor Boettcher et al.)

Tan contact and universal high momentum behavior of the fermion
propagator in the BCS-BEC crossover

Igor Boettcher, Sebastian Diehl, Jan M. Pawlowski, Christof Wetterich

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

1009.1073 (J. Ruostekoski et al.)

Truncated Wigner method for Bose gases    [PDF]

J. Ruostekoski, A. D. Martin

1209.4912 (Christian Langmack et al.)

Avalanche Mechanism for the Enhanced Loss of Ultracold Atoms    [PDF]

Christian Langmack, D. Hudson Smith, Eric Braaten

1209.4929 (Mohammad S. Mashayekhi et al.)

Two-dimensional Bose gases near resonance: universal three-body effects    [PDF]

Mohammad S. Mashayekhi, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Dmitry Borzov, Jun-Liang Song, Fei Zhou

1209.5204 (René John Kerkdyk et al.)

Quantum dynamics and macroscopic quantum tunneling of two weakly coupled

René John Kerkdyk, S. Sinha

1209.5320 (Ricardo Puebla et al.)

Excited-state phase transition leading to symmetry-breaking steady
states in the Dicke model

Ricardo Puebla, Armando Relaño, Joaquín Retamosa

1209.5369 (D. W. Snoke et al.)

Dynamics of Phase Coherence Onset in Bose Condensates of Photons by
Incoherent Phonon Emission

D. W. Snoke, S. M. Girvin

Friday, September 21, 2012

1209.4363 (T. M. Hoang et al.)

Dynamic stabilization of a quantum many-body system    [PDF]

T. M. Hoang, C. S. Gerving, B. J. Land, M. Anquez, C. D. Hamley, M. S. Chapman

1209.4402 (S. C. Cormack et al.)

Finite Temperature Dipolar ultra-cold Bose gas with Exchange

S. C. Cormack, D. A. W. Hutchinson

1209.4426 (Christine Khripkov et al.)

Coherence dynamics of kicked Bose-Hubbard dimers: Interferometric
signatures of chaos

Christine Khripkov, Doron Cohen, Amichay Vardi

1209.4498 (Christine Khripkov et al.)

Suppressing matter-wave squeezing by periodic, erratic, or noisy driving    [PDF]

Christine Khripkov, Amichay Vardi, Doron Cohen

1209.4550 (Benoît Vermersch et al.)

Decoherence effects in the dynamics of interacting ultracold bosons in
disordered lattices

Benoît Vermersch, Jean-Claude Garreau

1209.4573 (Bryan Nelsen et al.)

Coherent Flow and Trapping of Polariton Condensates with Long Lifetime    [PDF]

Bryan Nelsen, Gangqiang Liu, Mark Steger, David W. Snoke, Ryan Balili, Ken West, Loren Pfeiffer