Thursday, May 31, 2012
1112.1112 (Peter Scherpelz et al.)
The nature of condensed and non-condensed pairs in superconductors in
Peter Scherpelz, Dan Wulin, K. Levin, A. K. Rajagopal1205.6756 (B. Juliá-Díaz et al.)
Dynamic generation of spin-squeezed states in bosonic Josephson
junctions [PDF]
B. Juliá-Díaz, T. Zibold, M. K. Oberthaler, M. Melé-Messeguer, J. Martorell, A. Polls
1205.6788 (D. Rost et al.)
Momentum-dependent pseudogaps in the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard
model [PDF]
D. Rost, E. V. Gorelik, F. Assaad, N. Blümer
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
1003.4891 (Noam Gross et al.)
Nuclear-spin-independent short-range three-body physics in ultracold
atoms [PDF]
Noam Gross, Zav Shotan, Servaas Kokkelmans, Lev Khaykovich
1205.6211 (Ming Gong et al.)
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Spiral Order in Spin-orbit Coupled
Optical Lattices [PDF]
Ming Gong, Yinyin Qian, V. W. Scarola, Chuanwei Zhang
1205.6281 (N. Ebrahimian et al.)
Dependence of interface conductivity on relevant physical parameters in
polarized Fermi mixtures [PDF]
N. Ebrahimian, M. Mehrafarin, R. Afzali
1205.6305 (G. Bismut et al.)
Anisotropic excitation spectrum of a dipolar quantum Bose gas [PDF]
G. Bismut, B. Laburthe-Tolra, E. Marechal, P. Pedri, O. Gorceix, L. Vernac1205.6366 (D. Banerjee et al.)
Atomic Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields coupled to Fermionic
Matter: From String Breaking to Evolution after a Quench [PDF]
D. Banerjee, M. Dalmonte, M. Müller, E. Rico, P. Stebler, U. -J. Wiese, P. Zoller
1205.6388 (Manuel Valiente et al.)
Universal properties of Fermi gases in arbitrary dimensions [PDF]
Manuel Valiente, Nikolaj T. Zinner, Klaus Molmer1205.6398 (Yun Li et al.)
Sum rules, dipole oscillation and spin polarizability of a spin-orbit
coupled quantum gas [PDF]
Yun Li, Giovanni Martone, Sandro Stringari
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
1201.2396 (Olga Machtey et al.)
Association of Efimov trimers from a three-atom continuum [PDF]
Olga Machtey, Zav Shotan, Noam Gross, Lev Khaykovich1205.6075 (D. Gallucci et al.)
Phase coherence in quasicondensate experiments: an ab initio analysis
via the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation [PDF]
D. Gallucci, S. P. Cockburn, N. P. Proukakis
1205.6161 (B. Jetter et al.)
Scattering and absorption of ultracold atoms by nanotubes [PDF]
B. Jetter, J. Märkle, P. Schneeweiss, M. Gierling, S. Scheel, A. Günther, J. Fortágh, T. E. Judd1205.6189 (Hannes Pichler et al.)
Dressed, noise- or disorder- resilient optical lattices [PDF]
Hannes Pichler, Johannes Schachenmayer, Jonathan Simon, Peter Zoller, Andrew J. DaleyMonday, May 28, 2012
1201.2112 (C. -E. Bardyn et al.)
Majorana Modes in Driven-Dissipative Atomic Superfluids With Zero Chern
Number [PDF]
C. -E. Bardyn, M. A. Baranov, E. Rico, A. Imamoglu, P. Zoller, S. Diehl
1205.5792 (Shuo Yang et al.)
Topological flat band models with arbitrary Chern numbers [PDF]
Shuo Yang, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Kai Sun, S. Das SarmaFriday, May 25, 2012
1103.0787 (Ehsan Khatami et al.)
Quantum quenches in disordered systems: Approach to thermal equilibrium
without a typical relaxation time [PDF]
Ehsan Khatami, Marcos Rigol, Armando Relaño, Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia
1205.5304 (Myoung-Sun Heo et al.)
Formation of Ultracold Fermionic NaLi Feshbach Molecules [PDF]
Myoung-Sun Heo, Tout T. Wang, Caleb A. Christensen, Timur M. Rvachov, Dylan A. Cotta, Jae-Hoon Choi, Ye-Ryoung Lee, Wolfgang KetterleThursday, May 24, 2012
1205.5115 (S. K. Adhikari et al.)
Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate soliton on a two-dimensional optical
lattice [PDF]
S. K. Adhikari, P. Muruganandam
1205.5145 (Stephan Arlinghaus et al.)
ac Stark shift and multiphoton-like resonances in low-frequency driven
optical lattices [PDF]
Stephan Arlinghaus, Martin Holthaus
1205.5176 (J. Billy et al.)
Confinement-induced collapse of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate [PDF]
J. Billy, E. A. L. Henn, S. Müller, T. Maier, H. Kadau, A. Griesmaier, M. Jona-Lasinio, L. Santos, T. Pfau1205.5180 (Allan Adams et al.)
Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: Ultracold Quantum Gases, Quantum
Chromodynamic Plasmas, and Holographic Duality [PDF]
Allan Adams, Lincoln D. Carr, Thomas Schaefer, Peter Steinberg, John E. Thomas
1205.5191 (Alexey Filinov et al.)
Collective and single-particle excitations in 2D dipolar Bose gases [PDF]
Alexey Filinov, Michael Bonitz1205.5259 (Philip Grech et al.)
The excitation spectrum for weakly interacting bosons in a trap [PDF]
Philip Grech, Robert SeiringerWednesday, May 23, 2012
1107.5781 (A. Fuhrmanek et al.)
Study of light-assisted collisions between a few cold atoms in a
microscopic dipole trap [PDF]
A. Fuhrmanek, R. Bourgain, Y. R. P. Sortais, A. Browaeys
1205.4815 (Michael McNeil Forbes et al.)
Effective-Range Dependence of Resonantly Interacting Fermions [PDF]
Michael McNeil Forbes, Stefano Gandolfi, Alexandros GezerlisTuesday, May 22, 2012
1005.3545 (Ulrich Schneider et al.)
Fermionic transport in a homogeneous Hubbard model: Out-of-equilibrium
dynamics with ultracold atoms [PDF]
Ulrich Schneider, Lucia Hackermüller, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Sebastian Will, Simon Braun, Thorsten Best, Immanuel Bloch, Eugene Demler, Stephan Mandt, David Rasch, Achim Rosch
1105.6141 (L. de Forges de Parny et al.)
Ground state phase diagram of spin-1/2 bosons in a two-dimensional
optical lattice [PDF]
L. de Forges de Parny, F. Hébert, V. G. Rousseau, R. T. Scalettar, G. G. Batrouni
1111.6732 (Sudip Kumar Haldar et al.)
Dynamical features of quantum information entropy of bosonic cloud in
the tight trap [PDF]
Sudip Kumar Haldar, Barnali Chakrabarti
1205.4396 (A. A. Serga et al.)
Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of parametrically excited
dipole-exchange magnons [PDF]
A. A. Serga, C. W. Sandweg, V. I. Vasyuchka, M. B. Jungfleisch, B. Hillebrands, A. Kreisel, P. Kopietz, M. P. Kostylev
1205.4505 (Simon Stellmer et al.)
Creation of ultracold Sr2 molecules in the electronic ground state [PDF]
Simon Stellmer, Benjamin Pasquiou, Rudolf Grimm, Florian Schreck1205.4524 (Stefan Rist et al.)
Homodyne detection of matter-wave fields (shortened) [PDF]
Stefan Rist, Giovanna Morigi1205.4536 (Rémi Desbuquois et al.)
Superfluid behaviour of a two-dimensional Bose gas [PDF]
Rémi Desbuquois, Lauriane Chomaz, Tarik Yefsah, Julian Léonard, Jérôme Beugnon, Christof Weitenberg, Jean Dalibard1205.4601 (Emmi Ruokokoski et al.)
Stationary States of Trapped Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein
Condensates [PDF]
Emmi Ruokokoski, Jukka Huhtamäki, Mikko Möttönen
Monday, May 21, 2012
1112.4457 (Robert P. Smith et al.)
Condensate growth dynamics in a quantum-quenched Bose gas [PDF]
Robert P. Smith, Scott Beattie, Stuart Moulder, Robert L. D. Campbell, Zoran Hadzibabic1201.1779 (Bo-Yuan Ning et al.)
Manipulating dipolar and spin-exchange interactions in spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
Bo-Yuan Ning, S. Yi, Jun Zhuang, J. Q. You, Wenxian Zhang
1205.4026 (Ehud Altman et al.)
Mott criticality and pseudogap in Bose-Fermi mixtures [PDF]
Ehud Altman, Eugene Demler, Achim Rosch1205.4027 (Markus Mueller et al.)
Quantum charge glasses of itinerant fermions with cavity-mediated
long-range interactions [PDF]
Markus Mueller, Philipp Strack, Subir Sachdev
1205.4031 (Bernd Schmidt et al.)
Dynamical arrest of ultracold lattice fermions [PDF]
Bernd Schmidt, M. Reza Bakhtiari, Irakli Titvinidze, Ulrich Schneider, Michiel Snoek, Walter Hofstetter1205.4121 (F. Manni et al.)
Penrose-Onsager Criterion Validation in a One-Dimensional Polariton
Condensate [PDF]
F. Manni, K. G. Lagoudakis, R. André, M. Wouters, B. Deveaud
Friday, May 18, 2012
1109.4887 (Michael A. Hohensee et al.)
Force-free gravitational redshift: a gravitostatic Aharonov-Bohm
experiment [PDF]
Michael A. Hohensee, Brian Estey, Paul Hamilton, Anton Zeilinger, Holger Mueller
Thursday, May 17, 2012
1108.4246 (Rupert L. Frank et al.)
A positive density analogue of the Lieb-Thirring inequality [PDF]
Rupert L. Frank, Mathieu Lewin, Elliott H. Lieb, Robert Seiringer1108.4695 (H. Kleinert et al.)
Quantum phase transitions in optical lattices beyond Bogoliubov
approximation [PDF]
H. Kleinert, Z. Narzikulov, Abdulla Rakhimov
1205.3496 (Emanuele G. Dalla Torre et al.)
Noisy quantum phase transitions: an intuitive approach [PDF]
Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Eugene Demler, Thierry Giamarchi, Ehud Altman1205.3610 (A. Berceanu et al.)
Drag in a resonantly driven polariton fluid [PDF]
A. Berceanu, E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti1205.3687 (V. O. Nesterenko et al.)
Strong-coupling dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well
trap [PDF]
V. O. Nesterenko, A. N. Novikov, E. Suraud
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
1011.2453 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)
Analytic Harmonic Approach to the N-body problem [PDF]
J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen1201.0444 (Jan Klaers et al.)
Statistical physics of Bose-Einstein condensed light in a dye
microcavity [PDF]
Jan Klaers, Julian Schmitt, Tobias Damm, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz
1205.3221 (K. M. Daily et al.)
Degeneracies in trapped two-component Fermi gases [PDF]
K. M. Daily, D. Rakshit, D. Blume1205.3483 (Lawrence W. Cheuk et al.)
Spin-Injection Spectroscopy of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gas [PDF]
Lawrence W. Cheuk, Ariel T. Sommer, Zoran Hadzibabic, Tarik Yefsah, Waseem S. Bakr, Martin W. ZwierleinTuesday, May 15, 2012
1106.4906 (Mateusz Lacki et al.)
Numerical Computation of Dynamically Important Excited States of
Many-Body Systems [PDF]
Mateusz Lacki, Dominique Delande, Jakub Zakrzewski
1112.0554 (Sebastian D. Huber et al.)
Dipole Interaction Mediated Laser Cooling of Polar Molecules to
Ultra-cold Temperatures [PDF]
Sebastian D. Huber, Hans Peter Büchler
1112.4468 (E. Doko et al.)
Counterflow of spontaneous mass currents in trapped spin-orbit coupled
Fermi gases [PDF]
E. Doko, A. L. Subasi, M. Iskin
1201.3993 (Christine Khripkov et al.)
Squeezing in driven bimodal Bose-Einstein Condensates: Erratic driving
versus noise [PDF]
Christine Khripkov, Amichay Vardi, Doron Cohen
1205.2967 (Emanuele Coira et al.)
Quantum quenches in one-dimensional gapless systems: Does bosonization
work? [PDF]
Emanuele Coira, Federico Becca, Alberto Parola
1205.3063 (I. Yu. Chestnov et al.)
Bose-Einstein condensation for trapped atomic polaritons in a biconical
waveguide cavity [PDF]
I. Yu. Chestnov, A. P. Alodjants, S. M. Arakelian, J. Klaers, F. Vewinger, M. Weitz
1205.3067 (Timo Hartmann et al.)
Intensity distribution of non-linear scattering states [PDF]
Timo Hartmann, Juan-Diego Urbina, Klaus Richter, Peter Schlagheck1205.3116 (Zi Cai et al.)
Magnetic phases of bosons with synthetic spin-orbit coupling in optical
lattices [PDF]
Zi Cai, Xiangfa Zhou, Congjun Wu
1205.3151 (K. Lelas et al.)
The pinning quantum phase transition in a Tonks Girardeau gas:
diagnostics by ground state fidelity and the Loschmidt echo [PDF]
K. Lelas, T. Ševa, H. Buljan, J. Goold
Monday, May 14, 2012
1110.3730 (J. Casanova et al.)
Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermion Lattice Models in Trapped Ions [PDF]
J. Casanova, A. Mezzacapo, L. Lamata, E. Solano1205.2376 (Tilman Enss et al.)
Shear viscosity and spin diffusion in a two-dimensional Fermi gas [PDF]
Tilman Enss, Carolin Küppersbusch, Lars Fritz1205.2380 (Fei Zhou et al.)
Bose Gases Near Resonance: renormalized interactions in a condensate [PDF]
Fei Zhou, Mohammad Mashayekhi1205.2520 (Douglas Lundholm et al.)
Local exclusion for intermediate and fractional statistics [PDF]
Douglas Lundholm, Jan Philip Solovej1205.2553 (D. J. Papoular et al.)
Feshbach resonances in Cesium at Ultra-low Static Magnetic Fields [PDF]
D. J. Papoular, S. Bize, A. Clairon, H. Marion, S. J. Kokkelmans, G. V. Shlyapnikov1205.2574 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)
Virial expansion coefficients in the harmonic approximation [PDF]
J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen1205.2683 (Christian Langmack et al.)
The Avalanche Mechanism for Atom Loss near an Atom-Dimer Efimov
Resonance [PDF]
Christian Langmack, D. Hudson Smith, Eric Braaten
Friday, May 11, 2012
1112.6013 (Andrew M. Essin et al.)
Antiferromagnetic topological insulators in cold atomic gases [PDF]
Andrew M. Essin, Victor Gurarie1201.4071 (Dario Ballarini et al.)
All-optical polariton transistor [PDF]
Dario Ballarini, Milena De Giorgi, Emiliano Cancellieri, Romuald Houdré, Elisabeth Giacobino, Roberto Cingolani, Alberto Bramati, Giuseppe Gigli, Daniele Sanvitto1205.2105 (Zoran Ristivojevic et al.)
Phase transition of interacting disordered bosons in one dimension [PDF]
Zoran Ristivojevic, Aleksandra Petković, Pierre Le Doussal, Thierry Giamarchi1205.2110 (Juraj Radic et al.)
Exotic quantum spin models in spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulators [PDF]
Juraj Radic, Andrea Di Ciolo, Kai Sun, Victor Galitski1205.2121 (C. S. Gerving et al.)
Non-equilibrium dynamics of an unstable quantum pendulum [PDF]
C. S. Gerving, T. M. Hoang, B. J. Land, M. Anquez, C. D. Hamley, M. S. Chapman1205.2169 (Shunsuke Furukawa et al.)
Quantum Hall States in Rapidly Rotating Two-Component Bose Gases [PDF]
Shunsuke Furukawa, Masahito Ueda1205.2319 (William S. Cole et al.)
Bose Hubbard Models with Synthetic Spin-Orbit Coupling: Mott Insulators,
Spin Textures and Superfluidity [PDF]
William S. Cole, Shizhong Zhang, Arun Paramekanti, Nandini Trivedi
1205.2328 (Hiromitsu Takeuchi et al.)
Vortex Formations from Domain Wall Annihilations in Two-component
Bose-Einstein Condensates [PDF]
Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Muneto Nitta, Makoto Tsubota
1205.2330 (Hiromitsu Takeuchi et al.)
Tachyon Condensation in Bose--Einstein Condensates [PDF]
Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Makoto Tsubota, Muneto Nitta1205.2363 (T. Karpiuk et al.)
Spontaneous solitons in the thermal equilibrium of a
quasi-one-dimensional Bose gas [PDF]
T. Karpiuk, P. Deuar, P. Bienias, E. Witkowska, K. Pawlowski, M. Gajda, K. Rzazewski, M. Brewczyk
Thursday, May 10, 2012
1104.2512 (J. Pietraszewicz et al.)
Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher angular momentum states [PDF]
J. Pietraszewicz, T. Sowinski, M. Brewczyk, J. Zakrzewski, M. Lewenstein, M. Gajda1205.1806 (Liang He et al.)
Quantum phases of Bose-Bose mixtures on a triangular lattice [PDF]
Liang He, Yongqiang Li, Ehud Altman, Walter Hofstetter1205.1876 (Guangjiong Dongy et al.)
Cavity-meidated collisionless sympathetic cooling of molecules with
atoms [PDF]
Guangjiong Dongy, Chang Wang, Weiping Zhang
1205.1888 (Dan M. Stamper-Kurn et al.)
Spinor Bose gases: Explorations of symmetries, magnetism and quantum
dynamics [PDF]
Dan M. Stamper-Kurn, Masahito Ueda
1205.1921 (A. Zenesini et al.)
Resonant Five-Body Recombination in an Ultracold Gas [PDF]
A. Zenesini, B. Huang, M. Berninger, S. Besler, H. -C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, Chris H. Greene, J. von StecherWednesday, May 9, 2012
1105.3387 (Zixu Zhang et al.)
Stripe, checkerboard, and liquid-crystal ordering from anisotropic
p-orbital Fermi surfaces in optical lattices [PDF]
Zixu Zhang, Xiaopeng Li, W. Vincent Liu
1111.5079 (Joaquín E. Drut et al.)
The Equation of State of the Unitary Fermi Gas: An Update on Lattice
Calculations [PDF]
Joaquín E. Drut, Timo A. Lähde, Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski
1205.1521 (A. J. Daley et al.)
Measuring entanglement growth in quench dynamics of bosons in an optical
lattice [PDF]
A. J. Daley, H. Pichler, J. Schachenmayer, P. Zoller
1205.1525 (Edward Taylor et al.)
Apparent low-energy scale invariance in two-dimensional Fermi gases [PDF]
Edward Taylor, Mohit Randeria1205.1578 (Kazuto Noda et al.)
Many-body effects in a Bose-Fermi mixture [PDF]
Kazuto Noda, Robert Peters, Norio Kawakami, Thomas Pruschke1205.1611 (Hiroki Saito et al.)
Bénard-von Kármán vortex street in an exciton-polariton superfluid [PDF]
Hiroki Saito, Tomohiko Aioi, Tsuyoshi Kadokura1205.1771 (Marco Alberto Javarone et al.)
Quantum-Classical Transition in Complex Networks [PDF]
Marco Alberto Javarone, Giuliano ArmanoTuesday, May 8, 2012
1109.1998 (V. I. Gerasimenko et al.)
Quantum Kinetic Equations of Many-Particle Systems in Condensed States [PDF]
V. I. Gerasimenko, Zh. A. Tsvir1201.4691 (James J. Shepherd et al.)
Investigation of the Full Configuration Interaction Quantum Monte Carlo
Method Using Homogeneous Electron Gas Models [PDF]
James J. Shepherd, George H. Booth, Ali Alavi
1205.1086 (Kenji Maeda et al.)
Meson condensation analogs in ultracold atomic and molecular dipolar
gases [PDF]
Kenji Maeda, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Gordon Baym
1205.1094 (Zheng-Wei Zhou et al.)
Quantum phase transition of Bose-Einstein condensates on a ring
nonlinear lattice [PDF]
Zheng-Wei Zhou, Shao-Liang Zhang, Xiang-Fa Zhou, Guang-Can Guo, Xingxiang Zhou, Han Pu
1205.1110 (Pengjun Wang et al.)
Momentum-resolved Raman spectroscopy of non-interacting ultracold Fermi
gas [PDF]
Pengjun Wang, Zhengkun Fu, Lianghui Huang, Jing Zhang
1205.1161 (K. V. Zezyulin et al.)
Soliton appearing in boson-fermion mixture at the third order of the
interaction radius [PDF]
K. V. Zezyulin, P. A. Andreev, L. S. Kuz'menkov
1205.1333 (Jonathan M. Fellows et al.)
Unbinding of giant vortices in states of competing order [PDF]
Jonathan M. Fellows, Sam T. Carr, Christopher A. Hooley, Jörg Schmalian1205.1398 (Philipp Hauke et al.)
Non-Abelian gauge fields and topological insulators in shaken optical
lattices [PDF]
Philipp Hauke, Olivier Tielemann, Alessio Celi, Christoph Ölschläger, Juliette Simonet, Julian Struck, Malte Weinberg, Patrick Windpassinger, Klaus Sengstock, Maciej Lewenstein, André Eckardt
1205.1484 (Tommy A. Byrd et al.)
Scattering by an oscillating barrier: quantum, classical, and
semiclassical comparison [PDF]
Tommy A. Byrd, Megan K. Ivory, Andrew J. Pyle, Seth Aubin, Kevin A. Mitchell, John B. Delos, Kunal K. Das
Monday, May 7, 2012
1109.1241 (Nicole Fabbri et al.)
Quasiparticle dynamics in a Bose insulator probed by inter-band Bragg
spectroscopy [PDF]
Nicole Fabbri, Sebastian D. Huber, David Clément, Leonardo Fallani, Chiara Fort, Massimo Inguscio, Ehud Altman
1205.0813 (Y. -Q. Li et al.)
Supersolid phase of strongly correlated bosons in an optical cavity [PDF]
Y. -Q. Li, L. He, W. Hofstetter1205.0982 (Kazimierz Łakomy et al.)
Soliton Molecules In Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates [PDF]
Kazimierz Łakomy, Rejish Nath, Luis Santos1205.1020 (M. L. Wall et al.)
Out of equilibrium dynamics with Matrix Product States [PDF]
M. L. Wall, Lincoln D. CarrFriday, May 4, 2012
1106.1333 (Akiyuki Tokuno et al.)
Doublon production rate in modulated optical lattices [PDF]
Akiyuki Tokuno, Eugene Demler, Thierry Giamarchi1112.0719 (Holger Hennig et al.)
The nature of self-localization in optical lattices with local
dissipation [PDF]
Holger Hennig, Ragnar Fleischmann
1205.0657 (Nguyen Thanh Phuc et al.)
Beliaev theory of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates [PDF]
Nguyen Thanh Phuc, Yuki Kawaguchi, Masahito Ueda1205.0717 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)
Many-particle Systems in One Dimension in the Harmonic Approximation [PDF]
J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. JensenThursday, May 3, 2012
1111.7053 (W. Yi et al.)
Driven-dissipative many-body pairing states for cold fermionic atoms in
an optical lattice [PDF]
W. Yi, S. Diehl, A. J. Daley, P. Zoller
1205.0133 (Chi-Yong Lin et al.)
Mimicking Friedmann-Robinson-Walker universes with tunable cold Fermi
atoms: Galilean invariance fights back [PDF]
Chi-Yong Lin, Da-Shin Lee, Ray J. Rivers
1205.0234 (Andre LeClair et al.)
Quantum Bose and Fermi gases with large negative scattering length in
the 2-body S-matrix approximation [PDF]
Andre LeClair, Edgar Marcelino, Andre Nicolai, Itzhak Roditi
1205.0254 (Xiaopeng Li et al.)
Majorana fermions emerged on orbital ladders without superconductivity [PDF]
Xiaopeng Li, Erhai Zhao, W. Vincent Liu1205.0341 (A. Bermudez et al.)
Quantum Magnetism of Spin-Ladder Compounds with Trapped-Ion Crystals [PDF]
A. Bermudez, J. Almeida, K. Ott, H. Kaufmann, S. Ulm, F. Schmidt-Kaler, A. Retzker, M. B. Plenio1205.0496 (L. Tagliacozzo et al.)
Optical Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories [PDF]
L. Tagliacozzo, A. Celi, A. Zamora, M. LewensteinWednesday, May 2, 2012
1111.6127 (Boris Nowak et al.)
Nonthermal fixed points, vortex statistics, and superfluid turbulence in
an ultracold Bose gas [PDF]
Boris Nowak, Jan Schole, Dénes Sexty, Thomas Gasenzer
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
1112.5364 (Sudip Kumar Haldar et al.)
Supersymmetric isospectral formalism for the calculation of near-zero
energy states: application to the very weakly bound ${^4}$He trimer excited
state [PDF]
Sudip Kumar Haldar, Barnali Chakrabarti, Tapan Kumar Das
1204.6331 (S. Mondal et al.)
Dynamic freezing of strongly correlated ultracold bosons [PDF]
S. Mondal, D. Pekker, K. Sengupta1204.6347 (Justin Lovegrove et al.)
Energetically stable singular vortex cores in an atomic spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensate [PDF]
Justin Lovegrove, Magnus O. Borgh, Janne Ruostekoski
1204.6574 (Erez Zohar et al.)
Simulating Compact Quantum Electrodynamics with ultracold atoms: Probing
confinement and nonperturbative effects [PDF]
Erez Zohar, J. Ignacio Cirac, Benni Reznik
1204.6682 (Philippe Corboz et al.)
Simplex solids in SU(N) Heisenberg models on the kagome and checkerboard
lattices [PDF]
Philippe Corboz, Karlo Penc, Frederic Mila, Andreas M. Laeuchli
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