Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1005.0915 (Cord A. Müller et al.)

Disorder and interference: localization phenomena    [PDF]

Cord A. Müller, Dominique Delande

1103.4841 (Stefano Finazzi et al.)

Cosmological Constant: A Lesson from Bose-Einstein Condensates    [PDF]

Stefano Finazzi, Stefano Liberati, Lorenzo Sindoni

1109.4037 (Masaki Tezuka et al.)

Testing the universality of the many body metal-insulator transition by
time evolution of a disordered one-dimensional ultracold fermionic gas

Masaki Tezuka, Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia

1109.5811 (Qizhong Zhu et al.)

Exotic superfluidity in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

Qizhong Zhu, Chuanwei Zhang, Biao Wu

1202.6167 (Markus Falkenau et al.)

Evaporation limited loading of an atom trap    [PDF]

Markus Falkenau, Valentin V. Volchkov, Jahn Rührig, Hannes Gorniaczyk, Axel Griesmaier

1202.6323 (Zi Cai et al.)

Pomeranchuk cooling of the SU($2N$) ultra-cold fermions in optical

Zi Cai, Hsiang-hsuan Hung, Lei Wang, Dong Zheng, Congjun Wu

1202.6361 (Sylvain Nascimbène et al.)

Experimental realization of plaquette resonating valence bond states
with ultracold atoms in optical superlattices

Sylvain Nascimbène, Yu-Ao Chen, Macros Atala, Monika Aidelsburger, Stefan Trotzky, Belén Paredes, Immanuel Bloch

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

0909.1314 (N. T. Zinner)

Effective Potential for Ultracold Atoms at the Zero-Crossing of a
Feshbach Resonance

N. T. Zinner

1110.3364 (Xiaopeng Li et al.)

Time reversal symmetry breaking of $p$-orbital bosons in a
one-dimensional optical lattice

Xiaopeng Li, Zixu Zhang, W. Vincent Liu

1111.0550 (Y. Sherkunov et al.)

Phase transitions in dipolar gases in optical lattices    [PDF]

Y. Sherkunov, Vadim V. Cheianov, Vladimir Fal'ko

1201.4310 (Richard Schmidt et al.)

Efimov physics beyond universality    [PDF]

Richard Schmidt, Steffen Patrick Rath, Wilhelm Zwerger

1202.5558 (Peter Barmettler et al.)

Propagation front of correlations in an interacting Bose gas    [PDF]

Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Marc Cheneau, Corinna Kollath

1202.5590 (Chi-Chun Chien et al.)

Comment on "Density and Spin response of a strongly-interacting Fermi
gas in the attractive and quasi-repulsive regime"

Chi-Chun Chien, Hao Guo, K. Levin

1202.5679 (Magnus O. Borgh et al.)

Topological interface engineering and defect crossing in ultracold
atomic gases

Magnus O. Borgh, Janne Ruostekoski

1202.5775 (Biao Lian et al.)

Searching for Non-Abelian Phases in the Bose-Einstein Condensate of

Biao Lian, Tin-Lun Ho, Hui Zhai

1202.5784 (M. S. Marienko et al.)

Topologically non-trivial superfluid phases and Majorana fermions from
Kohn-Luttinger effect

M. S. Marienko, Jay D. Sau, Sumanta Tewari

1202.5787 (Gábor Csire et al.)

Macroscopic quantum superpositon states of two-component Bose-Einstein

Gábor Csire, Barnabás Apagyi

1202.5869 (Iva Brezinova et al.)

Wave chaos as signature for depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

Iva Brezinova, Axel U. J. Lode, Alexej I. Streltsov, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Joachim Burgdörfer

1202.5969 (Masaki Tezuka et al.)

Reentrant topological transitions in a one-dimensional quantum wire
coupled to superconductor with quasiperiodic lattice modulation

Masaki Tezuka, Norio Kawakami

1202.5976 (R. Combescot et al.)

"Gray" BCS condensate of excitons and internal Josephson effect    [PDF]

R. Combescot, M. Combescot

1202.6015 (Stefano Finazzi et al.)

Hawking radiation in dispersive theories, the two regimes    [PDF]

Stefano Finazzi, Renaud Parentani

Friday, February 24, 2012

1106.5925 (M. J. Edmonds et al.)

From Anderson to anomalous localization in cold atomic gases with
effective spin-orbit coupling

M. J. Edmonds, J. Otterbach, R. G. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, M. Titov, P. Ohberg

1108.1607 (Zhaoliang Wang et al.)

Exact Eigenfunctions of $N$-Body system with Quadratic Pair Potential    [PDF]

Zhaoliang Wang, Anmin Wang, Yang Yang, Xuechao Li

1108.4233 (Hui Hu et al.)

Spin-orbit coupled weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in
harmonic traps

Hui Hu, B. Ramachandhran, Han Pu, Xia-Ji Liu

1109.2307 (Qijin Chen)

Effect of the particle-hole channel on BCS--Bose-Einstein condensation
crossover in atomic Fermi gases

Qijin Chen

1109.5327 (Qijin Chen)

Zero density limit extrapolation of the superfluid transition
temperature in a unitary atomic Fermi gas on a lattice

Qijin Chen

1111.0529 (H. T. Ng et al.)

Coherent control of atomic spin currents in a double well    [PDF]

H. T. Ng, Shih-I Chu

1111.1798 (Xia-Ji Liu et al.)

Probing Majorana fermions in spin-orbit coupled atomic Fermi gases    [PDF]

Xia-Ji Liu, Lei Jiang, Han Pu, Hui Hu

1112.0145 (Yuki Nakano et al.)

Finite-temperature phase structures of hard-core bosons in an optical
lattice with an effective magnetic field

Yuki Nakano, Kenichi Kasamatsu, Tetsuo Matsui

1202.5083 (Oleksandr Fialko et al.)

Nucleating a metastable quantum phase transition    [PDF]

Oleksandr Fialko, Marie-Coralie Delattre, Joachim Brand, Andrey R. Kolovsky

1202.5086 (Jiajia Du et al.)

Pairing imbalance in BCS-BEC crossover of inhomogeneous three-component
Fermi-gas in two dimensions

Jiajia Du, Junjun Liang, J. -Q. Liang

1202.5091 (Ching-Hao Chang et al.)

Analogy of RKKY oscillations to the heat exchange in cold atoms    [PDF]

Ching-Hao Chang, Tzay-Ming Hong

1202.5117 (Ayan Khan et al.)

Effect of Disorder in BCS-BEC Crossover    [PDF]

Ayan Khan, Saurabh Basu, Sang Wook Kim

1202.5143 (Sudip Kumar Haldar et al.)

Quantum many-body tunneling of attractive Bose-Einstein condensate
through double asymmetric barrier

Sudip Kumar Haldar, Pankaj Debnath, Barnali Chakrabarti

1202.5149 (Felix Hofmann et al.)

Doublon dynamics in the extended Fermi Hubbard model    [PDF]

Felix Hofmann, Michael Potthoff

1202.5174 (T. Salger et al.)

Coherent negative mobility of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice    [PDF]

T. Salger, S. Kling, S. Denisov, A. V. Ponomarev, P. Hanggi, M. Weitz

1202.5246 (Adhip Agarwala et al.)

Quantum diffraction grating with cold atoms in an optical lattice    [PDF]

Adhip Agarwala, Madhurima Nath, Jasleen Lugani, K. Thyagarajan, Sankalpa Ghosh

1202.5250 (Jakob Meineke et al.)

Interferometric Measurement of Local Spin-Fluctuations in a Quantum Gas    [PDF]

Jakob Meineke, Jean-Philippe Brantut, David Stadler, Torben Müller, Henning Moritz, Tilman Esslinger

Thursday, February 23, 2012

1101.1811 (Andreas Schilling et al.)

On Josephson effects in insulating spin systems    [PDF]

Andreas Schilling, Henrik Grundmann

1110.2957 (B. M. Kemburi et al.)

Percolation Enhanced Supersolids in the Extended Bose-Hubbard Model    [PDF]

B. M. Kemburi, V. W. Scarola

1111.2052 (Andreas Rückriegel et al.)

Time-dependent spin-wave theory    [PDF]

Andreas Rückriegel, Andreas Kreisel, Peter Kopietz

1111.3208 (V. P. Mineev)

Fermi liquid theory and ferromagnetism    [PDF]

V. P. Mineev

1202.4782 (Michael Schecter et al.)

Forming doublons by a quantum quench    [PDF]

Michael Schecter, Alex Kamenev

1202.4801 (R. Cabrera-Trujillo et al.)

Scaling laws for the non-linear coupling constant of a Bose-Einstein
condensate at the threshold of delocalization

R. Cabrera-Trujillo, M. W. J. Bromley, B. D. Esry

1202.4924 (Bo Liu et al.)

Topological $p_{x}+ip_{y}$ Superfluid Phase of a Dipolar Fermi Gas in a
2D Optical Lattice

Bo Liu, Lan Yin

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1106.0828 (J. Catani et al.)

Quantum dynamics of impurities in a 1D Bose gas    [PDF]

J. Catani, G. Lamporesi, D. Naik, M. Gring, M. Inguscio, F. Minardi, A. Kantian, T. Giamarchi

1110.6716 (S. Datta)

Visualizing Anderson Localization in 3d using Monte Carlo method    [PDF]

S. Datta

1112.1384 (Johannes Hofmann)

Quantum anomaly, universal relations, and breathing mode of a
two-dimensional Fermi gas

Johannes Hofmann

1112.3657 (Achilleas Lazarides et al.)

Strongly interacting one-dimensional bosons in arbitrary-strength
optical lattices: from Bose-Hubbard to sine-Gordon and beyond

Achilleas Lazarides, Masudul Haque

1202.4547 (Guojun Zhu et al.)

BEC-BCS Crossover with Feshbach Resonance for a Three-Hyperfine-Species

Guojun Zhu, Anthony J. Leggett

1202.4571 (T. S. Mysakovych)

Bose-Fermi-Hubbard model on a lattice with two nonequivalent sublattices    [PDF]

T. S. Mysakovych

1202.4697 (Zi-Xiang Hu et al.)

Comparison of the density-matrix renormalization group method applied to
fractional quantum Hall systems in different geometries

Zi-Xiang Hu, Z. Papic, S. Johri, R. N. Bhatt, Peter Schmitteckert

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1104.2564 (Bryce Gadway et al.)

Probing an Ultracold-Atom Crystal with Matter Waves    [PDF]

Bryce Gadway, Daniel Pertot, Jeremy Reeves, Dominik Schneble

1110.1653 (Yinyin Qian et al.)

Many-body Landau-Zener Transition in Cold Atom Double Well Optical

Yinyin Qian, Ming Gong, Chuanwei Zhang

1110.4306 (Ippei Danshita et al.)

Quantum phase slips in one-dimensional superfluids in a periodic

Ippei Danshita, Anatoli Polkovnikov

1111.1173 (Enrico Vogt et al.)

Scale invariance and viscosity of a two-dimensional Fermi gas    [PDF]

Enrico Vogt, Michael Feld, Bernd Fröhlich, Daniel Pertot, Marco Koschorreck, Michael Köhl

1111.3554 (Xiangguo Yin et al.)

Quantum criticality of a one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture    [PDF]

Xiangguo Yin, Xi-Wen Guan, Yunbo Zhang, Shu Chen

1112.3419 (Zhihao Xu et al.)

Wigner crystal induced by dipole-dipole interaction in one-dimensional
optical lattices

Zhihao Xu, Shu Chen

1202.3806 (E. Castellanos et al.)

Modified Bosonic Gas Trapped in a Generic 3-dim Power Law Potential    [PDF]

E. Castellanos, C. Laemmerzahl

1202.3813 (Olga V. Borovkova et al.)

Solitons supported by singular spatial modulation of the Kerr

Olga V. Borovkova, Valery E. Lobanov, Boris A. Malomed

1202.4021 (S. Backes et al.)

Monte Carlo study of fermionic trions in a square lattice with harmonic

S. Backes, I. Titvinidze, A. Privitera, W. Hofstetter

1202.3905 (F. Kh. Abdullaev et al.)

Solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates with trap and barrier

F. Kh. Abdullaev, V. A. Brazhnyi

1202.4111 (Andreas Deuchert et al.)

Dynamics and symmetries of a repulsively bound atom pair in an infinite
optical lattice

Andreas Deuchert, Kaspar Sakmann, Alexej I. Streltsov, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum

1202.4125 (Yuanwei Zhang et al.)

Finite temperature Dicke phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate
in an optical cavity

Yuanwei Zhang, Jinling Lian, J. -Q. Liang, Gang Chen, Chuanwei Zhang, Suotang Jia

1202.4151 (Marianne Bauer et al.)

Dipolar gases in one-dimensional coupled tubes    [PDF]

Marianne Bauer, Meera M. Parish

1202.4158 (O. Dutta et al.)

Orbital physics of polar Fermi molecules    [PDF]

O. Dutta, M. Lewenstein

1202.4233 (B. C. Mulkerin et al.)

Universality in rotating strongly interacting gases    [PDF]

B. C. Mulkerin, C. J. Bradly, H. M. Quiney, A. M. Martin

1202.4402 (Amy N. Nicholson)

N-body Efimov states from two-particle noise    [PDF]

Amy N. Nicholson

1202.4444 (Mingwu Lu et al.)

Quantum degenerate dipolar Fermi gas    [PDF]

Mingwu Lu, Nathaniel Q. Burdick, Benjamin L. Lev

Friday, February 17, 2012

1110.0494 (Ville Pietilä et al.)

Pairing instabilities in quasi-two-dimensional Fermi gases    [PDF]

Ville Pietilä, David Pekker, Yusuke Nishida, Eugene Demler

1202.3447 (Axel U. J. Lode et al.)

How does an interacting many-body system tunnel through a potential
barrier to open space?

Axel U. J. Lode, Alexej I. Streltsov, Kaspar Sakmann, Ofir E. Alon, Lorenz S. Cederbaum

1202.3489 (C. A. Müller et al.)

Condensate deformation and quantum depletion of Bose-Einstein
condensates in external potentials

C. A. Müller, C. Gaul

1202.3526 (Jie Zhang)

Quaternary-singlet State of Spin-1 Bosons in Optical Lattice    [PDF]

Jie Zhang

1202.3574 (Ole Søe Sørensen et al.)

Relative and center-of-mass motion in the attractive Bose-Hubbard model    [PDF]

Ole Søe Sørensen, Søren Gammelmark, Klaus Mølmer

1202.3658 (H. Mäkelä et al.)

Stability of nonstationary states of spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

H. Mäkelä, E. Lundh

Thursday, February 16, 2012

1101.1783 (E. Cancellieri et al.)

Multistability of a two component exciton-polariton fluid    [PDF]

E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymanska, C. Tejedor

1106.2316 (Marc Lapert et al.)

Optimal control of quantum superpositions in a bosonic Josephson

Marc Lapert, Giulia Ferrini, Dominique Sugny

1107.4522 (E. Cancellieri et al.)

Frictionless flow in a binary polariton superfluid    [PDF]

E. Cancellieri, F. M. Marchetti, M. H. Szymanska, D. Sanvitto, C. Tejedor

1109.0063 (Kouichi Okunishi et al.)

Spin-Chirality Separation and S_3-Symmetry Breakings in the
Magnetization Plateau of the Quantum Spin Tube

Kouichi Okunishi, Masahiro Sato, Toru Sakai, Kiyomi Okamoto, Chigak Itoi

1112.1122 (Xiaoling Cui)

Mixed partial-wave scattering with spin-orbit coupling and validity of

Xiaoling Cui

1202.3166 (A. Ullah et al.)

Quantum resonant effects in the delta-kicked rotor revisited    [PDF]

A. Ullah, S. K. Ruddell, J-A. Currivan, M. D. Hoogerland

1202.3197 (Shi-Jie Yang et al.)

Analytical solutions to the spinor Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

Shi-Jie Yang, Zhi-Hai Zhang, Shiping Feng

1202.3348 (E. Fratini et al.)

Mass imbalance effect in resonant Bose-Fermi mixtures    [PDF]

E. Fratini, P. Pieri

1202.3365 (D. H. Santamore et al.)

Spin critical opalescence in zero temperature Bose-Einstein Condensates    [PDF]

D. H. Santamore, Eddy Timmermans

1202.3398 (P. A. Andreev)

Self-consistent spin waves in magnetized BEC    [PDF]

P. A. Andreev

1202.3400 (Chester P. Rubbo et al.)

Quantum Dynamics of Solitons in Strongly Interacting Systems on Optical

Chester P. Rubbo, Indubala I. Satija, William P. Reinhardt, Radha Balakrishnan, Ana Maria Rey, Salvatore R. Manmana

1202.3414 (Yusuke Nishida et al.)

Universal molecules trapped with discrete scaling symmetries    [PDF]

Yusuke Nishida, Dean Lee

1202.3418 (Erich D. Gust et al.)

Collision Integrals in the Kinetic Equations of dilute Bose-Einstein

Erich D. Gust, L. E. Reichl

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1109.4945 (Ryan Barnett et al.)

Order by Disorder in Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates    [PDF]

Ryan Barnett, Stephen Powell, Tobias Grass, Maciej Lewenstein, S. Das Sarma

1202.2939 (Santiago F. Caballero-Benitez et al.)

The Contact in the BCS-BEC crossover for finite range interatomic

Santiago F. Caballero-Benitez, Rosario Paredes, Victor Romero-Rochin

1202.2941 (Xi-Wen Guan)

Polaron, molecule and pairing in one-dimensional spin-1/2 Fermi gas with
an attractive Delta-function interaction

Xi-Wen Guan

1202.2971 (Pedro Bargueno et al.)

Macroscopic amplification of electroweak effects in molecular
Bose-Einstein condensates

Pedro Bargueno, Fernando Sols

1202.3036 (Yun Li et al.)

Quantum tri-criticality and phase transitions in spin-orbit coupled
Bose-Einstein condensates

Yun Li, Lev P. Pitaevskii, Sandro Stringari

1202.3054 (Arghavan Safavi-Naini et al.)

First order SF-MI transition in the Bose-Hubbard model with tunable
three-body onsite interaction

Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Javier von Stecher, Barbara Capogrosso-Sansone, Seth T. Rittenhouse

1202.3057 (S . N. Andrianov et al.)

Magnon qubit on double Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

S . N. Andrianov, S. A. Moiseev

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1105.6308 (O. Romero-Isart et al.)

Quantum Memory Assisted Probing of Dynamical Spin Correlations    [PDF]

O. Romero-Isart, M. Rizzi, C. A. Muschik, E. S. Polzik, M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera

1110.5126 (Fred Cooper et al.)

Composite-Field Goldstone States and Higgs Mechanism in Dilute Bose

Fred Cooper, Chih-Chun Chien, Bogdan Mihaila, John F. Dawson, Eddy Timmermans

1202.2649 (Mircea Trif et al.)

Resonantly Tunable Majorana Polariton in a Microwave Cavity    [PDF]

Mircea Trif, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak

1202.2657 (S. S. Sané et al.)

11 W narrow linewidth laser source at 780nm for laser cooling and
manipulation of Rubidium

S. S. Sané, S. Bennetts, J. E. Debs, C. C. N. Kuhn, G. D. McDonald, P. A. Altin, J. D. Close, N. P. Robins

1202.2726 (Stefan Schmid et al.)

An apparatus for immersing trapped ions into an ultracold gas of neutral

Stefan Schmid, Arne Härter, Albert Frisch, Sascha Hoinka, Johannes Hecker Denschlag

1202.2763 (Andrej Junginger et al.)

Transition state theory for wave packet dynamics. II. Thermal decay of
Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range interaction

Andrej Junginger, Markus Dorwarth, Jörg Main, Günter Wunner

1202.2777 (D. Yan et al.)

Beating dark-dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

D. Yan, J. J. Chang, C. Hamner, M. Hoefer, P. G. Kevrekidis, P. Engels, V. Achilleos, D. J. Frantzeskakis, J. Cuevas

Monday, February 13, 2012

1104.2352 (J. Y. Lee et al.)

Thermodynamics, spin-charge separation and correlation functions of
spin-1/2 fermions with repulsive interaction

J. Y. Lee, X. W. Guan, K. Sakai, M. T. Batchelor

1106.2102 (J. R. Armstrong et al.)

Layers of Cold Dipolar Molecules in the Harmonic Approximation    [PDF]

J. R. Armstrong, N. T. Zinner, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen

1108.0270 (C. Ates et al.)

Thermalization of a strongly interacting closed spin system: From
coherent many-body dynamics to a Fokker-Planck equation

C. Ates, J. P. Garrahan, I. Lesanovsky

1109.4602 (A. G. Volosniev et al.)

Few-body bound state stability of dipolar molecules in two dimensions    [PDF]

A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1112.2846 (Anne-Louise Gadsbolle et al.)

Harmonically trapped dipolar fermions in a two-dimensional square

Anne-Louise Gadsbolle, G. M. Bruun

1202.2146 (K. Levin et al.)

The Fermi Gases and Superfluids: Short Review of Experiment and Theory
for Condensed Matter Physicists

K. Levin, Randall G. Hulet

1202.2182 (D. B. Tretyakov et al.)

Effect of photoions on the line shapes of the Förster resonance and
microwave transitions in cold rubidium Rydberg atoms

D. B. Tretyakov, I. I. Beterov, V. M. Entin, E. A. Yakshina, I. I. Ryabtsev, S. F. Dyubko, E. A. Alekseev, N. L. Pogrebnyak, N. N. Bezuglov, E. Arimondo

1202.2298 (P. Giannakeas et al.)

Analytical treatment of bosonic d-wave scattering in isotropic harmonic

P. Giannakeas, V. S. Melezhik, P. Schmelcher

1202.2306 (Michael Hintermüller et al.)

Optimal bilinear control of Gross-Pitaevskii equations    [PDF]

Michael Hintermüller, Daniel Marahrens, Peter A. Markowich, Christof Sparber

Friday, February 10, 2012

1101.4845 (Gentaro Watanabe et al.)

Dissipation-induced squeezing    [PDF]

Gentaro Watanabe, Harri Mäkelä

1104.5242 (Ángel Rivas et al.)

Open Quantum Systems. An Introduction    [PDF]

Ángel Rivas, Susana F. Huelga

1111.5248 (Małgorzata Mochol et al.)

Dark soliton in a disorder potential    [PDF]

Małgorzata Mochol, Marcin Płodzień, Krzysztof Sacha

1202.1857 (Sergey V. Alyabyshev et al.)

Sensitive imaging of electromagnetic fields with paramagnetic polar

Sergey V. Alyabyshev, Mikhail Lemeshko, Roman V. Krems

1202.1863 (M. Tsubota et al.)

Quantized vortices and quantum turbulence    [PDF]

M. Tsubota, K. Kasamatsu

1202.1911 (Chao-Fei Liu et al.)

Fractionalized skyrmion in rotating and rapidly quenched spin-1
Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit coupling

Chao-Fei Liu, Wu-Ming Liu

1202.1961 (Felix Nissen et al.)

Non-equilibrium dynamics of coupled qubit-cavity arrays    [PDF]

Felix Nissen, Sebastian Schmidt, Matteo Biondi, Gianni Blatter, Hakan E. Türeci, Jonathan Keeling

1202.1965 (Tatsuhiko N. Ikeda et al.)

Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis
in a One-Dimensional Interacting Bose gas

Tatsuhiko N. Ikeda, Yu Watanabe, Masahito Ueda

1202.2059 (Antun Balaz et al.)

Faraday waves in binary non-miscible Bose-Einstein condensates    [PDF]

Antun Balaz, Alexandru I. Nicolin

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1106.1256 (Tanja Rindler-Daller et al.)

Angular Momentum and Vortex Formation in Bose-Einstein-Condensed Cold
Dark Matter Haloes

Tanja Rindler-Daller, Paul R. Shapiro

1109.1589 (O. Fialko et al.)

Isolated quantum heat engine    [PDF]

O. Fialko, D. Hallwood

1109.6024 (V. Gritsev et al.)

Dynamical Quantum Hall Effect in the Parameter Space    [PDF]

V. Gritsev, A. Polkovnikov

1110.2183 (Dmitry Borzov et al.)

Nature of 3D Bose Gases near Resonance    [PDF]

Dmitry Borzov, Mohammad S. Mashayekhi, Shizhong Zhang, Jun-Liang Song, Fei Zhou

1110.4498 (S. Ejima et al.)

Dynamic density-density correlations in interacting Bose gases on
optical lattices

S. Ejima, H. Fehske, F. Gebhard

1111.0776 (Marc Cheneau et al.)

Light-cone-like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system    [PDF]

Marc Cheneau, Peter Barmettler, Dario Poletti, Manuel Endres, Peter Schauß, Takeshi Fukuhara, Christian Gross, Immanuel Bloch, Corinna Kollath, Stefan Kuhr

1111.3611 (Massimo Rontani)

Tunneling theory of two interacting atoms in a trap    [PDF]

Massimo Rontani

1111.3656 (Xavier Bekaert et al.)

Symmetries and currents of the ideal and unitary Fermi gases    [PDF]

Xavier Bekaert, Elisa Meunier, Sergej Moroz

1201.0980 (Massimo Boninsegni)

Supersolid phases of cold atom assemblies    [PDF]

Massimo Boninsegni

1202.0955 (V. S. Shchesnovich)

State diagram and the phase transition of $p$-bosons in a square
bi-partite optical lattice

V. S. Shchesnovich

1202.0956 (V. S. Shchesnovich)

Vortex-like superfluid of Bose-Einstein condensate in the honeycomb
optical lattice with a sublattice of dissipative sites

V. S. Shchesnovich

1202.1079 (Jimena Royo-Letelier)

Segregation and symmetry breaking of strongly coupled two-component
Bose-Einstein condensates in a harmonic trap

Jimena Royo-Letelier

1202.1199 (T. Schuster et al.)

Feshbach spectroscopy and scattering properties of ultracold Li+Na

T. Schuster, R. Scelle, A. Trautmann, S. Knoop, M. K. Oberthaler, M. M. Haverhals, M. R. Goosen, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, E. Tiemann

1202.1258 (Maryvonne Chalony et al.)

Long-range gravitational-like interaction in a neutral atomic cold gas    [PDF]

Maryvonne Chalony, J. Barre, B. Marcos, A. Olivetti, David Wilkowski

1202.1274 (Joe P. Chen)

Statistical mechanics of Bose gas in Sierpinski carpets    [PDF]

Joe P. Chen

Monday, February 6, 2012

1104.1643 (Tilman Enss et al.)

Lightcone renormalization and quantum quenches in one-dimensional
Hubbard models

Tilman Enss, Jesko Sirker

1110.1204 (F. F. Bellotti et al.)

A supercircle description of universal three-body states in two

F. F. Bellotti, T. Frederico, M. T. Yamashita, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1202.0573 (Pierre-François Loos et al.)

Harmonically trapped jellium    [PDF]

Pierre-François Loos, Peter M. W. Gill

1202.0579 (Julien Salort et al.)

Mesoscale Equipartition of kinetic energy in Quantum Turbulence    [PDF]

Julien Salort, Philippe-E. Roche, Emmanuel Lévêque

1202.0584 (Sergej Moroz)

On a scale-invariant Fermi gas in a time-dependent harmonic potential    [PDF]

Sergej Moroz

1202.0599 (Z. M. He et al.)

Nonperiodic oscillation of bright solitons in the condensates with a
periodically oscillating harmonic potential

Z. M. He, D. L. Wang, Y. C. She, J. W. Ding

1202.0600 (Z. M. He et al.)

Rebound-through transition of bright-bright solitons collision in two
species condensates with repulsive interspecies interactions

Z. M. He, D. L. Wang, J. W. Ding

1202.0643 (J. Salort et al.)

Turbulent velocity spectra in superfluid flows    [PDF]

J. Salort, C. Baudet, B. Castaing, B. Chabaud, F. Daviaud, T. Didelot, P. Diribarne, B. Dubrulle, Y. Gagne, F. Gauthier, A. Girard, B. Hébral, B. Rousset, P. Thibault, P. -E. Roche

1202.0697 (E. G. Khamis et al.)

Hirota method for oblique solitons in two-dimensional supersonic
nonlinear Schroedinger flow

E. G. Khamis, A. Gammal

1202.0710 (Julien Salort et al.)

Energy cascade and the four-fifths law in superfluid turbulence    [PDF]

Julien Salort, Benoît Chabaud, Emmanuel Lévêque, Philippe-E. Roche

Friday, February 3, 2012

1101.5469 (Barnali Chakrabarti et al.)

Spectral statistics of interacting trapped many-boson systems in 3D    [PDF]

Barnali Chakrabarti, Anindya Biswas, V. K. B. Kota, Kamalika Roy, Sudip Kumar Haldar

1108.1821 (Antonin Coutant et al.)

Black hole radiation with short distance dispersion, an analytical
S-matrix approach

Antonin Coutant, Renaud Parentani, Stefano Finazzi

1110.0743 (Stephan Rachel et al.)

Detecting Quantum Critical Points using Bipartite Fluctuations    [PDF]

Stephan Rachel, Nicolas Laflorencie, H. Francis Song, Karyn Le Hur

1202.0006 (Marc Montull et al.)

Magnetic Response in the Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Transition    [PDF]

Marc Montull, Oriol Pujolàs, Alberto Salvio, Pedro J. Silva

1202.0060 (Brian Dellabetta et al.)

Imaging topologically protected transport with quantum degenerate gases    [PDF]

Brian Dellabetta, Taylor L. Hughes, Matthew J. Gilbert, Benjamin L. Lev

1202.0094 (Yuki Kawaguchi et al.)

Finite temperature phase diagram of a spin-1 Bose gas    [PDF]

Yuki Kawaguchi, Nguyen Thanh Phuc, P. Blair Blakie

1202.0099 (T. F. Xu et al.)

Gap solitons of a super-Tonks-Girardeau gas in a one-dimensional
periodic potential

T. F. Xu, X. L. Jing, H. G. Luo, C. S. Liu

1202.0145 (Aleksandra Maluckov et al.)

Stable periodic density waves in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
trapped in optical lattices

Aleksandra Maluckov, Goran Gligoric, Ljupco Hadzievski, Boris A. Malomed, Tilman Pfau

1202.0167 (A. Deltuva)

Properties of universal bosonic tetramers    [PDF]

A. Deltuva

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1111.2210 (Selma Koghee et al.)

Merging and alignment of Dirac points in a shaken honeycomb optical

Selma Koghee, Lih-King Lim, M. O. Goerbig, C. Morais Smith

1112.4754 (S. Knoop et al.)

Non-exponential one-body loss in a Bose-Einstein condensate    [PDF]

S. Knoop, J. S. Borbely, R. van Rooij, W. Vassen

1201.6363 (Manas Kulkarni et al.)

From GPE to KPZ: finite temperature dynamical structure factor of the 1D
Bose gas

Manas Kulkarni, Austen Lamacraft

1201.6400 (E. Demler et al.)

Universal dynamical phase diagram of lattice spin models and strongly
correlated ultracold atoms in optical lattices

E. Demler, A. Maltsev, A. Prokofiev

1201.6451 (Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany et al.)

The Inhomogeneous Extended Bose-Hubbard Model: A Mean-Field Theory    [PDF]

Jamshid Moradi Kurdestany, Ramesh V. Pai, Rahul Pandit

1201.6456 (C. C. N. Kuhn et al.)

Universality class of quantum criticality for strongly repulsive spin-1
bosons with antiferromagnetic spin-exchange interaction

C. C. N. Kuhn, X. W. Guan, A. Foerster, M. T. Batchelor

1201.6553 (P. A. Andreev)

Collective excitations of graphene excitons being in the Bose-Einstein
condensate state

P. A. Andreev

1201.6586 (T. Frederico et al.)

Universality in Four-Boson Systems    [PDF]

T. Frederico, A. Delfino, M. R. Hadizadeh, L. Tomio, M. T. Yamashita

1201.6627 (A. del Campo et al.)

Shortcuts to adiabaticity in a time-dependent box    [PDF]

A. del Campo, M. G. Boshier

1201.6630 (K. Jiménez-García et al.)

The Peierls substitution in an engineered lattice potential    [PDF]

K. Jiménez-García, L. J. LeBlanc, R. A. Williams, M. C. Beeler, A. R. Perry, I. B. Spielman

1201.6671 (A. Bermudez et al.)

Spin-Peierls Quantum Phase Transitions in Coulomb Crystals    [PDF]

A. Bermudez, M. B. Plenio

1201.6672 (A. Camacho et al.)

Ultra--cold gases and the detection of the Earth's rotation: Bogoliubov
space and gravitomagnetism

A. Camacho, E. Castellanos

1201.6674 (Stefan S. Natu et al.)

Dynamics of correlations in shallow optical lattices    [PDF]

Stefan S. Natu, Erich J. Mueller